After reading an article on concerning Parker Shannon, the 70-year-old gentleman who has been amassing information about O and posting at, I am asking patriots to locate people born in Hawaii in or about 1961.One tidbit in WND's article peaked my interest. Obama's online cert lists his mother as CAUCASIAN and his father as AFRICAN. WND cites: "a 1961 summary of U.S. vital statistics by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now known as Health and Human Services) indicates:"Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite." The category "white" includes, in addition to persons reported as "white," those reported as Mexican or Puerto Rican. With one exception, a reported mixture of Negro with any other race is included in the Negro group; other mixed parentage is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races to the race of the father."I don't see the words CAUCASIAN or AFRICAN in this list. And besides...when has African been considered a "race." Last time I looked, that was a continent.The first thing I did was look at my birth certificate ('58) and my husband's ('55). We were not born "caucasian," but rather... WHITE.While an Arkansas birth certificate is certainly not identical to Hawaii's, the LANGUAGE OF THE TIME did not include the words caucasian or African when referring to folks' race.Hawaiian patriots, will you please check your birth certificates for this information?(by the way, I'm only moderately adept with "shopping" photos, but I downloaded O's cert, and I promise you, in just a short period of time, I could have myself a BHO birth cert with MY name on it along with MY info.)
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This would be so very easy to put to rest, all he has to do is get his official birth certificate, the one the rest of us need to get a passport, & place it under glass at the national Archives, for all to see. I learned something here. I knew there were different levels of citizenship, and knew certain ones disallowed one to run for president, but didn't understand the differences before. I knew I was only second generation born in America, but didn't realize my parents could not have run for president. I knew no one more proud to be an American then my grandmother, born in Poland, and became a citizen the year I was born, so she wasn't a citizen when my mother was born, but I didn't realize my mother could not be president, which is where Obama stands, if my new found knowlege is right. Yes, no doubt he was born in Hawaii, which if he were born 7 years earlier, would not have been a state, but ONLY his Mother was a citizen, not his Father. The arguement going on to date is wrongly saying he was not born in Hawaii, but if the arguement changed to the FACTS, being born in the US is not enough. The founding fathers made for this stringent requirement because they wanted to make sure all alligences were first & foremost to the USA. Although knowing how some born here feel toward our country, and how much my grandmother LOVED this country, my grandmother would have certainly been more faithful to doing what is best for America, then many with generations being born here. She knew tyranny as she came over from Poland shortly before Hitler came through! I'm sure she is turning over in her grave to see what is being done to the country she loved so much! The thought is scary no matter how you look at it. Obummer is out right dangerous for us, the next in line is scary because he is just plain, to use Obummer's favorite new term..."stupid" and the 3rd in line Pelosi...well, need I say more? The only way to save America, is to vote out everyone up for election in Nov 2010, so the 3rd in line is someone who actually does have the best interest for America in his/her mind, THEN challenge Obummer constitutionallity, based on the fact his father was not an American citizen, and get Biden removed based on mental incapacity. He should be under the watchful eye of a full time nurse to protect himself from himself!
Mary, while I agree that O's citizenship can, and should, be challenged on the basis of the citizenship of his parents, I don't agree he was born in Hawaii. When the cert he is espousing clearly uses statistical terms (Caucasian, African) that, at the time of his birth, were not in use by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, I can only surmise that the technically skillful graphic designer, whom I believed shopped this document, was not as adept at doing his homework regarding the language used at the time. As an aside, in my opinion, the language used in O's cert also indicates the age range of the forger - no more than around 30 years. People of a certain demographic are not accustomed to hearing, let alone utilizing, the word Negro, while they ARE very familiar with the word caucasian via various contemporary forms and applications.
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