Animal Shelter needs help finding a Soldier

Please take a minute to pass this around and see if we can help them find the Soldier these dogs belong too.

Soldier's dogs surrendered to AZ shelter - public help needed to facilitate a reunion


Arizona - Two Yellow Labradors recently foundthemselves in a precarious position. The dogs, owned by a soldiercurrently serving in Iraq, had been in the care of a friend of thedeployed soldier. The couple caring for the dogs was entrusted with thedogs care until the soldier returned from duty.

Dogs cared for by a friend, and therefore safe - right? Not so fast. Apparently, legal guardianship was transferred to the friend for vet purposes, and the friend had a wife with allergies.

Despite being entrusted with the dogs' lives by a man off serving his country, the friend chose to turn the 2 dogs over to the Pinal County Animal Care and Control, rather than finding the dogs a guaranteed safe haven.

Thankfully, the shelter took pity on the 2 dogs, and contacted Helping Orphaned Hounds forhelp. Had they not, the dogs would have had only 24 hours to either beadopted or euthanized because they were considered to be an ownersurrender to the shelter facility.

Boulder Falls Pet Resort wantsto see the dogs reunited with their true owner and is currently housingthem for free until every effort has been made to make that reunionpossible. The rescue volunteers desperately want to contact the deployedsoldier to let him know that his dogs are safe, and that they will beheld until his return, but they have no way to contact him.

The friend that surrendered the dogs to the shelter refuses torelease the soldier's name - merely stating that the person is deployedto Iraq. The public's help is needed to help locate the owner of thesedogs. Someone is bound to recognize the dog's beautiful faces and canhelp to get word to the soldier to let him know what has transpired.

The dogs are approximately 2-4 years of age, one male, and one female.One dog is named Wyatt and the other is named Storm.  If anyone hasinformation about the person that owns Wyatt and Storm, they are askedto contact Rhonda Wagner Kuehn at Helping Orphaned Hounds at 406-697-5975.

A Facebook group has been established for Storm and Wyatt. Please click here to stay updated on any progress made.

Please circulate this article and ask others to do the same. The morepeople that read about Wyatt and Storm, the better the chances of ahappy reunion.

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