AG Barr NOT a friend to the People.
US Attorney General William Barr is NOT a friend of the people. He is NOT a defender of justice, liberty, and the American way.
Instead AG Barr is a defender of the deep-state liberals and Democrats, a defender of the ‘Good-ole-boy’ network and the insider’s club in the US Government, and in the US Department of Justice.
Where are the investigations, prosecutions of those who attempted a coup D’E’tat against the President? Where are the prosecutions of those individuals who attempted to overthrow our Constitution, and the 2016 elections?
Where are the prosecutions of those who deceived and lied to the FISA Courts to get wire-taps against American citizens?
Why did AG Barr refuse to indict the FBI director ?
Instead AG Barrs says of the Bundy case, Resisting federal agents is wrong.
Apparently AG Barr never read the entire Bundy case, he never read the transcripts of the Bundy trials. He never read the section of the Exculpatory evidence that showed that the BLM went to Nevada with a “Kill-List” for the entire Bundy family. AG William Barr only read the Nevada prosecutors complaints and indictments against the Bundy family.
Attorney General William Barr apparently feels that it’s okay for Federal agents to massacre an entire family so that Senator Harry Reid could confiscate their Bunkerville land.
Where are the indictments and prosecutions of the Oregon State Police that shot and killed Lavoy Finnicum? AG Barr apparently believes it's okay for the Oregon State police to shoot and kill an innocent man.
But it’s NOT okay if 300 ranchers and friends show up to stop the massacre. THAT would be obstructing Federal agents and resisting Federal agents.
NO – Attorney General William Barr is NOT a friend of the People, he is NOT a defender of the truth, justice, and the American way.
NO – Attorney General William Barr is NOT a defender of equal justice for all.
Tell me Mr. Barr, Where are the indictments on Hillary Clinton and those 33,000 deleted emails?
Where are the indictments against Hillary and friends on that Uranium-One Russian deal?
Tell us Mr. Barr - Where are the indictments of the Obama administration on that $150 Billion dollars he transferred to Iran?
Where are the investigations and indictments against Obama and Hillary on that Benghazi murder of Ambassador Steven's and the others? What about the coverup after they were murdered?
Where is the investigation into the flow of military weapons into Libya by Clinton and Obama.?
Where is the investigation into the 600 Billion US dollars missing from the US State Department under the Clinton reign as Secretary of State?
Where are the indictments of representative Adam Schiff for submitting false documents and statements to the US Senate in the impeachment trial.?
Where is the indictments of CIA Head John Brennan for deliberately submitting false documents and lying to Congress about that "Russian Collusion" scam?
OH - NO Our Attorney General William Barr is more concerned with putting men behind bars for standing up against the FBI and the Bureau of Land Management when they attempted to murder the entire Bundy family so that Senator Harry Reid could confiscate their land.
Tell me something Mr. Attorney General William Barr, where IS that Equal-Justice for all under the Law and for the American people?
And why in hell is Gerry DeLemus still in prison?