All Hell Is Breaking Loose: Will We Survive the Soros Led American Spring?
As the old saying goes, when one thing happens, it is a coincidence. When something happens twice, it is a trend. When the event/action gets repeated for a third time, it is a pattern. And a pattern is what Trevor Louden, Doug Hagmann and myself has uncovered. What are we talking about?
The Overthrow of the United States Government
Trevor Louden, the author of Enemies Within, Doug Hagmann and myself are all saying the same thing. We are in the early stages of a civil war that is designed to take down the United States. The New World Order must destroy the US because there is no place in the New World Orer for liberty and freedom. The idea of a nation state will go by the wayside and the planet will be governed corporate style, such as in the 1975 movie, Rollerball.
Prior to the election of Trump, the globalists were in the final phase of extracting as much material wealth from the people of the United States before collapsing the system. Now the globalists must fight to get back what ground they have lost due to the election of Trump.
The Democrats and the Republicans are united on the need to takedown Donald Trump. Trump is not their enemy, but rather the symbol that will be used to usher in the New World Order. President Trump is the convenient fall-guy from which to target so the globalists can squash, once and for all, the populist spirit of the American people prior to the nation’s destruction.
The Congress and the Senate are united on two fronts:
- They both support free trade agreements and these “representatives of the people” have been handsomely rewarded for falling into line with the corporate takeover of the US government.
- The globalists are promoting mass immigration in all major western nations. Why? The answer is simple, they seek to decultralize the major nations prior to establishing global governance. When the dominant language and the mores and the customs of the modern nations are gone, all that is left is globalism.
All, in all, this process can best be understood from 3 perspectives. The three perspectives, as I mentioned, comes from Trevor Louden, Doug Hagmann and myself.
Part One: The Enemies Within-Trevor Louden
In both his book and his documentary by the same name, Louden identifes 80 elected representatives of the American people who have been elected to the the House and the Senate who belong to front groups for either the Communist Party or the world’s biggest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, or both at the same time. Largely, these representatives, such as Elizabeth Warren and John McCain have been recruited from the ranks of those who enthusiastically supported free trade and the subsequent loss of millions of American jobs. McCain was a co-sponsor of CAFTA, a free trade agreement.
Louden detais how these associations impacts the American people as it alters Congressional policies and laws that are passed.
Louden’s documentary is available on Amazon Prime. Also, I should mention that former Congressman West makes the exact same claims as does Louden and he names the same people. Am I talking about treason, you are damn right I am.
Part Two: The Subversive Groups of Obama and Soros-Doug Hagmann
In the follwing video, Doug Hagmann described, in detail, the emerging and covert army that is emerging in American designed to overthrow the government. As I said, Donald Trump is just a convenient target, the real objective is the subjugation of, the depopulation of, and the destruction of the US Constitution and all of American civil liberties.
At the heart of the subversive takedown of America is Obama’s Organizing for America. It is run by former President Obama and it has 250 nationwide chapters. Emanting from this parent group are other Obama/Soros organizations such as Indivisble. Indivisible receives their funding from Soros groups such as and the ACLU. It is interesting to note that last night Oscars, the looney left that dominates the Hollywood contingent were wea0ring blue ribbons to support the ACLU. Doug singles out Angela Padilla as one of the leaders in this movement. She is connected with the Soros funded La Raza which seeks to break up the United States through movements like CALEXIT of which Padilla, along with the Mexican Consulate and the drug cartel leadership compromise an intimate part of CALEXIT as are former Attorney Generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.
Doug also points out that the group Indivisible has published “A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda” (ie how to destroy the Constitution, the economy and the social fabric of America).
Doug also identifes the Weather Underground, which is run through the man who launched Obama’s political career, Bill Ayers, has reared its ugly head, once agai, to terroize America. The social networking and planned rioting from Soros funded groups like the Center for Popular Democracy, the thugs from Acorn, which are funded by Ford Foundation and the Democracy Alliance will wreak havoc on the American people this Spring.
Doug notes that Twitter and Facebook are facilitating the revolution. As expected, the media is part of this and this is why President Trump labled the media “the enemy of the people”.
The reader should get the idea, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. More detail is available in the following video produced by Doug Hagmann.
