Another BAD JUDGE - 47 pager on 2A

These judges need to go, anymore rulings like these put us on the path to war!!! I will bet you this is an Obamanite appointed judge..... reports: A few weeks ago U.S. District Court Judge William Young issued a 47-page ruling saying AR-15s and large-capacity magazines are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.


This ruling is one of more than a dozen similar rulings in the past 6 months.


And each of these further erodes our Second Amendment rights more than ever before.


This is bad. Very bad.


Each time rulings like these are passed our Second Amendment rights are reduced further than our founding fathers could have ever imagined.


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  • You're right about one thing Clois, these kinds of rulings from these judges could easily lead to war.
    What I can't figure out is why Bill Clinton was able to fire virtually every federal judge in the Country when he first went into office but Trump has only fired 120 of them.
    We know one thing, there are still too many Obama appointed advisors running around our justice department, the halls of Congress, and also in the White House.

    Talk about war, - - Time for draining the swamp is getting real close.

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