
By Mark S. McGrew
Oct. 13, 2010

41981.jpegLieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, Major General Carroll D. Childers, Captain Neil B. Turner, Commander Charles Kerchner, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, Captain Connie Rhodes, Lieutenant Colonel David Earl Graef, Major Stefan Frederick Cook, Paul Vallely, Major General (Ret), US  Army, Jim Cash, Brigadier General (Ret), USAF, Harry Riley, Colonel
(Ret), US Army, Michael A. Trudell, Captain (Ret), USN, Harry Soloman, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USAF, Carmen A. Reynolds, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USAF, Debra A. Gunnoe, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USAF, Greg Hollister, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), USAF, Richard C. Morris, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), US Army, William Harker, Commander (Ret), USN, Bill Little, Commander (Ret), USN. John Johnson, 1st Lieutenant (Ret), USAF, Luther B. Neff, Captain (Ret), USAF, Fred Herndon, Captain (Ret), USAF, Jerry Curry Army Major General (Retired), General Thomas McInerney.

All of these people are either engaged in a legal action against Obama or have publicly expressed their support for people in legal actions against Obama.

What motivates these people to risk their lives, their freedom and their fortunes by publicly stating their position against a US President?

It is their sworn duty.

Upon entering the service of the American military, everyone must take this oath:

"I, __________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God"

The oath of an OFFICER of the United States Armed Forces, is as follows:

"I, __________________, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of Major do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

Notice that for an Officer, there is no "promise to obey the orders of the President".

This oath is based on Title 5, §3331 of the United States Code:

More can be seen here:

The question is: Are these men committing Treason or Mutiny?

Mutiny is described in Merriam Webster's Dictionary as: Forcible or passive resistance to lawful authority especially concerted revolt (as of a naval crew) against discipline or a superior officer.

And they define Treason as: 1. The betrayal of a trust. 2. The offense of attempting by overt acts to
overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.

IF...Obama is a lawful eligible President or lawful or eligible superior officer, their actions may be
construed as Mutiny. IF......Obama is a lawful eligible President and IF he is "the government", which he is not, then their actions may be construed as Treason.

It is looking more and more that Obama is not a lawful eligible President. And no President is "the
government". "We the People" are THE government. The President is just part time hired help.

Lt. Commander Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III filed a charge of "Treason" against Obama in Federal Court in Tennessee.

Commander Charles Kerchner, through his attorney, Mario Apuzzo, has filed a lawsuit against all of the US Congress, Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi and Obama for violating the US Constitution in certifying the Electoral College votes for Obama's favor.

Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin has refused to be deployed until he sees proof that Obama is an eligible President. He is now being Court Martialed, with a military Judge telling him that he can not see, nor present evidence pertaining to Obama's eligibilty to be President, because Colonel Denise Lind ruled, "It may embarrass the President".

Of the 100 or so legal actions against Obama to prove he is eligible to hold the office of President of The United States, most are dismissed without any trial, without any hearing, without any evidence presented by either side, never being judged on the merits of the case.

Instead, Judge after Judge says, "You don't have "Standing". It is none of your business if Obama is eligible or not."

One Judge's excuse was, "This has been tweeted and twittered on the Internet". The Judge knows that the Internet is not a realm of unadulterated truth.

Many of these dozens of cases can be found on and

Philip Berg, an attorney in Philadelphia has a case sitting in the US Supreme Court with Justice Thomas and his associates. Orly Taitz, an attorney with several dozen military Plaintiffs has cases before the US Supreme Court. Mario Apuzzo's case against Congress is now in the Supreme Court after being told his client has no "Standing" to ask if the US Congress is corrupt.

And it is not just legal actions against Obama personally. There are dozens of legal actions against his policies, such as Health Care, closing Chrysler dealerships, Gulf oil spill and many other totally un-American policies. Policies that most Americans were taught are repugnant to a free people.

Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, filed suit against Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius directly after the Health Care legislation was passed by Congress in March 2010. 20 individual states filed a similar
lawsuit led by Attorney General Bill McCollum of Florida. In Attorney General Kenneth Cucinelli's case, Federal District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson has ordered a Motion questioning the legality of the Health Care Bill because it was signed into law by someone (Obama) who is ineligibleto do so. The question of Obama being eligible to be the President is based on Obama's refusal to provide verification that he is a Natural Born Citizen as required by the US Constitution.And that question has finally, after dozens of denied legal actions, been made a part of a valid case in Federal Court.

American citizens and military officers from Coast to Coast are told they have "No Standing" to question Obama's eligibility to be President.

What is this new legal buzzword, "Standing"? According to it is: The status of being qualified to assert or enforce legal rights or duties in a judicial forum because one has a sufficient and protectable interest in the outcome of a justiciable controversy and has suffered or is threatened with actual injury.

According to "Standing" is: "The right to file a lawsuit or file a petition under the circumstances. A plaintiff will have standing to sue in federal court if a) there is an actual controversy, b) a federal statute gives the federal court jurisdiction, and c) the parties are residents of
different states or otherwise fit the constitutional requirements for federal court jurisdiction."

