Are You Deceived?

Penned by Anonymous

Are You Deceived?

How well do you really know your Bible? Do you just know the stories or do you understand the significance of the stories being told?

Do you pay attention to the Bible prophecies or do you ignore them because you don't think it concerns you?

Why are the Bible prophecies there and should they be studied just as fervently as the story of our creation and the days after?

These are all questions we each have to answer for ourselves, and too many of us put the responsibility of gaining this knowledge upon our spiritual leaders to teach us. We trust the leaders of our churches to lead us unto salvation and not astray from it. Bible prophecies tell us that there will be many false teachers and that most of the world will be living in deception. It also tells us that many people will walk the path, but very few will pass through the narrow gate. Jesus even spoke about those who would claim to know him but knew him not.

How could that be possible when most of the world identifies as being a Christian or a follower of Christ's teachings? Have you ever considered that it could be the teachings of traditions in our churches that could be part of deceiving the world in the time that Jesus returns to deliver us from evil? It doesn't matter which religion or its traditions because Satan will infiltrate all religions to deceive as many as possible from spending eternity with God.

We think we're smart enough to identify a false teacher or a false religion when we see one. It's not hard to dismiss a person on television who profits from "healing" the sick and disabled, but what about your own church?

In churches across America, people gather on Sundays to worship God and praise the name of Jesus, and they leave feeling good for getting out of bed and being seen at church. But did they worship God or have they fallen into the deception of sun worship disguised as Christianity or some other spiritual teaching?

Right now you are probably angry that I could even dare to pose such a question, but if you have read your Bible then you know that you cannot mix good and evil and still bless it as being holy and worthy of God. This doesn't mean your spiritual leader is knowingly bad because he or she has also grown up in a world of traditions to deceive mankind from knowing the truth. You may not see the evil that has been at work in your church for the same reason you don't see it in the world, we have been raised with it as being normal and acceptable for our entire lives.

When evil things are given the "Christian Seal of Approval" and Satan declares another victory, many souls become lost. Early Christians rejected the symbol of the cross because they knew the symbol was evil. The cross has been a symbol used in many cultures/religions since the days of Babylon for sun worship. The Romans worshiped Mithra, a sun god, and his symbol was the cross. Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice to their god - and the Bible tells us that to worship the sun is devil worship and the devil is Satan and Satan is Lucifer, the fallen angel.

If you think about it honestly, then you know that Jesus had to be sacrificed to Satan in order to buy our salvation through grace. The payment of Jesus' blood wasn't paid to God. The blood of Jesus was paid to Satan ON THE CROSS because only Jesus was perfect enough to ever be able to pay a price high enough to grant salvation to any human who believed with their whole heart and mouth that Jesus died for their sins and to save their souls from eternal death on Judgment Day.

It took hundreds of years to get Christians to embrace the cross as a symbol of Christianity because early Christians were surrounded by the pagan customs and their symbols and names for their false gods and sun worship. As more time passed, Christians came to accept the crucifix as a symbol of Christianity, too. More than one thousand years later, today's Christians are praying before and with a symbol of death, sun worship, without giving it a second thought.

Why would Christians do this when we are clearly forbidden from having idols? Is it because the symbol has the blessing of our spiritual leaders and because we have been raised with it as a Christian symbol all of our lives that we are willing to wear it on a chain around our neck?

Can you even see, symbolically, how the cross IS a chain around our necks that keeps us IN SIN? We are chained to sin! Satan brought death into the world through deception and now he's got Christians embracing death by wearing HIS SYMBOL! Don't embrace death! Embrace the promise of His Grace because Jesus is ALIVE! There is no symbol for that!

A symbol that has been around since Babylon cannot be used to worship God. The Bible is very clear about this being an abomination to God and this is just part of how deceived the world is today. If we've been taught to accept this symbol of sun worship, or more accurately - Satan, as a symbol of our salvation through Jesus, what other symbols surround us that lead us further astray but have been given a meaning of something good so that people will not recognize it as evil?

There's more to being a sinner than what you might think because, as you can see, we're easily mislead into idol worship. You cannot call it anything else. You cannot claim "well that isn't what it means to me" because it doesn't matter what it means to you, it matters what has been forbidden by God!

Hit your knees and ask God to lead you to the truth and read His Word because that is where the truth is. Don't be ignorant in your religious traditions. Know where they come from and rid yourself of everything rooted in evil because we do not know the day nor the hour but Jesus is coming soon!

