GOP lawmakers allege Air Force is ‘hostile toward religion’

By Jeremy Herb - 06/22/12 02:33 PM ET

A group of 66 Republican lawmakers is accusing the Air Force of creating “a culture that is hostile toward religion.”

The House members wrote a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta asking him to investigate whether recent indicents at the Air Force are having a "chilling effect" on people of faith. 

The lawmakers outlined several instances where they had problems with Air Force policy, particularly a memo last year from Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, which said that “chaplains, not commanders” should notify airmen about chaplains’ religious programs. The lawmakers wrote the memo was “suggesting that the mere mention of these programs is impermissible.”

They also took issue with the suspension of a briefing that discussed Bible references, the changing of a Latin office motto that included God and removing Bibles from Air Force Inn checklists.

They wrote the policy of “complete separation” between church and state is having a “chilling effect” down the chain of command. 

“The changes lend credence to the notion that the Air Force will remove any reference to God or faith that an outside organization brings to its attention," the lawmakers wrote.

The Air Force said it has received the letter, and a spokeswoman said in a statement that the airmen are “free to exercise their Constitutional right to practice their religion — in a manner that is respectful of other individuals' rights to follow their own belief systems; and in ways that are conducive to good order and discipline; and that do not detract from accomplishing the military mission.”

“We are dedicated to creating an environment in which people can realize their highest potential without any consideration of one's personal religious or other beliefs,” the spokeswoman said.

Three lawmakers spearheaded the letter to Panetta: Reps. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), Randy Forbes (R-Va.) and Todd Akin (R-Mo.).

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  • As an Air Force Veteran, I am totally ashamed.

    • My sentiments exactly Chaplain...

  • America is becoming as GODLESS as Sodom & Gommorah.  Another harbinger for all to see.  I pray we have no more wars as the Chaplians will soon be outlawed from the battlefield, that is unless they be Imams or of a classification that represents anyone but GOD. Isaiah 9:10  Heaven help us.


  • that's about the biggest load of bs i've ever heard!!! 

  • America is heading over the Cliff!

    • With lots of help from gov't officials who are pushing the cart from behind.
  • This is admirable on the Congressman's parts. But I see the problem as the same misinterpretation of Separation of Church and State as the misinterpretation of Natural born citizen. Separation of church and state has been distorted to mean No Religion. What the Founders' meant was not to have a State (Country) sanctioned church such as the British had in The Church of England. It didn't mean to outlaw all religion which is now the case. But when you have heathens, agnostics, aethists, Socialists and Communists running the US government it is easy to understand their motive. God Bless these people for speaking out. Leon Panetta is a Globalist of the first magnitude and no religion is part of their wicked agenda.

  • I am a Canadian and worked with the US Forces overseas as well as having family including my son in the Canadian forces. I am totally appalled that this is happening.  Even I know the expression "One nation under God" - why don't the current politicians?

  • How much was it the USAF used to redistribute the  rocks and dirt to create a space for the cults to worship? That little

    space the  USAF Academy claims was somehow desecrated when some airman left behind a crucifix last year?

  • I support our God given rights to worship God as individuals, like many of our congressional leaders. However, it appears that our so-called military leaders have become nothing more than opportunists. In light of our Air Force 4 star, he too, seems to have completely fallen under the "Spell" of the Obama Administration's attack on religious freedom and is leading the attack in demoralizing our troops currently serving in our "Armed Forces." As for the letter mentioned above to the Secretary of Defense Panetta regarding this matter and the statement, "We are dedicated to creating an environment in which people can realize their highest potential without any consideration of one's personal religious or other beliefs," the spokeswoman said. Then you must look at another statement that literally nullifies the entire discussion! The Air Force said it has received the letter, and a spokeswoman said in a statement that the airmen are “free to exercise their Constitutional right to practice their religion — in a manner that is respectful of other individuals' rights to follow their own belief systems; and in ways that are conducive to good order and discipline; and that do not detract from accomplishing the military mission.” When you consider the statement I underline and put in Bold letters, that statement removes any "Freedom" to worship God as you see fit. Please consider the "ORDER" recently put out that Chaplains can not use the words in their "PRAYERS" Jesus Christ among others. The wording as presented above, removes any and ALL freedom to worship, as the spokesperson only implies, then with this statement removes it all. The first few words, " in a manner that is respectful of others, are key to the entire discussion that has already created much decent when a Christian Prayers and "Offends" a Muslim, and atheist or anyone else because they do not believe in God, therefore the Christian could be charged with "VIOLATING" the rights of these people.

       Therefore, "We-The-People"  must disregard all Party lines in November and remove ALL politicians that keep saying they are for religious freedom, but never do anything constructive to stop it. There are an estimated 17 million Christians in the US, thereby providing the POWER needed to remove these double talking career professional politicians. Folks - the BALL is in our court - how we vote will determine the true out come of the future of the U.S.    

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