America’s mistakes
Any society, whether it be the Roman Empire or the Islamic Ottoman Society, All have made mistakes in how they govern and rule the people.
America is one of the first and only societies in world history to try to govern the people by the people themselves. That however does not make us immune to making mistakes. Over the past 240 years of American history we have made more than our fair share of mistakes.
Rather than to try to list each and every mistake America has made we can simply highlight those that should be considered the worst, the most egregious mistakes against our own people since America’s foundlings.
Even before our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence the early Colonialists attempted to govern themselves through a socialistic style of government. The early Colonialists thought that by having the local governments own and control all the land, and by having everyone “pitch-in” to do their “fair-share” of the labor, and then receiving an equal share of the products that everyone would be happy. What they didn’t count on was human behavior.
Human beings are basically lazy. They will always migrate towards the easiest way out, the easiest and simplest way to get their “Fair-Share” without doing anything to earn it.
The early Colonialist governors soon learned that without the proper incentives that many of the people simply would not do their fair share of the work but that they still insisted on getting their “Fair-Share” of the proceeds, and the food.
That’s when they discovered that by granting the citizens the rights to own their own land, and to be able to work their own farms and crops, that people would work much harder. If they were able to see and recognize the fruits of their own labor then they would work. And they would also share with others.
They discovered early on that Socialism didn’t work.
Mistake number 2, Slavery;
Once those citizens were granted the rights to own their own land and farms, those fundamentally Lazy farmers decided that the easiest way to get those crops to market was to have someone else do all the work for them. But WHO ?? Easy – they would get some slaves and make them do all the hard work. They discovered that the Native American Indians were simply too belligerent, hostile, and far to hard to manage. So they imported the slaves from Africa. After all many of those people were already enslaved by their own people.
By now everyone knows the rest of that story and how badly all that turned out.
So we can do a fast-forward onto our next big mistake.
In the 1930’s the Christian “church-going Do-Gooders” decided that alcohol was disruptive, caused too much trouble, kept the men out late, and drunk, and so they decided to ban all alcohol.
Once again they under estimated American society and the human factors involved. Prohibition was soon abandoned but not until some pretty ugly bloody battles had been fought. The only good that ever came out of that was that the brewers of American alcohol were forced to stop making alcohol that was fundamentally poisonous.
Next up on our list of the most egregious mistakes ever made in America, The election of Barack Hussein Obama;
Obama; “One Big Ass Mistake America”.
Now why would I list him as one of America’s biggest mistakes?
Because in electing Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States the first thing that had to be done was to ignore the Constitution. You see there is a clause in our Constitution that states that only a “Natural Born Citizen” may hold the office of President of the United States. Since our Founding Fathers failed to provide a very specific meaning as to what that term was meant to imply, that term has been a point of contention for many decades. It has reached the Supreme Court no less than eight times. And each time the high court has decided that the term “Natural Born Citizen” was meant to imply a citizen of the United States, Born of a Citizen of the United States, and more specifically the blood line of the persons Father. A person’s Father must have been a citizen of the United States of America at the time of that person’s birth. Since Barack Obama senior was never a citizen of the United States of America then Barack Hussein Obama junior was NOT eligible to hold the office of President. It really doesn't matter where he was born, Kenya or Hawaii, his Father was never a US Citizen.
They try to get around that by saying his Mother was a US citizen but that’s not what the Supreme Court said. The court said that the loyalty of the Son would follow the blood line of the Father. And in this case Barack Hussein Obama Senior’s blood line was as a citizen and native of Kenya, NOT America.
Our next and biggest mistake. This one could spell the death of America as a free and sovereign Nation.
America is on the verge of committing the biggest mistake in human history.
America is on the very edge of dissolving and destroying our own Constitutional Sovereignty. We are about to allow a few select “elite” individuals to “Fundamentally Transform America” into a Marxist/Leninist/Communist dictatorship, controlled, Governed, and ruled over by a foreign entity, either at the United Nations or by some oligarchy of UN-elected bureaucrats and dictators.
The Transformation is now nearly complete. Once that is accomplished all our freedoms and liberties will be gone. All rights to own private property, farms and ranches, all rights to own your own businesses, to work where and as you see best fit for you will be gone. All rights to keep the proceeds and fruits of your own labor will be gone. And your rights to protest, to speak out against the heavy hand of Government tyranny will be gone. Your Second Amendment rights to keep and bear Arms will be gone and so will all the other rights you currently think you have under our Constitution.
EVERYTHING, literally everything you think you have, everything you think you own here in America will be taken away and will be done and gone forever.
Looking back at American history America has made many mistakes in the past. But we have always tried to learn from and correct those mistakes. We repealed prohibition and we ended slavery. But rather than to try to erase those mistakes, we leave them on the books for all to see. We want everyone to be able to see and read about the mistakes that we have made in the past so that everyone can learn from those mistakes. And never allow them to happen again.
This last mistake America may very well be our last and most egregious mistake ever. We will never have the opportunity to correct this next mistake because someone else will be in control of the history books. And the Constitution of the United States of America will no longer exist.
Second Generation US citizen.
Kalama Harris is NOT eligable to hold the office of either Vice President NOR President of the United States of America.
She does NOT qualify as a "Natural Born Citizen."
Taking over the US Military;
Obama fired over 120 top Military generals, and more than 300 top high ranking officers.
These people were lucky.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao all killed their Military generals and officers who did not agree and comply with what they were going to do.
Fidel Castro and Maduro did the same things. Saddam Hussein also killed many of his top brass officers.
Today what we have in our Military are Obama Generals that will go along and do what ever this administration tells them.
They are changing our Military into a bunch of weak-kneed mamby-pamby liberals that are being indoctrinated to hate America and that the American people are the biggest potential threat to this government.
The same thing is being done in the National Guard units stationed in Washington.
The DC Capital police, the National Guard, and the Washington DC security forces are all being instructed that the American people are all potential domestic terrorists. Many of the State police forces are also being taught that Americans are the real threat to American "Democracy".
As far as I am concerned they may have gotten that right because I am definitely NOT a friend of this type of tyrannical Federal Government. We need to return to and restore our Constitutional Free Republic. Restore the Constitution.
Too many Americans don't care enough to do anything about it. We are getting what we deserve, unfortunately.
Interesting article that should send shivers up your spine.
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