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  • Thank you for this truth.

  • Whoever wrote this is a bit deceived as well.  I'm not sure why they said Jesus had to be sacrificed to Satan?  To Satan, come again.  Satan has no part whatsoever in anyone's redemption.  He had to be sacrificed on the basis of blood atonement for sins. That's what the whole sacrificial system of the Tanuch was about, blood atonement for sins, transferring your sins onto an innocent animal. In those days, the sinner would grab hold of the bull horns of a bull, leaning into the sacrifice and thereby transferring their sins onto it. Life is in the blood, his blood was shed in place of yours, you get the eternal life if you live accordingly.

    Then there's the deception of hell. Everyone that doesn't worship God is not going to burn in hell, he gave you free will, serve him or not. Your reward is death eternal is you chose not to, it's not eternal life for you, or eternity of suffering in fire.  The wicked are thrown into the lake of fire and they are burned to ashes. Ashes beneath our feet.  Hell was made for Satan and his angels.  God can destroy the soul.

    Finally the trinity, if you're a trinitarian it would really be in your best interest to find out what pagan system brought this to you. 

    I left my church, God told me leave it via a dream and I began study of Torah and the Holy Feast Days via a web site I discovered, I started keeping the Sabbath (Saturday).  The Lord has really allowed me to learn so much more about his truth than any church ever has.  I will never be a member of another American Church unless it is a Messianic Congregation. 

    Nicene Creed and the Truth about the Trinity
    The Trinity is a Hellenist concept central to the Christian concept of Jesus and Christ. There is no support for it in the Old Testiment.
    • Gina;  Christians are saved by the belief in the Resurrection of CHRIST. not the Torah and all the Jewish Holy days. You are one confused lady. And Hell is very real. So is the Trinity. How did you get so off track?

      • Look I"m not going to argue with you, but I was saved by the shed blood, not the resurrection. Crazy thing is Yeshua taught the Torah, if you read your bible you see him teaching the pharisees and his Apostles what can be done on the Sabbath, how to keep it.  He taught them that they could glean corn to eat, that they could get their animal out of the ditch on the Sabbaths.  That saving a life is permitted on the sabbath, that one could heal on the Sabbath.  You know what else is funny, there are 4 more Holy Feasts yet to be fulfilled and if you knew them, you'd know when to expect his return and when he was born.  It was actually during the Fall of the year, he was prob born in Sept not Dec 25th.  

        You see him in the temple, at the Passover, celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles with his Apostles.  Your problem is you don't understand that the bible is a Jewish book, written by Jews for Jews and it's full of Torah references.

        Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are
        not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isa 46:10

        The beginning declares the end and I was grafted into him, he wasn't grafted into us. 

        The track got off when a certain "Church" needed to placate Israel believers for power and money.  How about studying the Roman Empereors and the pagan gods they worshipped.

        Beleive what you want Betty, but I think you are the one way off the track. You believe what they feed you, not what God wants to feed you.


    • I think you missed the point of the symbolism that the author was trying to make. But there are many theories as to why Jesus had to die for mankind. 

      1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." This is all I need to know and this section of the Bible also talks about eternal life through belief.

      • Bearing record does not mean there are three who share a godhood. 

        Maybe this will help:

        I am convinced one reason why a trinitarian doctrine was incorporated into Christianity was to explain the 'person' of Yeshua; to explain how he could be G-d.  That G-d could take on human form as an earthly Messiah isn't difficult to accept -- afterall -- He'd previously supped with Abraham (Gen 18) and He had wrestled with Jacob (Gen 32) *while also in human form*.  Our powerful G-d can manifest Himself in many forms; there is no need for these weak doctrines that attempt to sub-divide the godhead in attempts to explain "how" He does it.  Trinitarians start dividing up the godhead so that the Father is one person, the Son/Yeshua is a second person, and then the Ruach (spirit) is a third person.  Scripture never says G-d is divided up into three persons!  The word 'trinity' isn't even Scriptural.  Trinity is a manmade doctrine that borrows heavily from pagan sources.  Scripture tells us G-d is One *not* three.  Ultimately the trinity doctrine seeks to limit our heavenly Father to merely one-third of the godhead.  Isn't it easier to just accept Scripture at Its Word?  We have One G-d, and He can manifest Himself in any form He chooses without needing to be subdivided to fit the manmade doctrines.


