Goldwater Institute

Goldwater Institute Policy Report

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  • Everyone should look at Hillsdale College in Michigan or Liberty University. This is not only a problem with Colleges. When I went to High School in Michigan we had a Superintendant, 1 Principle, 3 women in the High school office and 2 in the middle school office and 2 in the elementery office. This was a class A school with around 400 students graduating each year. Yes a very large school. In the late 80s my childrens middle school had a principle, 3 vice principles and abot 7 women working in the office, the Principle drove a new Mercedes and made 74k a year while a new teacher made 34K a year. Even the janitor made more then the teachers. They suspended my daughter because she dyed her hair blond!!! When I threatened to sue they let her come back as long as she didnt dye her hair again, which is a violation of her rights. I removed her from the school and put her in a private Christian school.
  • From a real live perspective, I had spend many years working with Developmentaly Disabled Individuals, and have sponsored their improvement, in Public Schools, and in Private Homes (managed care).

    I have witnessed a College Graduate with a Degree in Electrical Engineering that could not write ligible enough to read and understand the comments. I witness many with partial degrees, and high school student graduates, who tried to perform. Most were functionally illiterate. KFC, with Cash Register, give a clerk $22.15 for a $17.15 cent box of KFC. Could not make change of $5.00 correctly, accused me of trying to cheat them. Manager of same KFC (35+ years old) could not understand the mathematics of the transaction. Same KFC, closed doors in less than 1 year later. Where did these people get their education (U.S. of A. Public Education). And, the cost of education is high because of the Federal Department of Education. Do completely away with that bunch of MORONS and return the money to the tax payers.

    We would almost see economic recovery instantly. May even have a generation of students graduating in less than 1 Decade that can read, write, and make change.

    Do not take this writing as gospil. THe next time you go to a grocery store, if there is a young person stocking the milk coolers, ask the individual what a SOY COW looks like and suggest they put up a picture of a SOY Cow on the cooler so you can recognize what breed of COW that SOY Milk products comes from!! (The respones are hillaric).

    Have a NICE COW ID Day folks. Think about this one.
  • Here in Alaska you have some of the highest paid teachers in the country and in the last national rating we are the 4th from the BOTTOM (DUMEST).
    I fought the school district tooth and nail to get my kids thru the system with some form of education.
  • I am a proud Home School Parent who has a son currently at West Point and another who will finish college next year as a Marine Officer. They get it!

    "Duty, Honor, Country; Do Not Lie, Cheat or Steal, Nor Tolerate Those
    Who Do! Liberty Cannot Be Preserved Without General Knowledge Among The People." John Adams
    • "Whiile ths may be a big part of it, there is another key thing hiking expenses: the masses of kids going into college who are not prepared for it because they never study, never read, and can't write well enough for college work. "

      So if the kids graduate HS,and really don't have the skills it required,how did they pass? And how is that their fault?
  • @Judith:
    "whose job largely consists of beating the teachers on the theory that then the students will be genuise, generating and requiring more and more paperwork, which is a waste of teim."
    Judith, you may want to consider another occupation!lol
  • Gross Stupidity: 144 Federal Workers trying to make a decision.
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