Allan Wests' Facebook page


I am concerned with the calendar and the expectations from leaders to only be on the Hill 123 days out of the entire year.  What are we doing for the taxpayers the rest of the year?  My constituents expect more of me.  I wrote a letter to Majority Leader Eric Cantor about my concerns. And what about these congressional "retreats"...some of them taxpayer funded?  See below my news release. My hope is that reporters will seriously look at this issue.  I encourage all of you to also log on to Majority Leader Eric Cantor's website and review the congressional calendar yourself.  What do you think??


(Deerfield Beach, FL) Congressman-Elect Allen West has questions surrounding the Congressional calendar released last week and has written a letter to House Majority Leader-Elect Eric Cantor to reflect those concerns.


"As we know, Congress needs to work to create jobs, reduce the deficit, strengthen our economy, limit the size of government and contend with a plethora of national security issues," West said.  "How are we to do that when, among other things, we start off being in session only ten days the entire month of January?"


Congressman-Elect West is concerned with the fact that Congress is only in session 123 days, only one-third of the entire year. He points out that Congress will not even meet the mark of 90 days in session until September of 2011, just a matter of days before the end of the Fiscal Year.


"I am sure we both agree that the issues before us today require the members of Congress to go beyond what has been the accepted practice in the past to meet the challenges of the future," West writes to Cantor.


West is also concerned with the "retreats" in the month following the swearing in - some of them taxpayer funded- for members of Congress. Congressman-Elect West has already decided he will not attend at least two of the retreats.


"We have to show the American people we are going to be different than years past," West said.  "We are there for one reason and one reason only, to work for the constituents of the districts we are so privileged to represent.  I hope that if it becomes clear that we are not meeting the promise we made to the American people, leadership will modify the schedule in order for us to accomplish the important task we have before us."



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  • You mean they are being paid over 100,000 dollars for a 123 day year.  That is one of the biggest rip-offs brought to light to date.  These ignorant fools are being paid to kick back and do nothing?  Nice job if you can get it.  How about we pay Congress a daily wage instead of yearly?  Or better yet, an hourly wage for hours worked.  And why are the people paying for their retreats?  No one pays all of that for the average citizen.

    • The salary is absurd; indeed.  But Congress was never intended to be in session year 'round.  That was the reason for the  ruling about NECESSARY Presidential interim appointments, for EMERGENCY use when it took weeks for letters to even reach people, and Congress might not be in town.  Of course Obama ABUSES that completely, like everything else he touches, but that was the reason for it to be included.  In AZ our state legislature isn't in session all year either.  They go home to their "day jobs" too.  Thing is that's NOT what Congress is doing on their time off, as it was meant to be, and was in the early days.  They had to go home for the spring planting, the harvest and the like.  However, I'm with Harry; the less they do, it seems like the BETTER for the nation; but at the same time,  I do think that salary for such little effective work needs to be slashed, say in half!

  • I knew I liked this man, and this just furthers my thoughts of him. We may have to take a hard look at him for POTUS in 2012.

    • I agree with the statement below.As much as I love Sarah,West is the MAN

      (and I have seen the vids of Him speaking) to place the proverbial Combat boot

      in the arses of the goldbricks on the hill.


      GO WEST!!!!

  • Even that's TOO LONG! ! One of their primary purposes is to insure that the Military is sufficiently financed and maintain our Superiority in the World - they are extraordinarily lax in even doing this, as is the "ISLMAIC" Chairman, Obama, who's PRIMARY DUTY IS COMMANDER IN CHIEF.


    The 'c'ongress has usurpted too many functions.power that the States Should be doing according to the Constitution, and this 'p'resident has taken too many functions/power from the 'c'ongress.


    The Congress should be severly limited to it's Constitutional Duties as should the president to his - congress could do that is 6 months and then quite messing with our Freedoms.


    Take Care,


    TSGT Clough

  • I fully understand what Congressman West is saying about Congress working only part time. On the other hand, at this time in our history the job Congress has done for the American people is the problem and more of the same is not the answer. If Congressman West could promise that a longer working Congress would be more responsible and really work for the betterment of the USA and not their own pet projects, self advancement and re-election, then I would agree. As it is I wish they would stay out of session entirely. At least that way they would not be able to do more harm then they already have to this once great nation and the American people. We must throw out the trash and I mean all of the trash in 2012. When Congressman West finds out the real way Congress works he just might agree with me.

  • Might I suggest that if we simply followed the advice of James Madison, the problem would resolve itself.

    "The house of representatives . . . can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the greart mass of society.  This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together.  It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny.  --- James Madison, Federalist No. 57, 1788

    • Clarence, I think you've struck on the problem!  I am convinced that most of our representatives are ignorant and do not care to become educated in the great thinking that created our unique and powerfully liberating principles of governance. The court ought to be the guardian, the final back-stop against the erosion of originalist constitutional principles, but it also has not been reliable.

      • I kind of disagree here; the courts seem entirely reliable, with few exceptions, to do exactly the WRONG thing for the nation and the people of this nation!

  • I agree with Patrino.    If all Congressmen and Senators were like Allan West, I'd be OK with them being in session a little longer.  As it is I want them out of there as much as possible, beccause more time they're in session the more damage they do to us.  It would be a better deal for us if most of them would never show up and we just give them their six figure payoff to stay away!

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