From: Charles []
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017
Subject: A Petition for a Full Pardon, Reinstatement, and Restitution for Former Lt Col Terry Lakin – CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog
A Petition for a Full Pardon, Reinstatement, and Restitution for Former Lt Col Terry Lakin – CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
Citizens for the Constitution;
3 Feb., 2017
LTC Terry Lakin was a U.S. Army Flight Surgeon who had already served 2 tours in Iraq/Afghanistan, and when the usurping imposter Obama gave him orders for a 3rd tour there (all ‘orders’ into a combat zone originate with the Office of the Commander in Chief), LTC Lakin refused to obey that ‘unlawful order’ until the acting CINC could prove that he was a lawful and legitimate Commander in Chief.
LTC Lakin was ‘Kangaroo-Court Martialed’ in Dec. 2010 for ‘failure to report for duty/missing a movement’, was not allowed any arguments of defense (such as being provided with proof that the CINC was lawful and legitimate – still not proven), and was found ‘guilty’ and dishonorably discharged after 18 years of exemplary service, with a sentence of 6 months in Leavenworth!
This petition can help in not only correcting a great wrong done to one of our patriotic veterans, but can also help in highlighting the unlawful acts of the usurper Obama, … and perhaps lead the way towards eventually bringing him to justice.
Please click on the link below (or COPY and PASTE it into your browser), to get the details on the whole story, and for the direct link to the website where you can lend your name to the 100,000 needed by Feb 21, 2017 --- and get all those on your email list to join in also.
In Liberty and In Truth.
Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution
I have been following this..just have one comment: I am all for Terry being pardoned; however, how about the rest of our political prisoners? How about no murder charges filed against the FBI for murdering LaVoy?
Millie.........of course we want any and all unjustly punished released. But, post a separate page with any your want action on............let's not mix into this one.
Get the action out as Patricia and Chuck have done.........Twitter, FB, etc............thanks to all........
Done, Petition signed...also, don't forget to check your mail boxes, as you have to confirm your signature via email for it to count. I shared on my Facebook with many patriots as well.
Brother Wiley, I listened to your explanation of "Sanctuary...." this afternoon. Is it any wonder that we now have President Trump.........what a nightmare you have gone through. Amazing but not surprising how God took care of you during the bogus trial............your faith reflects a picture of Job.............God continue to bless your ministry.
Please do all you can to propagate the Terry Lakin issue.............
Signed it.
Signed it
Signed and posted on FB
I absolutely agree with those saying we should also petition to have all the other injustices done to those HONORABLY serving men of duty and obligation sentenced by the Obama Administration for Doing their Duties. Aside from Lt. ,Colonel Lakin , there are others like Clint Lorrance and Michael New, . Lorrance was a Lt who saved his charges from a suicide vested bomber but , when the hearing came up , was falsely testified against by Afghan witnesses supposedly given U.S. Citizenship to testify against him. New was a decorated Medic with two Afghan tours in the Clinton Administration . His unit was transferred To Germany and assigned under a Foreign Commander for a U.N. Mission . He objected and refused to comply because as he correctly pointed out, his oath of service was to defend and uphold OUR Constitution , not U.N. Policy, or to wear foreign uniforms or insignia, He was eventually given a bad conduct discharge and has been trying to clear his name ever since. There is also a black Sergeant named I think, Barry Myers with two daughters and a wife in similar circumstances as Clff Lorrance serving a life term , AGAIN for doing his duty and protecting those under him. This was NEVER the case in the Army When I served in Vietnam from May of '68- May of '69 . The thing we all hated was idiotic ROE's but they , as idiotic as they were and issued by legislators who never served are not nearly as bad as was Obama as CINC which was laughable except for the disrespect HE constantly showed for our valorous All Volunteer Troops. I was RA and considered odd as I did not burn my draft card and enlisted to fulfill what I took to be a citizenship Obligation after having accrued a degree in Government in 1967 and got to Vietnam in the late middle of the Tet Offensive. The way ALL our troops are treated by Government at large and the VA and former president in particular, Sicken and disgust me and I am not shy in saying so as they are a NATIONAL DISGRACE and what has been done to our troops is an ATROCITY! period. Navy Chaplain Wes M odder was saved by petition from being discharged with loss of benefits for Being a Chaplain in performance of his duty. I was personal protection for MOH Chaplain Charles Angelo Liteky of the 199th Light Infantry and it is disgusting that were he active today, he would be threatened as are ALL Chaplains when the Corps actually precedes the Declaration of Independence, having originated in 1775 as a necessity since we WERE Founded as a Christian Nation no matter what the revisionist fool Obama thinks.
Signed and confirmed, 2/4/17, 7:43 a.m. EST.