A Reminder of Consequences

On April 19, 1995 a yellow Ryder truck pulled up in front of the Alfred d P. Murrah building, housing several Federal Agencies such as the AT&F Offices and the Social Security Administration Offices. It also housed a day care center on the first floor. It is estimated that about 650 people were in the building shortly after 9:00 o'clock when the truck suddenly blew up -- and thousands of lives were changed forever. The attack claimed 168 lives and left over 800 people injured. It was the largest terrorist attack on American soil in history before the September 11 attacks. It remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in American history. The act itself was a tragedy that most Oklahomans and many around the nation will always remember. Some are doing that today, 14 years after that fateful morning.But the other point of this post is to remind people that the preponderance of the evidence is that a few disgruntled men (likely four or five evidence shows) who called themselves 'patriots' who were frustrated and angered by some of the government's tactics and activities, decided to take up arms and "fight back". Few today would defend those actions as having been "patriotic" -- and rightly so each of those convicted were properly labeled as domestic terrorists. This was a crime against Americans by individuals who in their own eyes took action against an oppressive government. In reality, they took action against innocent fellow Americans and destroyed much more than a building -- they destroyed lives that can never be rebuilt.The next time you hear some lunatics ranting about "it is time to take up arms and fight" ask yourself "Against whom would I be fighting, for what reason, and what do I hope to accomplish if I should join this person or group?" Then remember the bombing of that April morning. There may come a time when Americans may once again have to take up arms to take back our nation. But as has been often said as a reminder to those who scream "fight" out of their personal frustrations... frustrations easily understood -- this is NOT the time.

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    • Ronald, I'm sorry I missed your reply on this piece. I say thank you with gratitude and appreciation.
      The voting booth is still most powerful voice we have to make effective changes.
  • My nephew worked out of the IRS office and he missed being in the Murrah building by approx. 20 - 30 minutes on that fateful morning. Many innocent lives lost and countless lives changed forever. McVeigh was no patriot....he was a domestic terrorist. PERIOD.
    • I agree with you 100 percent Thomas. We see that clearly - however, there are thousands out there that are anxious to pull off something just as foolish and horrendous, thinking that they themselves really are true patriots for being willing to take up arms and fight against that which they disagree. But I always have to ask that person "who are you going to fight, and what are you thinking you will accomplish?"

      Thanks for the comment. I'm so glad you didn't loose your nephew that day. I wish nobody had died, and I have no sympathy for McVeigh or Nichols - they were disgruntled criminals turned "domestic terrorist" - just like you said. I can't argue with that.
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