Part Three: The Implementation of Soros’ Led Takedown of America-Dave Hodges
I have previously stated that America is at a very dangerous time in her history. The enemy (e.g. George Soros and his puppetiers) are already inside the gates wreaking havoc.
The Arab Spring (2017) Comes to America
George Soros is following a script that he all too familiar with. Soros is implementing the Arab Spring strategies in very similar fashion to what he did over five years ago in the Middle East.
His playbook is a combination of Hillary Clinton’s hero, S. Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals.
It is becoming clear that Soros is implementing the strategies associated with the first three stages listed below. However, we can be certain that the globalists are going all the way.
The Final Solution
There will become a bifurcation point where soft kill methods, and diluting the native population through massive immigration will not be enough to ensure total dictatorial control over the planet by the globalists because its methods of replacement are not expeditious enough. That is when soft kill will need to become the Final Solution of hard kill.
In history, the pattern is always the same:
Step One
Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street. It is better if this can happen in the midst of some other social chaos to take fully advantage of the magnification effect.
The plan calls for the complete disintegration of law order. Soros has his excuse, the election of Donald Trump . Soros has properly engineered group think in which some groups, collectively, have manufactured enough fear based upon lies, that people are striking out. We are seeing this with riots in our major cities. Soros is perpetrating a race war and when it spreads to other segments of our population, not only will safety be imperiled but so will the distribution of goods and services.
Step Two
Combine the economic collapse with the creation of a false flag series of events which necessitates the need for martial law and extreme measures of subjugation.
It would appear that a mass casualty event is in the works, but the rioting of groups like Obama’s OFA will do quite nicely in the meantime.
Step 3
Cordon people off for their own protection by eliminating travel.
Step Four
Exploit whatever free labor can be extracted from this doomed group while they are being protected and this means the implementation of a Congressionally backed “New Deal like programs” which will promise to put people back to work. You can call them labor camps, I will call them FEMA Camps. This is precisely what Weatherman Underground leader, Bill Ayers, talked about doing.
Step Five
Systematically exterminate the undesirable group as a move to promote national unity against a contrived common enemy (e.g. Christians). By this time, Trump will be gone from power. The new radicalls will impose the use of the NDAA will come into full view and we will witness unparalleled persecution of averge citizens that “don’t fit in.
Step Six
World War III will evolve out of the turmoil as was the case with World War II-Serfdom will re-emerge
Step Seven
This is when global depopulation will begin in earnest. When the smoke clears and the bulk of humanity has been buried, the New World Order will truly be born.
These seven steps are all supported by past history. What makes Americans think that we are immune to established historical precedent?
Sometimes it is good to be reminded of who we are fighting and what their Agenda (2030) consists of.
many i spk to already understand this and are preparing
we see the alinsky tactics and the obama/soros moves and are praying the pres weed out the leaks which are prob holdovers from obamas admin and prob some republicans who dislike him.
many questions arise one being how do we protect pres trump and then ourselves
where do we go?
how do we communicate? maybe we cannot right away. oath keepers website is going thru this now.
Pray often,
Prepare and
Stay Alert Stay Alive wonders just why Trump has not picked up HRC and her minions, Obama and his minions and of course Soros; Soros cannot be here anymore I read but I just bet anyone of you, he has contacts that will allow him back in for the right dollar amount.
wonder no more , to begin with , a federal prosecutor or DOJ must convene a grand jury who in turn after
reviewing the evidence agrees to formal charges being levied against HRC and associates..
there may be unknown reasons why Donald has not instructed DOJ / FBI to proceed..
i recall he saying he wants to move forward with his campaign promises as his priority..
as we know , he is being assaulted from every corner in many ways to stop his attempts to make america
great...i would be pleased if he returned government authority to abide by constitutional law to include
all agencies and the federal court system.
Thank you Gary! Yet, with things becoming more and more an inclement environment for the administration and safety for We the People, one should wonder, if, when and how something will start to shut this down?
The original First Amendment calls for a Rep. every 30 to 50000 people..eleven states are on would think not only in this situation but that of just, sheer politics, it would be well to have our Reps close to us as they would be more in tuned with their fellow constituents.
One also needs to consider that our OWN government, when passing the NDAA in 2013, authorized using propaganda against our OWN citizens!!!
"The US government has unbound the legal regulations against using propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting the American and foreign people in controlled psy-ops.
The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.
