America at WAR

America at war:


America is now at war. We are currently at war with ourselves.
At war against other Americans. But what is this war?
It it a civil war? A political war? A war of ideologies and philosophies?
Is it a war between freedom and Liberty and those who hate these principals of freedom?
Is this a war between the Socialists and Communists/Marxists versus our American Constitution?
YES, It is all of the above.

How this war against America is being waged at the present time, and how it will be fought at some point in the near future, is what will make the difference between survival and defeat.

For the past five years, and actually for over 30 years, the left-wing Socialists media from the Communist party have been conducting a propaganda war against American freedoms and liberties, against our Constitutional beliefs that all men are created equal. And that under our Constitution we all have certain rights and liberties, those inalienable rights and freedoms granted by our creator.

The Constitution of the United States of America is NOT a Constitution of rights. It is a Constitution of Limits. Limits imposed upon Government, NOT against the people.
The rights and freedoms of the people are not granted by the Government, the Government is limited and restricted in how they are authorized and granted power to regulate or deny those rights and freedoms.

It is this philosophy of freedom of the people versus the power and authority of the Government that the Socialists and Communists hate the most. Throughout all of human history there has always been a certain number of men, (and women), who believe that they alone should be granted full power and authority to rule over all others. There are others who believe that the people could never possibly govern themselves in such a manor as to protect and preserve a peaceful and prosperous state of existence. These people believe that in order to maintain peace and tranquility among the people they must have some form of higher power, someone must have full power and authority to regulate and dictate how and what the people are allowed to do and how they are allowed to live. There will always be those who seek power merely for the sake of power. Power is both the means and the goal. They don’t care about the people, they don’t care about freedom, they don’t care life, the Constitution, or anything else. They only care about POWER – THEIR POWER.
And to them nothing else matters.

The only other thing they care about is that YOU – WE-THE-PEOPLE – must never have any power and authority to resist them. You the people must never have the ability, knowledge, and authority to challenge them.

And they will seize that power by any means necessary. The end will always justify the means.


Yes, America IS at war. It is a war of propaganda. And it is being waged against the American people who believe in our Constitutional system of freedom and liberty of the people, and limited authority and power of the Government. The Government of the United States of America was created and ordained under our Constitution, not for the purpose of governing over the people but to preserve, protect and defend the freedoms and liberty of the people. The purpose of our Government is to protect the people and our freedoms, NOT to rule over them and to make rules and regulations against them.


When any government oversteps it bounds it is the right, it is the duty, of the people to alter or abolish such government.
The truth is what they fear the most.



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  • The next question is :
    Is America worth fighting for?

    And then:

    The Second Amendment, What is that all about?


    • My answer to the first question: Based on my experiences over the past 10 years - NO.

      I'm not gonna elaborate, every time I do someone gets "hurt feelings" or warns me "the FBI is monitoring these forums". With so many of those attitudes prevalent today it's not worth it anymore. "Gonna find me a hole in the wall, gonna crawl inside and die." Can't you see?

    • Lee You should know by now there's no one on THIS site that is going to jump on you for saying what you believe, and certainly not me.
      And if the FBI and the Federal Government is monitoring this site I hope the fuck they see this.

      Is America worth saving? Worth fighting for?
      That depends on who you ask. For millions of Americans the answer is a resounding NO, HELL NO.
      Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats all run around condemning President Donald Trump because they claim he is destroying their DEMOCRACY.
      Well my answer is  ---- GOOD --- THAT"S exactly what we wanted him to do, DESTROY THEIR DEMOCRACY.
      AMERICA IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN A DEMOCRACY. The only piece of America that even comes close to being a Democracy is the national elections. A Democracy is MOB Rule. He who gets the most votes becomes the President.
      Anything beyond that and Democracy in America does not and should not exist.
      It is their Democracy that has destroyed America.
      There are millions of people here in America that have never been able to make a good living, never been able to capture their fair share of that great American dream.
      While the Democrats constantly proclaim that they are the ones who are fighting for those people they are the ones who are constantly making it impossible for them to earn a decent living. The Democrats are the ones who shipped all our jobs to China and to other places. The Democrats are the ones who have totally destroyed our major cities and States. Higher Taxes, more and more regulations.
      Now they want to open the borders to foreign workers while at the same time they want to raise the minimum wages to $15.00 per hour. That will only drive small bussiness out of business. I suppose the idea there is to put American's out of work so those illegal alians will have some jobs to go to.
      And why not open the woman's rest rooms and showers to men? Who cares if some pervert off the street follows your daughter into the lady's room. I guess thats Okey as long as it's not their daughters or wives.
      As far as I can see Democracy means nothing more than TAX TAX TAX, REGULATIONS UPON REGULATIONS ON TOP OF MORE RULES AND REGULATIONS.
      Now they want to take all our guns and weapons before we decide to use them. Washington DC looks like a prison or a fortress with all of the baracades and razor wire. 10,000 troops still there.
      What's the matter Nancy -  you afraid of something perhaps?

