
  • What am I to be looking for?
    • The obama design to the left!!!
  • We broke this story last year and sent a press release to all the major news out lets. The only one I believe to post anything was Fox News and it wasn't much.


    Frank K. Ani, Jr.

    American Patriot Commission

  • Is that serious? Talk about an ego!
  • How about the Muslim Defense Agency?
  • There was never any doubt in my mind.
  • Dang is BHOPOTUS pandering  to the ISLAMISTS and the ET's for votes all in the same LOGO ! ! !
  • Republicans in the house turned down Steve King from Iowa's defund obamacare!!!!! They all lied to us!!!!!!!
    • Time to let them know that we put them in office, and we can remove them from office. Just like "Boner", speaker of the house, making the comment that "He knows obama is ligitimit" He said he has seen it. I wonder just what "it" is that he has seen, because the governor of Hawaii says it doesn't exist.
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