America is being decimated by a foreigner, acting as a President, and the Federal Judges want to say that an American citizen has no "Standing"?

In the matter of Obama's eligibility, there:

1. Actual controversy.
2. Federal Statutes do give the federal court jurisdiction.
3. All parties are residents of different states.
4. It does fit the constitutional requirements for federal court jurisdiction.

Consider this: If none of the cases asking Obama to prove he is eligible have "Standing", why is a Federal Judge and Obama's Department of Justice allowing 11 foreign Nations to join a lawsuit against the State of Arizona?? NONE of those Nations are... residents of different states and NONE of those Nations has suffered or are threatened with actual injury.

Regarding the current cases pending in the Supreme Court of the United States, US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is on record answering a question about Obama's eligibility, "We're evading that one."

We are witnessing corruption at the highest levels of government.
The military officers listed in this report are attempting to correct that corruption. Is the situation so serious that America may experience a "Military Coup"? Under normal circumstances that would be a delusional consideration. America is not a 3rd World country. Our Constitution allows for a "peaceful revolution" every four years.

But, under present circumstances, with an illegitimate President who has spent nearly $2 million to keep his citizenship secret, with a Congress ignoring Constitutional requirementsto certify Obama's Electoral Votes, with a Department of Justice attacking an individual State attempting to enforce Federal Immigration Law and allowing 11 Nations to join in that attack, with Federal Judges across the country resorting to the illicit reasoning of "Standing" to prohibit questions about Obama's citizenship, with a Supreme Court whose job it is, to consider cases before them, and instead is proudly "evading that issue", with certain factions of the military illegally and unconstitutionally attempting to silence any questions of Obama's eligibility, with record unemployment, with record foreclosures, with record poverty levels, and with Obama going out of his way to insult every World leader he meets, there are only three options to restore the operations of the American government to it's rightful owners:

1. We the People, take to the streets and forcibly remove every anti-American politician and government employee and/or forcibly remove any politician or government employee that the People "perceive" to be anti-American.
2. The United States Military must do a "surgical strike" to permanently remove the correctly
identified anti-American forces in government positions.
3. Foreign intervention of overwhelming force.There are no other options. All other options have been exhausted.

In 1934 Colonel Smedley Butler was asked by extremely
anti-American forces to amass an Armyof 500,000 soldiers and forcefully take over the sitting government, including President Franklin Roosevelt. Then, like now, their own arrogance was their downfall. Who but an idiot would ask the most highly decorated United States Marine Corps Officer in history to use weapons and soldiers to destroy his own government? The same government that granted them the ability to amass the wealth that they could not have acquired in any other Nation or any other time period in history.

Why were those traitors not arrested and executed? Some stories say it is because Franklin Roosevelt, who was a Democrat, did not want to tarnish the reputation of Democrats, being as the conspirators were Democrats.

In the summer prior to the election of Obama, there was perhaps 1 or 2% of the population questioning Obama's eligibility. Obama said that that issue would go away 2 weeks after he was elected. However, 2 years after that election, over 65% of the American People question his eligibility and that number is growing.

If Obama is not eligible to be President, ALL of his Executive Orders, Laws, Treaties and Agreements can be reneged on by future administrations and by foreign entities. ALL orders being given to the United States military are unlawful orders and no soldier or officer has the duty to obey them. In fact, any and all military personnel who do obey his orders are subject to immense
criminal punishment and possibly can be charged with and prosecuted successfully for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Their duty is to not obey unlawful orders.

The vast majority of American citizens, "We the People" are fed up with Obama's grossly anti-American policies. The vast majority are fed up with major media's lies and distortions, as evidenced by massive amounts of readers and listeners abandoning the major news sources. They are sick of billions or trillions of their dollars going to reward the crooked banks and other financial
institutions who stole from them to begin with. They are sick of being punished for the crimes of the politician's friends and campaign donors.Obama and his supporters are so far detached from reality, they have absolutely no concept of what 100 million angry American's are capable of inflicting upon them.

IF the military of America does not eliminate the corrupt Obama regime, the American people can and will do to them, far worse that the military would do.

The World has learned the hard way, that when America sneezes, their Nation's catch a cold. If hard, fast and brutal remedies are not applied to the Obama Flu virus, America and other Nations will cease to exist as we know them and hundreds of millions of this Earth's population will die a miserable death, far worse and farther reaching than the Black Plague of the Middle Ages. Poverty kills. Massive poverty kills massively.

In America, the opposing forces are not Liberal vs. Conservative or Right vs. Left or Democrat vs. Republican. The effective forces are only American vs. Anti-American.