      Is their Democracy worth fighting for ? NO -  HELL NO.

      Now ask me if MY Constitutional REPUBLIC is worth fighting for and I will give you an entirely different answer.
      If I can quote a charactor called Samwise-Gamgee from the Lord of The Rings"
      "There is some good in the world out there Mr Froto, and it's worth fighting for".
      Samwise Gamgee must have had American Freedoms and liberties in mind when he made that quote.
      America is the only place on Earth where men are free, (or at least we were at one time).
      Millions of men and women fought and died to secure that freedom. They fought a Revolutionary war to gain that freedom. They fought two world wars and a dozen others to preserve, protect, and defend that freedom.

      So - YES - The Constitutional Republic called The United States of America IS absolutely worth fighting for.

      And we better figure it out BEFORE Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats AND the Communists in Washington finish giving it all away to China and the United Nations.
      Maybe that's why Nancy and the Democrats want all those national Guard troops up there.


      • We no longer operate as a Constitutional Republic, if we did I would be willing to fight for it.

        I would be willing to fight to return our country to a Constitutional Republic but that puts me into the super minority class. I know a lot of people that claim we are a Constitutional Republic but turn around and say, "that's not who we are" when I say violent bloody rebellion is required to restore said Constitutional Republic.

        Oldrooster, I'm tired, I have no family remaining, short of three cousins (one a rabid Democrat), a much older half brother (78) that is a retired professor and self declared socialist. He has two sons and three daughters I hardly know. I have a long lost and estranged son who believes I am no longer alive.

        I am one of those millions that has never been able to make a good living, never be able to catch that share of the great American dream. I live day to day, not pay check to pay check, yet I am grateful God has given me the ability to be the best I can be and make the best of my situation. Truth is we are NO longer free. We have not been a Constitutional Republic for 150 years, just under the illusion that we are.

        I think I need a few months away from all the insanity and I can't even afford to do that. I'll know when spontaneous rebellion breaks out. Maybe I'll come out of isolation when that happens?

        Thanks for allowing me to ramble, think I'll have dinner now...

        • Lee, You're not alone in that.
          You and I are among the few that really know what it's going to take to return America to a Constitutional Republic.
          GOD Bless Brother.


  • The Second Amendment, What is that all about?
    OR perhaps more precisely, what is the fight against the Second Amendment all about?

    The UN Small Arms treaty is scheduled to come around again soon. And the Biden/Harris administration will gladly sign and accept it.
    Why are there still US Troops still stationed in Washington DC? Why does the nations Capital and the White House look like a prison, or a fortress?

    Perhaps we should ask; Hey Nancy, Chuck, Maxine, are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of the American people?
    You should be.

    Normally we would say that any real hard-n-fast solid attempt like that UN Small Arms treaty against our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms would explode in a wave of protests and even a potential invasion of Washington. Well that is exactly why Washington still looks like a prison fortress.
    If the American people were to now mount a wave of protests against the Capital and this administration there would be more US military troops standing and fighting against American citizens than there were troops in Fallujah Iraq or in Afghanistan.

    Remember the WW-II phrase "There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"?
    Well the Democrats and Communist China all remember that phrase very very well. And YES, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats ARE scared to death of the American people. And so is Communist China and those at the United Nations.

    They all know the results of the November 2020 elections were a fraud. No matter how much the "Fake-news-Media" trys to white-wash over it and tries to convince the people otherwise, everyone in the world knows it was all a fraud.
    But this is all far bigger than just simply defeating and removing President Donald J. Trump. This is about defeating and destroying the United States of America.
    All of it, every last vestage of our American free sovereignty and independence.
    The attack against America is nearly complete now. America is now all but fully defeated, vanquished, and dead. Our Sovereignty and our Constitution are now very close to being a thing of the past, Relegated to the scrap piles of history. They just don't want the American people to realize that yet.
    They are still afraid that an assault on our Second Amendment and any attempts to confiscate our guns and weapons would wake up the masses.

    But - Hey -  There's nothing to see here people, nothing to worry about, just move along. Your stimulas checks will be in the mail soon.

    • If we lose our weapons we lose it All ...Slavery is then assured ..

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