Article by Dane Wigington of --While this article does not directly have anything to do with the Restoration of the Republic, it does once again illustrate the corruption prevalent throughout the "federal" and state governments who are determined to use whatever methods available to cause harm to both the planet and its people that indirectly is an assault or attack in no uncertain terms.


Covering Up Climate Engineering Contamination, “EPA Caught Buying Its Independent Science Advisers”

By Dane Wigington
A lawsuit has been filed to expose the EPA for awarding $190 million in taxpayer grants to "independent" scientists in order to get the air quality test and research results desired by the EPA. This being said, please consider and remember this next statement very carefully, THERE IS A MUCH MORE CRITICAL CRIME OF CONCEALMENT contained in this EPA scenario than what the authors of the report (or the legal action) alleges. The report in question is from a source that is nothing more than a lobbyist/representative for the fossil fuel industry (EELI, The Energy Environmental Legal Institute). The attorney for EELI is Steve Milloy who is a textbook example of a self-serving and completely honorless fossil fuel industry lobbyist. While Milloy is trying to expose the EPA for their fraud because of the financial damage the EPA has inflicted on the planet plundering fossil fuel industry who pays him, in reality the EPA's paid off scientists are hiding a crime of immensely greater gravity, the highly toxic fallout from the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare assault.
I have personally attended a high level closed door California EPA meeting at the State Capital in Sacramento (California) in which it was made clear that the air quality testing is completely rigged. This meeting was arranged by a congressman and had 5 high level EPA representatives in attendance. I was informed that the State air quality technicians are TOLD what to test for, combustion particles only, the rest of the test sample is discarded (EPA technicians can't find what they are told NOT to look for). Further, at best the air particulate testing captures particles down to the 2.5 micron size. Nano-particles from the climate engineering fallout are exponentially smaller and thus go completely undetected by air quality equipment that is not in any way designed to find the unimaginably smaller nano-particles in the first place.

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  • Climate Change;
    Has anybody bothered to consider that Life on Earth would not exist had it not been for climate change?
    The climate on Earth has been evolving and revolving for several Billion years. We go from ice age to thaw and moderate to warm and then back again.
    Climate change is a rouse, (as we know the terminology today), a giant scam. Back in the sixties after WW-II, it was decided that the world (elites) needed something to get the people united. Something that all the people would unite and support as one nation. Much like the American people did during the war. But if we're not going to have any more wars, (their pacifistic philosophy), then how can they create something that would unite the people, (and maintain the constant distractions of what they are really doing?)

    It was decided that if the people could be convinced that the Earth was getting colder and we were entering a new ice age because of the carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, then people would get behind that and demand the Government did something to control it. But then it was discovered (revealed) that the Earth was NOT getting colder and we were NOT entering a new ice age.

    So they switch it to getting Warmer,,,,,,, Then THAT was also exposed as a lie. Then they settled on Climate "CHANGE" as the best terminology.
    Now we get to the money part, and the scam(s),,,, (Plural)

    In order to pull this off and perpetuate their scam they must convince the people that this crap is real, that the Earth's climate is actually changing, AND that it is changing because of human behaviour. Auto and industrial emissions. The only way to get the scientists to publish papers that support the theory is to pay them to publish what you want.

    So why do they want this so badly? Follow the Money,,,,,,,,,,

    Al Gore, sell carbon emission credits,,,,,, then that was exposed,,,,,,,,,  What to do???
    Good ole Obama and the Communists/Marxists working towards a "New World Order" scheme anyway decided that they could sell the rest of the world in the idea by "BUYING" them off,,,,,,,,, that actually didn't take much of a hard sell. Since they give these smaller under-developed countries $150-BILLION per year if they would only agree to join the drive and sign up. Like I said - not a hard sell there.

    Somewhere along the line you can bet your butt these people in Washington are filling their pockets right along with the world leaders who are receiving that US Cash. And good old Al Gore still has his hands in the cookie jar.

    This is what is known as Obama's Share-the-wealth, the redistribution of Americas wealth. All these Chicago blacks and welfare recipients thought Obama was going to buy them a new kitchen, but that was not even close to what he was actually talking about.

    You can never make another nation or people wealthy by taking down those who are, you can only succeed in bankrupting both. Sooner or later you will always run out of other people's money to take.


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