This TTTG news Network set out to support the following story, but at the same time they set out to see if it is false, the information has been confirmed as true

The Military Aerosol Spraying of Depleted Uranium on North America has taken people by surprise. But Michele as a Scientist, made a couple of errors. First off, the Finger Print of Weapons Grade Uranium. Any Scientist would search for that data first.
Second, Humble soil fungi are being tested for their ability to clean up toxic depleted uranium left in the wake of modern warfare. "Cleaner war zones: Fungal hyphae with crystals of uranyl phosphate attached. Credit: University of Dundee"

When Snow Falls In Baghdad- NBC News
When Snow Falls In Baghdad- NBC News

if I may be allowed, to many now have fear in there heart, so i will share my knowledge, (U-235) is a weapons grade Uranium, (U238) is depleted uranium. (238) is used to help bring fission, or fusion to reactors. Also to help harden weapons to penetrate  the enemies weapons, tanks and shelters, and war ships.
Nano equipped Labs, Nano is a term- so small it is not seen by the human eye, It also allows fusion between organic and in-organic items. the life form must have a host (in-organic), in order to complete programing.

Virus's can be programed in the DNA Structure to allow its function to be completed.
A Virus, is also a non harm-full organism, as well as deadly, depending on the programing.
Fungal Hyphae, is a organic virus, the interfacing of it into in-organic material took place a long time ago.

 Depleted Uranium Engagement Points, Widespread depleted uranium contamination of DNA in populations results, these items have been permanently contaminated with toxic materials because of the Iraq and Iran War ... oil-chemical complex, chemical and fertilizer plants, pharmaceuticals.

A Federal Military Project A Cleaner War Zones

Rev. Michelle Hopkins- Military Aerosol Spraying Update

The Military Aerosol Spraying of Snow (DU) on North America and Iraq. This news is to show that there is no conspiracy against the people but only to clean up Uranium (U-235) and (DU 238). A Federal Military Project, for a "Cleaner War Zones."
The only conspiracy was by the Government to attempt to cover up what is taking place.

if you don't like Political Hip Hop then don't watch, it is the the hidden messages within. This video was also formatted as,  Dear Anonymous: We are Sorry We Didnt See-YouTube

Operation Iraqi Freedom- 2015

It all started with this posted video- TTTG News Networking- Depleted Uranium Cover Story

Life is what you make of it and freedom is yours, never let that slip away. I am in full support of this TTTG Network, one of the most honest forums seen world wide.

Aka Anonymous

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  • These video are posted as a CC- Share Alike, which breached your Government Inhibitors, and now their network is seen world wide. "YouTube Viral Videos" my best to all for New Years from my Wife and I.

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