        "For unto us a child is born .., and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty Almighty, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6


        He can manifest Himself in many forms but He is always One. He was a burning bush, an angel that appeared to Abraham, a fire by night and smoke by day, a rock, an angel that wrestled with Jacab.  Why is it hard to believe he took the form of man and purchase us with his own blood?

        Three In Heaven.... "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?  This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.   And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." 1 John 5:5-8 Similar situation as in Matthew, an assumption is made by trinitarians that a heavenly tri-witness must therefore prove that G-d is a trinity.  We see the witness in this passage wasn't about a godly trinity, but rather that the Good News is validated by the witness of water (immersion), blood (crucifixion) and Ruach/Spirit on earth, as well as by the Father, Word (logos) and Ruach in heaven.  Notice this is just reiterating what we have already seen in the gospels about the witness in heaven: "Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased."Luke 3:21,22  It's beautiful wording: three bear witness on earth (Water, Blood, Ruach) and three bear witness in heaven (G-d, Word, and Ruach)1 -- but there is no leap that G-d, Word and Ruach comprise a trinity any more so than Water, Blood and Ruach would.


        Next is him praying to God.  Very good article and sensible.
        • I taught a children's Primary Sunday School class for years, when I first started I struggled with how to explain to the kids just what the 3 in 1 God was and when I prayed He gave me a very simple 2 part explanation: Think of a piece of fruit pie, there are 3 parts, the crust, the fruit and the juice, yet they're all 1 piece of pie. That seemed simple enough but then He went on that God (The Father) God (The Son) and God (The Holy Spirit) and that they are the 3 personalities of God. I was to point out to my kids that all them were a Son or Daughter, a Friend, and a Brother, or Sister, or Neighbor, that thus they had 3 separate personalities for this discussion. They would want to do different things with someone when in each of those personalities, but couldn't separate to do them all at once. God IS God and can separate His personalities to be in more than one place at once. That's just part of His Awe-full-ness. For I am full of awe when I think of it. (I never had a kid who couldn't understand this.)

  • As I have said before I am a traditional Catholic.  I keep telling people that if we had our Christian churches filled

    with people in all states it would bother the communists and the islamists.  They see so many of us have lost faith in

    God and have gotten very lazy in our faith.  I understand some people do not believe one has to go into a church

    to have a deep faith in Our Lord.  I do respect that but to stun the islamists and communists we must have full parking lots

    as many days of the week as we can, in ALL Christian churches.  Let us stun them.  It is easily done and it

    would push them back.  One must fight force with force.  Plus I feel it would please Our Dear Lord so.  God Bless.  Jo D.

  • To Twana; why was this article allowed to be  submitted by  "Anonymous?" And obviously, there are as many versions of beliefs as there are people. As a Patriot website, I think religion, while important, is not the purpose of this website.

  • The teachings of traditions in our churches are a most serious problem.

    Now I mean no offense, but to bring to the fact that we as Christians need to do as prescribed by

    Acts 17:11 Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.

    Jude 1:3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.

    These are the saints of the Old Testament.

    We must study and strictly adhere to scripture. Just because some fool or pastor said something doesn't necessarily  make it so.

    By following traditions such as Christmas and Easter with out first researching to find there roots and true meaning is a serious error.  Now one would say "well Christmas is about the birth of Jesus".

    Well first of all, Jesus was not born December 25. Would you be offended if some who clams to love you didn't even know your birthday? I wonder if our Lord is? Does Scripture tell us to celebrate his birth or death?

    His birthday is closer to this time of year, like with in these next few days, if one does the research it can be pinned down to with in a day or so.

    Now for the Christmas tree, decorations, mistletoe, the Yule log, the giving of gifts. Everything has pagan roots.

    Search "roots of Christmas",   DO SOME RESEARCH! Then when your satisfied move on Ishtar, oops, I mean Easter.

    And then who changed the Sabbath to Sunday? The day of the sun worshipers.

    Constantine, that's who. Scripture says The Last Day of The Week not the first, and I can find nowhere in scripture were God told him he could change it.

    And this is not even the tip of the iceberg. Catholicism is filed with "tradition" that if researched would become very questionable as to God's will.   

    Once we learn of the pagan roots and what symbiosis they represent, the deception  becomes more clear.

    Ask the Lord to guide you and give you discernment, He will.

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