Very good details at MEMRI

Gateway Pundit

It took the FBI several days to reach Benghazi and investigate the 9-11 terrorist attacks that left four Americans dead.
The FBI stayed for three hours.
They left behind several sensitive documents that were later scooped up by regional media outlets.

Today, Alaan TV, a UAE channel, revealed that letters found inside the consulate, written by the U.S. Consular staff and addressed to the Libyan Foreign Ministry and the Benghazi police chief, revealed security breaches at the consulate.

MEMRI reported:
“The Letters Read As Follows: ‘Early This Morning, On September 11… A Member Of The [Libyan] Police Force Was Seen… Photographing The Inside Of The U.S. Consulate’”

watch video here.

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  • How many ways can you define Traider?

    When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath:

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    Seems like pretty good motivation to obey any order you're given, right? Nope. These articles require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders -- if the order was illegal.

    If any law infringes on MY Constitution, it is NOT Lawful.

    Whether Obama is reelected or not, Treason charges should be considered against him, as he has done harm to America, and he has infringed of The Constitution of the United States of America, which I have sworn to defend. Any former President gets a life time pension, and 24/7 security detail for all the members of his family. Obama has done to much damage to America already, and we do not need to reward him with a life time pension and security.


      • Arnold,

        Either way it still spells OBAMA!

  • Isn't this wonderful? For the truth about Benghazigate we must turn to a TV station in the United Arab Emirates, while both Obama and Clinton with the aid and complicity of the Main Stream Media in the USA feed us nothing but subterfuge and lies.

  • Gun running didn't only happen in Mexico.   Can't have any witnesses to that, so under the bus you go.

  • obummer murdered these Americans.

    • Well perhaps this will awaken the average American, who has been asleep. This man is a murder and a trator as Steven Elliott stated : obummer murdered these brave men, this hurts my whole heart and soul, the fact that an American president would not send the forces to defend the ambassador, navy seals is deplorable. Some one needs to take up this and charge him with treason. I took an oath to serve and give my life if need be, even tho I am a Disabled  Vietnam Veteran 66 yrs old I would go back and do it again right now. No questions.

      My heart goes out to the families,children  and loved ones of these fallen men,who  obeyed the The Constitution of the United States of America. May they rest in peace knowing that their passing will never be forgotten, NEVER. Please vote on Tuesday and do what you must in helping these fallen men.

  • Robert,

            I disagree, he and his wife, after being convicted of treason, fraud, accessory to murder and theft should be afforded lifetime security and fulltime employment at  the facility at Ft Leavenworth, KS..

    • Making little rocks from big rocks

  • I find this so sad that we have to learn this from another country.  I find it even more tragic that our own CiC would allow such an event to occur in the first place, then lie about it to cover his own butt, and worst of all let four innocent Americans die a horrible, painful, and humiliating death to protect his hide from publicity during an election period.  Just think about this -- He denied them their right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  Remember that oath he took when sworn in to office to protect our Constitution and America?  I thought we had a Constitution that protected Americans from this kind of treatment.  I hope voters will take a long hard look at what they can expect if he gets four more years.  Remember, our Constitution is supposed to protect us from this kind of treatment, but it is this document that the CiC says is out of date with the times and he wants to change.  I have a strong feeling from this evidence that we are not going to like his kind of changes. Since the MSM is going to protect him by trying to cover for him, we must take it on ourselves to call, email, write, fax, tell everyone we can about this Benghazi-gate and what it really signals for our country, our future, and yes, even our lives!  We must not stop repeating this story until this Administration is brought to accountability and justice.  If we do not, then we can expect more of the same.  First Fast and Furious and now Benghazi-gate.  First one innocent American death, and now four more.  How many more government employees and military heros that we do not know about have died due to his actions, inactions, indecisiveness, leadership failures?  How many will it be the next time if we allow him to continue unabated?  We are talking about a person with no value for human life.  If I was a government worker right now, I do not think I would feel very secure with this loose nut at the wheel.  Whatever happened to Honesty, Courage, and Integrity?  This represents the ultimate in political correctness run amuck.

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