If the American forces had one message to deliver to the Anti-American forces, it would be this: "We have been tolerant of your actions. We have been respectful of your Constitutional Right to Free Speech. We have been such, not solely because we are gentle people and respect your Rights, but also, because of our Biblical principles. The Bible says, "Know thine enemy." How could we have known you if we did not allow you to speak? And this is why you don't know us and don't realize what we are capable of, because you have attempted and succeeded in many areas to silence us. In public maybe. And now, the bell can not be un-rung. You have spoken and We the People know you.
And you will be destroyed as We the People have destroyed you many times in the history of America."

Here are some links to just a few of the hundreds, maybe thousands of sites of organizations that are fighting Obama and his policies. Supporting Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin Col. Lakin's legal defense fund 80,000 vets standing up for Constitution and against Islam To commend members of the US Armed Forces. For Americans fed up with corruption. Uniformed personnel refusing to obey un-Constitutional orders. Carl Swenson, rejuvenated the Citizen Grand Juries Lt. Commander Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III.

And just when we thought there were no protest songs since the Vietnam days, Bruce Bellot spells it out: "We  Ain't Going Away"

This one by Jeremy Hoop, calling for Americans to rise up:

And one of our old favorites, Lynyrd Skynyrd:

When it is all added up, when it is all understood by the American people, there is one solid truth that will become self evident: The forces controlling Obama can not legally execute us for what we are doing, but We the People can hang them by the neck until dead, for what they have done and are doing.

Mark S. McGrew can be reached at More of his articles can be seen at Please include a link to if you republish this article.

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  • Ps. 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he has left off to be wise, and to do good.

    The oath of office of president of the United States of America

    “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the
    United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend
    the constitution of the United States.”

    A broken covenant

    The oath of office is a trust and a covenant and never to be broken
    Those words of trust was spoken by a fool and a deceitful liar
    This person elected has a covenant of trust by the people so spoken
    The very best, the brightest and the ethical he would not hire

    The greatest constitutional document ever written is now in shreds
    Paying no attention to that document that he was to protect
    The mouth piece and front man for the worlds elite America dreads
    For this illegal align is deliberately causing America to wreck

    How was he elected with his Chicago corruption only time will tell?
    Communist and socialist were his known friends of the past
    His friends are wrecking balls of America, our nation we love so well
    The good in America will come alive with that we can last

    Can our America survive this very evil and corrupt devastating soul?
    We can survive this vile thing the people make America good
    All that he touches becomes evil and corrupt with an everlasting toll
    The goodness of Americans will survive by doing all we should

    By Dale L. Neill of Lewiston, Idaho
    September 14, 2010

    Mat. 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    Mat. 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
  • There's another song you can add to the list. Called Play By The Rules, it was inspired by the appointment of a tax cheat to the position of Treasury Secretary. And here's another, aimed at the spendthrift ways of our government. Called Easy Money And there's more where that came from, because we songwriters will NEVER give up when it means the prevention of someone stealing our country. John Chaffee
  • On their oath alone , they have the duty to challenge the legality of any order given them if it conflicts with the CONSTITUTION! Now Scumbama hates that pesky document! If he was as he lies about "A Constitutional Scholar", he would not have pulled the crap he has done! I fear for the lives of those officers because Scummy is a thug , liar, thief and would do anything to get back at them if they win their suits against him.
    • Thing is he's a scholar of the SECOND Constitution; the one instituted along with the incorporation of DC under the thumb of the Bank of England in 1871, NOT the REAL Constitution written by our Founding Fathers and ratified by the states in 1787! That's where the problem lies. The one he's working from is an EDITED version which removes our sovereign rights as Citizens of the united States for America and puts us in the place of chattel under the Constitution of the United States of America, the trademark, along with US or USA, of the DC corporation! That's the one with a 13th and 14th Amendments "ratified" by states under the gun of Union control at the time. The original, properly ratified 13th Amendment was edited out entirely, which allowed for the installation of attorneys {members of the BAR} to hold public offices in this nation, contrary to the wishes of the Founders who were staunchly opposed to anyone with divided loyalties doing so, It also provides the grounds upon which he can claim we have "no standing" to question his eligibility, which our original Constitution clearly gives us! Our government has been broken a long time, and getting worse by the year, until now we can't mistake how broken it really is. It's "we the people" holding to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution of which he's REALLY afraid, and of us finding out the truth about both him and our Constitution!
  • And here's another you can add to that list of songs... done BEFORE the obomination was elected! Still don't know how I could see it coming, but the NYT ad done by MoveOn, "General Betray Us", was more than I could bear. Amazing what you can do when you're mad-passionate-committed-determined............ How much MORE can they possibly want? Just the opportunity to live in our America should be enough! But, I suppose there's an insatiable appetite that knows no end.

    I offer deep gratitude for the military officers that have taken a stand here. Please know this: WE THE PEOPLE LOVE, HONOR AND RESPECT YOU!
  • GO TEAM!
  • TO BRING THIS SHIP ABOUT,,,,,DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jack
  • obuma must be brought to trial for treason and then hung.
  • been saying the same thing since 2009........this hope & change must be stopped NOW? WE CAN'T WAIT TILL 2012. GOD BLESS ALL
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