By now everyone in America knows that our standard news media outlets have all been corrupted and most of them are now either not worth watching and in some cases are downright treasonous.
Many patriots in America are now wondering where can we get the REAL news.
Well fortunately America's entrepreneurs and patriots are standing up and creating many good alternatives to these FAKE news media sites.
Patriots For America does have a role to play in this new media push for the truth.
Although I don't have the equipment necessary to create good videos yet we DO have the capability to create our own contributions that could be published. The problem is trying to find the time to create good accurate items to publish. In the meantime there are many good web sites that are now working hard to bring the truth to American consumers.
In addition to posting the latest news articles here we can use this site to help list some of the names and Internet URL links to some of these alternative web sites and the people who operate them.
If you know of some of them please use this page to help list them. The more the merrier and the better informed we can help keep American's who are searching for the truth.
We are all also aware that the major Internet search engines are also being corrupted, like Google and Yahoo. They are now working hard to censor any conservative web site and alternative news items. But as long as the internet is still up and operating we will continue fighting back against this oppression.
At the moment appears to be one system that still allows conservative news outlets to publish good video articles although most of that is at least 24 hours old before anything is published.
Also keep in mind that YouTube is now owned by Google.
Here are some links to some good people that are working hard to get the real NEWS out ;
Please be aware that PFA does not necessarily endorse any of these alternative media plateforms and we do not necessarily endorse what they publish. We are NOT responsible for their points of view or for anything they may publish.
Douglas M. Ducote Veterans United For Justice.
SGTReport; On
Dr. Dave Janda and Operation Freedom:
Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch is one of the better ones to watch.
Many of us like Mark Levin. Well he is on problem is now that Glenn Beck has partnered up with CRTV and his The Blaze network.
Glenn Beck basically stabbed us in the back in the OAS 2014 mission to Washington. And Beck does have a tendency to waver a lot. One week he's hard core conservative then next week he's as far laft as Nancy Pelosi..
The good part of this is Dan Bongino is also on CRTV. So you decide.
You can also listen to Dan Bongino on IHeart Radio and you can find him on
If you have links to some good alternative people web sites feel free to post them below in the comments blocks.
NOTE I'm still editing this but I save things as I go along so I don't loose it in case of power failures.
Keep checking back until this notice is gone.
I am trying to compile a list of alternative media news outlets. If anyone has good sources that they like please share them with us.
Post a link to them here on this page.