Two important Documents:

Fitzpatrick recorded  this phone call days before the arrest:

Part 1

Part 2

Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick
another report here

Anti-Obama Retired Military Officer Jailed Again – with NO Accuser

By J.B. Williams

This morning, Monroe County Sheriff’s burst through the door of Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick’s residence and arrested him for failing to appear in court last Friday, a date the Monroe County court failed to notify Mr. Fitzpatrick of before he learned on Monday via the local press that an arrest warrant was issued for missing the court date.

Monroe County officials made no effort to contact Fitzpatrick prior to kicking his door in Wednesday morning, according to all available information. But less than an hour before Sheriff’s burst in, Fitzpatrick was reportedly on the phone with the Knoxville office of the FBI, whom he claims advised that they had opened an investigation into Monroe County government corruption.

Friday’s court date was a hearing on the request to withdraw representation by Fitzpatrick’s attorney, Steve Pidgeon, a request reportedly denied by the court, once again according to local news reports.

On Monday the 25th, Knoxnews issued a report stating that Special Circuit Judge Jon Blackwood ordered Fitzpatrick arrested and held without bond until his Dec. 1 trial. The press knew about the Friday hearing before Fitzpatrick did, and was reporting the arrest warrant before Fitzpatrick had been notified of the court date or arrest warrant.

As of this writing, Fitzpatrick stands accused of crimes, but has no official accuser. Normally, for criminal charges to be brought evidence of a crime must exist and there must be witnesses to the crime committed, or a complainant, an accuser. Fitzpatrick stands accused, but with no known accuser.

Despite his retired status, Fitzpatrick is acting on his military oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and rule of law. He has done so peacefully.

Back Story

Events leading up to today started more than a year ago when Fitzpatrick presented evidence against Barack Obama before a three person Grand Jury panel in Monroe County. After ninety minutes of sworn testimony, the panel refused to even accept or review the evidence.

Fitzpatrick’s search for honor and justice had begun, but led him deeply into unexpected crime and corruption in his own backyard. WRCBtv in Chattanooga quotes noted defense attorney Steven Pidgeon as stating that the Monroe County Grand Jury is “hopelessly corrupt.”

Still, it is Fitzpatrick who the local system and press have put on trial and treated like a career criminal, despite knowing that they are dealing with a decorated military officer with more honor in his little finger than can be found throughout the entire Monroe County government.

Fitzpatrick is charged with “riot” – resisting arrest and other alleged crimes during his effort to report evidence of crimes to the Monroe County Grand Jury in early 2009.

However, video evidence proves that there was no riot - that the only people armed on the days in question were Monroe County Sheriff’s - that the crimes were being committed by Monroe County officials and that it is Monroe County officials who are armed, violent and dangerous.

The few concerned citizens present with Fitzpatrick on the dates in question were not arrested. Had they been armed and dangerous, rioting or in any way threatening, they would have been arrested and charged with Fitzpatrick. But they were few and they were armed only with video cameras.

Fitzpatrick is guilty of challenging Obama, or being a royal pain in the butt to Monroe County officials, or even using questionable strategies to achieve his version of justice. But a criminal he is not… a crackpot he is not.

Attorney Steven Pidgeon is quoted saying that Monroe County justice is “hopelessly corrupt.” I am now convinced that Monroe County justice is indeed entirely corrupt, but I cannot allow myself to believe for one moment that it is “hopelessly” corrupt.

Surely somewhere in Tennessee there is one decent honest officer of the court or law enforcement agent that is willing to put a stop to this sham before Monroe County officials get away with yet another heinous crime.

As for Fitzpatrick’s original claim that Obama is not eligible for office, the evidence is now overwhelming and another retired military officer by the name of Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. has recently petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for relief based upon the same claims made by Fitzpatrick in Monroe County Tennessee more than a year ago.

Sooner or later, one way or another, the American people will know the truth concerning President Barack Obama. But in the meantime, ongoing injustices to men like Fitzpatrick cannot be allowed to stand.

Public calls to request an investigation into events in Monroe County Tennessee should be directed to the local FBI offices.

FBI Knoxville
John J. Duncan Building
710 Locust Street, Suite 600
Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone: (865)-544-0751
Fax: (865) 544-3590
UPDATE: Since the release of this story late last night, we have learned that Fitzpatrick was beaten requiring medical treatment and x-ray’s, and tazered repeatedly during his arrest.
JB Williams

"Talk is cheap for a reason, it has no value. Doing is an entirely different ball game. It's priceless!"... by JB Williams


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  • We need to gather as many people from this nation and all over the world and converge on this town. Then we need to hold a prayer vigil day and night untill this injustice is put to an end. GOD does still answer prayer. GOD does still protect the just and righteous.
  • This is the reason WE need to Address this government from the Bottom UP !! As Addressing them from the top DOWN hasn't worked! The people that are inforcing these CRIMES against us are our Next Door Neighbors!! These people that inforce these matters think that others won't do this to them, They are saddly mistaken!! What Goes Around, Will Come Around!! I Pray for us All!
  • First things first...
    Call the Knoxville FBI, inundate them. Then call these other numbers-
    Tn Governor Phil Bredeson: Phone: 615.741.2001. Fax: 615.532.9711.

    TN FBI Phone: (865) 544-0751. Fax: (865) 544-3590.

    TN Supreme court 511 Union Street
    (615) 741-2687
    (800) 448-7970

    TBI (615) 744-4000

    When you've exausted those efforts, pack your bags and see Steven Elliot's proposal.
    They indicted Darren, My friend Tina and I on similar bogus/trumped up charges to try and keep us from returning.
    This family crime syndicate will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on that County as witnessed by the murder of Jim
    Miller. An elections supervisor for, you guessed it, Monroe County. Not just your average murder either. They sent a message to the people by Shooting him, stuffing his body in the trunk and then setting the vehicle on fire. As luck would have it, the responding officer just happened to be one of these corrupt Sheriffs.
    I need someone in TN to see Walt and document his injuries ASAP.

    God help us all.
  • Just got off the phone with Scott Johnson (Agent for the Knoxville FBI) who assures me they are looking into this and that he has received other calls about Walt as well.
    Let's keep calling and calling and calling folks.
  • When I lived in Tennessee I heard about the local corruption and in the small town I lived in had found that 5 families basically held sway over every damned thing. As long as they got their cut people were left alone, now if you rocked the boat too much, that was a different story. Now in this case prayer is good, but direct pressure is better since some of those "Bubba's" back there understand a boot to the head much better.
  • Addition to the TBI number is 423-634-3044 (Chattanooga office) Ext 102 to start with._
  • We have a president in office that has no sense of respect for our armed forces..and he could really care less about our men and women who faught and for those who are fighting even now. So many have given their lives for this Country and Obama can't respect or honor what they are doing because he does not love America, he was not raised with it's values. He has no honor or respect for life. God never sleeps. like one person said, "What goes around, comes around".
    May God have mercy on then when their name is called. Continue to pray, God does still answer His childrens prayers...and Lord help those who come against one of His.
  • I just called this number Phone: (865)-544-0751 and selected 6 for a real person. The man I spoke with assured me the FBI is looking into the Monroe County/Fitzpatrick issue..........

    More calls are needed.........
    • I just called the Governor's office---they have already had calls--make more!
    • I JUST got off the phone from trying this number, Harry; I got a recording that says they're experiencing technical difficulties, and try again later.
This reply was deleted.


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