Sunday –
November the 6th, 2016
Hebraic 5777
A day came when Elohim (The God of All Power and Might, the Supreme and True God – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) declared to a man, a Gentile; “I have called you by name, made you who you are…I AM the Eternal One, there is no other God but Me, and even though you don’t know Me, I AM preparing you for victory. I AM doing all this so that people all around the world may know that I alone am the Eternal, the only God” (Isaiah 45: 4, 5, 6). So on that day, Yahweh Elohe Yisrael (The God of the nation Israel – Judges 5:3; Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 17:6) chose a man to lead His chosen Nation Israel, a Gentile, actually a Persian Emperor was God’s choice to lead His People Israel to freedom and away from bondage. Wow! God made it abundantly clear to friend and foe alike, it is He, not kings nor the ruling elite, nor the media, nor anything else on the earth that directs history. Attiq Yomin (The Ancient of Days, the One True God, the Eternal – Daniel 7:9, 13) who stands above and behind human history directing and orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes. At times man needs to be reminded of this truth. This may very well be one of the times.
America and the church in America are at a crossroads, a point by which decisions will have to be made. These decisions are not just for Election Day, but also to meet the sunrise on January 20th, 2017, the Day of the Inauguration of a new President of the United States. Much like ancient Israel, modern-day America has slipped into bondage, and quickly is being led into a devastating swamp from which no escape will be possible, save the Hand of God. America is on the verge of being a footnote in the annals of history; albeit, an important footnote, but nevertheless, relegated to a mere story of her former greatness and hope. A nation that squandered the anointing and gifts of God, the privilege to be a shining light on a hill for all to see and emulate. Forces of darkness have worked to cover the truth in the founding of this Nation, and citizens have allowed this darkness to envelop us, and the church has remained silent. Not only have most pulpits not admonished the people in their silence, but the pulpits of this country once brightly lit by the fires of the Gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundation, have not pushed back against the darkness! America is no longer representing the light of the Gospel; rather, America has adopted a secular and humanistic gospel foreign from God’s Word. Satanic rituals go unchallenged in the name of acceptance. Homosexuality is merely nodded at rather than lovingly but firmly addressed in accordance with God’s Word. The family unit is socially being engineered in the name of inclusion and modernizing. America who once sent forth missionary’s in fulfillment of God’s command to go forward into the world and deliver the Good News of Christ, now exports a Satanic set of principles as an example of how far the United States has drifted from her foundation, her founding values and beliefs that countries throughout the world once envied. The pastors and God’s people in and outside the church setting, have not guarded nor worked the vineyard diligently to bring forth the fruit of the vine. A large host of “Christians” are silent, not engaged in making Disciples of Christ nor helping to mature those who already claim to be followers of Christ. And evil has been allowed to come into the vineyard and strangle any productivity, any fruit of labor, but then again there is very little labor and very little fruit.
In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 45, we read the fact-based historical account of God raising up a man of unlikely pedigree to lead the people of Israel not only out of bondage and possible greater tragedy, but back under submission (cooperation) with their Maker, Yahweh (the proper Name of the Lord – Genesis 2:4; Exodus 6:2,3). Is it possible Donald J. Trump is a modern day chosen leader by God just like Cyrus in Isaiah? Similar to Cyrus as described in Isaiah 45, Trump really likes God’s People, and he has openly pledged to be a friend and protector of the Judeo-Christian principles by which our country was founded and outlined in our documents of government and law. Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah clearly stated he would rebuild Jerusalem; Trump clearly has stated he would rebuild and make America “great again!” If America fails democracies across the globe fail, and if democracies fail the Christian Faith and followers will be targeted until they fail. Instead of experiencing such a catastrophic collapse, what if God is about to break forth in a powerful manner reserved for just such a day and time as now?
What if…Yahweh Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts of All Heavenly powers, the Lord who is our Protector and Savior – 1 Samuel 1:3; Isaiah 6:1-3), what if…He is commencing to build His Remnant Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it! What if…Adonai (The Lord who alone is over all – Deuteronomy 6:4) is building His government, and will call out “those to whom I choose to fill the positions as I choose for all men to see so all around the world may know I Am the Eternal, the only God!” What if…El Shaddai (God Almighty, all Powerful – Genesis 17:1; Psalm 91:1) is putting together His Church, His Government, His Followers separating the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the shaft, those who will truly follow Him from those who are mere name Sayers and rabble-rousers? What if the God of the Book of Isaiah is performing a much similar act today in America with Donald Trump as He did with Cyrus as written in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45?
LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. is an Intelligence and Threat Assessment Specialist who has provided Intelligence Briefings and consultations to selected members of the Arizona State Legislature since June of 2010, on matters dealing with southern Border security and threats to State sovereignty. His consultations and briefings have enlarged over the years to include elected and law enforcement officials across the country. He is the author of many White Papers and Intelligence Reports that have received acceptance at all levels of law enforcement. Lyle’s greatest privilege, however, is to sound the Shofar of Warning to the Church at-large of the coming challenges and threats. He is humbled to write articles and commentaries which are published in a number of publications across the nation.
There have been many prophecies since 2010 that implied D J Trump was going to be elected under the hand of GOD. The prophecies tell of why GOD is tired of the evil and underhanded dealings of those who think they run America. It is GOD who sets up Kings and Takes Down Kings. Trump may not even know he was used of GOD to do HIS purposes but nevertheless GOD has caused this to happen. And we need to Praise GOD for HIS goodness to America and HIS willingness to take America back to it's roots.