I hope all is well with you and yours.
Sadly things here on the ranch have taken a turn for the worse.
It seems that the BLM played its hand in retaliatory fashion.

My son Ammon has put together some information as to how the BLM intends to steal our ranch away from us, this time by declaring it to be an "Area Of Critical Environmental Concern".  This is the BLMs way to go around congress and declare Bundy ranch a wilderness area.  It is an abuse of power an we ask that you contact your representatives in congress and tell them the American people will not stand for unelected representatives pushing people off the land using administrative closures to create the equivalent of wilderness areas without congressional approval and the only reason they are doing this is to punish us for standing our ground.

You can use this link to find your representatives. http://www.contactingthecongress.org/



On Friday October 10th, 2014 a Notice from the federal registry reveals that the federal government is mounting retaliations against the Bundy family and the Southern Nevada people.

Federal Register / Vol. 79, No.197 Notice, outlines plans to make the Bundy ranch and most of the rest of Southern Nevada, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs). 90 days from October 10th, 2014 these proposals will become federal law without consent from the Nevada State legislatures or the people of Southern Nevada.

Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) are human restricted management areas. ACECs have been a tool used by the federal government to gain further control of large masses of western lands and the resources.

As proposed, nearly 3 million acres in Southern Nevada will be locked away from the people. This includes most uses on the land (recreational, agricultural or otherwise).

Listed below are just a few of the outlined restriction that come with ACECs:

· Closed Roads
· Excluded Trails
· Closed to Camping
· Closed to Recreational Vehicles
· Closed to Motorized Travel
· Closed to Livestock Grazing
· Restricted Human Hiking
· Restricted Horseback Riding
· Exclude Group Recreations
· Closed to Mineral Development
· Closed to Water Access
· Closed to Hunting / Target Shooting

The Southern Nevada people soon will have less access to their lands than any other people in the history of this country.

There are 33 new Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) proposed to cover Southern Nevada totaling 1,739,795 acres. 12 of the 22 existing ACECs are also proposed to be expanded. (See List Below) The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) filed this lists on October 1st.



Area Acres Area Acres
Big Spring Valley 79,958 Muddy Mountains 228,297
Bitter Spring 61,840 Old SpanishTrail 51,449
California Wash 11,998 Opel Mountains 77,410
Gale Hills / Lovell Wash 4,788 Pahrump Valley 41,770
Grapevine Springs 202 Pahrump Valley to McCullough 274,061
Highland Range 53,015 Perkins Ranch 408
Hiko Wash 708 South Bare Mountains 87,692
Ivanpah Valley 3,134 South Newbury Mountains 26,877
Invanpah Valley 289,599 Specter Hills 6,603
Jean Lake 12,692 Devils Hole Hills 283,538
LaMadre (North & South) 2,431 Spirit Mountain 9,488
Lava Dune 623 Stewart Valley 5,204
Logandale 8,118 Stuart Ranch 278
Lower Mormon Mesa 66,353 Stump Spring 126,952
Mesa Milkyetch 9,183 Upper Las Vegas Wash 22,244
Moapa / Mesquite 2,219 Valley of Fire 131,378
Mt Schader 285 Mormon Mesa 167,594
Virgin River 8,500 Whitney Pockets 160
Armagosa Mesquite 9,650 Arden Sites 1,142
Arrow Canyon 2,070 Ash Meadows 28,202
Big Dune 2,456 Coyote Spring 51,528
Crescent Townsites 435 Devils Throat 848
Gold Butte 346,895 Keyhole Canyon 446
Hidden Valley 3,356 Piute / Eldorado 352,159
Rainbow Gardens 39,366 Red Rock Springs 683
River Mountain 11,029 Stump Springs 646

Total Restricted Acres 2,767,941

This is a direct assault on the State of Nevada. It is also a deliberate retaliation against the people for standing against the horrific action of several federal agencies at the Bundy ranch.

The boldness of the federal government's timing and action on these matters are astonishing. They are again making a clear case that they are willing to use federal power to punish the local people. Harry Reid's declaration "This is not over" is proving to be uncharacteristically accurate.

Before the Bundy ranch standoff, there were approximately 1 million acres of ACECs in Southern Nevada. Now after the Bundy standoff, the BLM is proposing an additional 1.8 Million acres (a 280% increase) all of which just happens to be in Southern Nevada.

Although this is not proof, anybody with a little intelligence can see that Harry Reid and the BLM are not protecting the environment; they are punishing their enemies.

How is it that all newly proposed critical environmental land in the Untied States just happens to reside within miles of the Bundy ranch? Is the land in Southern Nevada so different/dangerous/special/delicate and important?

From near the beginning of history, tyrannical men have sought to oppress through the control of land and resources, "Control the land and resources, and you have the power to control the people". There is a direct correlation to land and resources with power and wealth. All major powers in world history have gained their power & wealth by conquering the land and controlling the resources.

It is self-evident that certain men within our government understand this and have implemented these age-old tactics upon the people of this country. For decades they have used government to gain power & wealth for themselves by controlling the land and resources.