These laws made propaganda used to influence foreigners and US citizens illegal. Without these laws, disinformation could run rampant throughout our information junkets.
This amendment added to the NDAA has passed into implementation as of this month.
SMA defines the prohibition of domestic access to influence information through a variety of means, from broadcast to publishing of books, media, and online sources by restricting the State Department.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors was created from SMA. This agency claims to “inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy”. They omit that their specialty is making sure propaganda is added to the informational flow we all depend on.
The amendment sanctions the US government, without restriction, the use of any mode of message to control how we perceive our world.
As of now, the level of propaganda in the mainstream media (MSM) is quite high, with all of our television, printed media and internet sites associated with MSM owned by only 5 corporations.
Without these laws, the lies purveyed as truth to foreigners would find their way to our doorsteps as a purposeful operation enacted by our government. And in the name of national security, the US government could, and probably would, disseminate misinformation to gain public support for otherwise decidedly deplorable actions.
Amendment 114 of the NDAA was approved by the House in May of 2012.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (2012) reads:
Sec. 501. (a) The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors are authorized to use funds appropriated or otherwise made available for public diplomacy information programs to provide for the preparation, dissemination, and use of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, its people, and its policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors may, upon request and reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred in fulfilling such a request, make available, in the United States, motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad.
According to Michael Hastings : “The new law would give sweeping powers to the State Department and Pentagon to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.” (NOTE from JG: Is this the same Michael Hastings who died in a mysterious car accident?)
Representatives Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and Adam Smith (D-WA) in the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (2012) (H.R. 5736), advocate that it is time to liberate the authority of the US government to broadcast American produced foreign propaganda in the U.S.
The amendment, which was hidden within the NDAA, has remained relatively unnoticed. However, it empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe.
All oversight is removed with Amendment 114 . Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.
Thornberry believes that with the use of the internet by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, the federal government needs to have the freedom to circulate their own propaganda to combat terrorism effectively.
“I just don’t want to see something this significant – whatever the pros and cons – go through without anyone noticing,” says one source on the Hill, who is disturbed by the law. According to this source, the law would allow “U.S. propaganda intended to influence foreign audiences to be used on the domestic population.”
Four billion dollars per year is spent by the Pentagon on propaganda aimed at the American public; as well as $202 million spent by the Department of Defense on misinformation operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011.
Currently, the Pentagon is using “ sock puppet ” (fake handles) on social media sites to purvey false information, harass users and enact psy-ops to influence Americans.
A California corporation is working with the US Central Command (CENTCOM) in spreading propaganda overseas. They provide “online persona management service” that allows active duty military to set up an estimated 10 different false identities that are used worldwide.
Each fake persona comes complete with a background history and safeties to prevent “sophisticated adversaries” from discovering the lie.
CENTCOM spokesman Commander Bill Speaks said: “The technology supports classified blogging activities on foreign-language websites to enable CENTCOM to counter violent extremist and enemy propaganda outside the US.”
Sophisticated software allows military to engage in online conversations with coordinated answers, blog comments and instant messaging remarks that are solely meant to spread pro-American propaganda.
US Army whistleblower, Lieutenant Col. Daniel Davis believes there is a definitive aspiration within the US government “to enable Public Affairs officers to influence American public opinion when they deem it necessary to “protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will.”
Edward Bernays would be proud.
Americas NEW Most Wanted List (PART I)
Between George Soros and John McCain, the swamp is refusing to be drained
Why is Trump’s list of campaign promises in jeopardy despite Republicans controlling both chambers of congress?
A new day is indeed dawning in America, a day when the Rule of Constitutional Law has returned – a day when accountability has returned – a day when the American people will take their country back from a global cabal of malcontent misfits and make America great again! Of course, some of those malcontents don’t like it much.
For nearly a hundred years, since the Wilsonian era, America has been driven into a failing state, a nation no longer acknowledged for the leadership we have provided or the good we have done in the world for over 200 years. America was being destroyed by anti-American, anti-freedom and liberty forces around the world and embedded within. That era has ended…
Starting on January 21, 2017, the swamp (READ: sewer) we have shamelessly called our government for far too long, is being drained. To clean out the sewer we call politics and media, a new most wanted list must be addressed swiftly.
This is also part of the scheme... I heard Flynn had "the list"....... keep an eye on this as well.....