Note where I got this post. I recommend this blog to everyone. Holger and those who post over there do a wonderful job. Some of you have met him in DC on some of our trips.
Finally! Someone in America has the balls to put in print what many of us have been thinking all along about trials for Gitmo jihadi inmates.
This article from Family Security Matters, written by retired First Sergeant John Bernard, captures exactly WHO we are dealing with concerning those occupying those cells in the Gitmo facility in Cuba.
Hold on to your hat, America, you are about to read the truth.
Still Arguing for Civil Trials for the Uncivilized!
Every once in a while, I am questioned about my stand on one element of this ongoing debate or another and the question is almost always couched in such a way as to bring discredit to this particular viewpoint. I find that interesting in general because I am not thin skinned and because this argument is not difficult to follow. Because it is not difficult to follow, it forces people to consider their true nature and their true allegiances.
I have always maintained that my sole concern is for our Warriors. This is not some misguided plea to protect Warriors from the dangers of warfare, it is in fact an attempt to protect them from the negligence and agenda of those in our own government. So when I receive the occasional hand wringing diatribe that so often allies the hand wringer with the enemies of this nation and our Warriors, I feel compelled to 'chew butt'.
What follows is an answer I gave to one such person who is morally conflicted about the handling of prisoners at Gitmo. Of course she has no particular moral conflict with the way our Warriors are treated by their own government, foreign prosecutors, the national media, the lies perpetrated by dirt bags hiding behind the doctrine of Taqiyya and left wing nut cases that are looking for any opportunity to help dismantle this country.
As Follows:
First of all; there has never been any actual evidence of 'abuses' of the dirt bags being held at Gitmo. The only thing there has ever been is unfounded accusations generally levied by someone on the left trying to push their agenda or someone with an ax to grind.
Second, and most importantly; we are talking about 'people' content to cut the heads from their 'enemies' and in general anyone who doesn't agree with them or take a knee to their demon god, Allah. These people are not covered by our Constitution because they are not Americans. They are not covered by the Geneva Conventions because they do not represent any nation or its people and they do not wear a uniform. The 'non-uniformed' clause in the Geneva Conventions is generally accepted to mean protection for civilians. By definition, civilians do not involve themselves in armed conflict and certainly not by siding with unrepentant murderers.
The only people still arguing for the 'entitlement of respect' of these dirt bags, are those arguing from the safety and sanctity of their well protected American homes - protected by the very Warriors they so easily cast to the wolves while denigrating this country and its foundational underpinning.
These 'people' cross borders and do harm to any and all as they and their religious ideology see fit. As such and with the support of my prior two points; they should expect no quarter from any sovereign nation or it's government or their armed forces.
The whole bloody argument over Military Tribunals versus Civilian Court is a straw argument based on a faulty definition of who these dirt bags are and how they 'should' be covered by our Constitution. This argument is generally levied by those in our society lacking intestinal fortitude and who believe in one big happy world - without borders.
So for those who may be reading this who think that way, listen up; this is a world of sovereign nations, with flags, unique systems of jurisprudence, a well identified citizenry and borders. Any person(s) who desires to do harm to the citizens of this nation - of their own accord or in accordance with the doctrines of their demon god should beware...governments do not 'bear the sword in vain' (Romans 13). If you/they want to test the sanctity of this nation and this government, you/they deserve to be treated as no better than a piece of rotting meat! The elected 'leaders' of this country should get their confused thoughts in alignment with this as well.
This should always have been done in a Military Tribunal and EVERY piece of evidence garnered - by whatever means it was gathered, should be admissible. These 'people' deserve nothing, should expect nothing and their 'supporters' need to consider who and what they are; citizens of this nation or allies with unrepentant, ideologically motivated murderers.
Semper Fidelis
John Bernard
As long as we have bho and others like him and Eric Holder nothing willl happen to the Islamic muslim terrorist....
speaking as ANOTHER MARINE, we have a saying in the Marine Corps and it goes like this.
to us it's pretty cut and dried and SIMPLE and MARINES ARE NEVER CONFUSED over this issue.
Semper Fi.
I wasn't a Marine, I was AF, but I gotta tell you when the Marines were there I was much happier. I never met a real Marine that I didn't immediately like. You guys were awesome in Desert Storm where I served with you. Hoo Rah! I love you guys, even if I had to chase you down to find my forklifts. LOL!
I still think that the best thing to do is release them back to their own countries but give them a full physical including inoculations of some veracious illness that they spread back home and that way we can track where they go and who is involved
I think every member of congress regardless of which house & all the Supreme Court should get a copy of this as well as obama, obiden etc,
I think even atheists would agree that if your neighbor tells you that his sole purpose in his life is to kill you and all the members of your family in any way he can just because you do not believe in his religion that he must be dealt with to protect your family. It boils down to this and this only. Forget all the sympathy courses you took in college and realize it is a yes or no question. This idea that sending them to some other country will solve our problem is ridiculous on its face. The fact is they will be turned loose, even assisted in that process, and get another chance to fulfill their religious dream. I retired in 1980 from the USAF after 24 years but am ready to don that uniform again to defend this country against these attacks.
This is what's behind every insane thing that is happening in America. Lot's of info.... The truth and danger is above. The whys are all answered here and a lot more.
As long as we have those in power who refuse to identify from where they come from we will continue to be attacked from within. Eric Holder is there to Cover for the Illeagl Alien in the Oval Office. Now we see Leon Panetta straying from the requirement to seek Congressional Approval prior to committing our Military. Can we begin to connect the dots and see where this is Headed??? I can and I hope you see the Forest in our future if we do not stop this Treacher before it multiplies.
Barrack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soretoro is not qualified to occupy the office he holds. Barry is in the process of destroying what those before us have fought and died for. Let's come together and demand answers while we still have the right to do it!!
This video was taken after he was put in office by the chicago mob and he is talking to college kids from out of country as he brags at what is being done... this has been on youtube for about 4 years and the left say that its been cropped to sound like it does. When the truth is real the left call it a lie...
I forgot to note that this was video was taken right after he became a senator which under the rules he could be voted in to office but not the rules for the white house...