Our founding fathers understood this nature, they drafted the Constitution to protect us from the despotic men that history is so full of. They limited the powers of government by outlining what lands the federal government can control and by separating the powers they hold. Their intent was to quickly dispose the land and resources to the local people, where it is most safe.


Under federal rule, the people that live on or near the land have no say to what happens in their own backyards. They have no republic form of government. The decisions are all made by appointed representatives from Washington D.C. These representatives have no responsibility to the people and there is no practical legal way to hold them accountable. In direct violation of the U.S. Constitution federal agencies use the lands as their own and suppress the rightful stewards.

At the moment of Statehood land inside the new State is no longer U.S. Territory, and no longer does U.S. Congress or any of the federal agencies have authority to dispose of the land or make any rules or regulations respecting to it. At Statehood it becomes the right and duty of the people of the State to dispose of and regulate all the lands within the boarders of that State. This is called a republic form of government, for the people, by the people.

The incident at the Bundy ranch indicates that people are beginning to question the legitimacy of federally control lands within their State. It also proves that the people have the courage to stand against despotic government actions. The purpose of the federal government is to protect and uphold the rights of the people, not to profit from the spoils in taking their lands and resources away.

The recent action of the BLM in creating new federal code (ACECs) to expand their control and power by restricting the people further from their lands is a continuation of illegally controlling land with-in a State.


We call upon our County and State representatives to take courage and end the unconstitutional federal control of land and resources within the State. The legal and rightful control of the land belongs to the local people. The land within the State must be returned to people in a republic form of government. It is time for the State to dispose of the land to the people, open the land up for useful purposes, and protect the preemptive property rights of the people.

Lest there be any confusion regarding how these new federal rules impact the Bundy family, we will continue ranching as our family has done in the Southern Nevada area for over 137 years. We intend to use our preemptive property rights of grazing and water, the rights that Nevada State law both recognizes and is charged to protect.

We are not intimidated by the past action of the federal government, nor will we yield to their future attempt to subdue the State or the people. We refuse to submit to unconstitutional codes and regulation that dismantle Statehood and deprived our American neighbors and ourselves of the unalienable right so many of our kinsmen suffered and died for.

The Bundy Family

October 25, 2014
Bundy Ranch
Forward this email


This email was sent to rpmckinley@unseen.is by cbundyemails@gmail.com |  

Bundy Ranch | 7175 Gold Butte Rd | Bunkerville | NV | 89007

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  • A follow up message from Carol Bundy, Thursday Nov. 6th;

    (From Carol) Hi,

    I hope I didn't cause too much concern with my last email.
    We have had people calling and asking if they need to come to the ranch.

    We do not need anyone to come to the ranch.  There is nothing to do here
    except work the ranch.  We are not expecting anything to happen here.

    We are asking for you to send some letters and emails.

    I am going to ask you to do it again, this time we would like you to
    share your opinion on the matter with the State of Nevada and our
    county Commissioners and county Sheriffs.

    We want them to start acting like a State.

    As I mentioned in my previous email the BLM wants do designate a ton of land
    in Nevada, including our ranch as an "Area of Critical Environmental Concer".

    A bit more information follows.
    Thank you for all of your support.


    THEY MUST SAY NO! The County and State represenatives can and must start acting like a State. They must say NO to the Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) and bureaucratic controlled land inside the State. The federal bureacrats are not the guilty party. The responsibility lies with the County and the State officials for allowing these federal agencies to control with unlimited power what is rightfully the States to do. 

    We must call upon our County and State representatives to take courage and end the unconstitutional bureaucratic control of land and resources within the State. The legal and rightful control of the land belongs to the local people. 


    It is time for our State and County representative to take control of the land.  It is time that they dispose of the land to the people, open the land up for useful purposes, and protect the preemptive property rights of those in whom they are charged to serve.


    "Why stand ye here idle?  Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!"


    -Patrick Henry





    It is time to  overwhelm The County Commissioners, The State Legislatures, The Governor and The County Sheriff with emails, phone calls and even written letters.  


    It is very simple , say NO to the bureaucrats and  give access to the people for recreation and use of the resources. 


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.
    - Edmund Burke




    Nevada State Assembly


    Clark County Commissioners

    Clark County Sheriff

    Nye County Commissioners 

    Nye County Sheriff

    Lincoln County Commissioners

    Lincoln County Sheriff 

  • Beyond belief!  We need Breitbart to jump on this.... make it a national concern... I'll work on that angle this weekend... no time now.

  • Posted by Canada Free Press. Nov 10th, 2014

    Remember last April Senator Harry Reid said "This is not the last of this"? Don't kid yourselves folks, Reid fully intends to take that land one way or another. Even if it means killing the Bundy's and anyone else who stands in his way. Then when he get's done with the Bundy's and Nevada, they will take Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The full story is posted on our web site, along with names and addresses of the Nevada officials who need to know that We-The-People will not tolerate Harry Reid and the Federal Government taking our lands and destroying our States.http://patriotsforamerica.ning.com/.../alert-bundy-ranch...

This reply was deleted.


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