This is no surprise. Anyone making note, there are alot of false hopes put up and then shut down constantly? Time to face the fact - No one in any Branch of the Gov. is going to do their job! Hussein Obama - the muslim n chief will be on the ballot and there will be so much voter fraud plus on top of the illegal aliens, dead, pets, etc., over 20 states have outsourced their ballot counter to a company in Spain owned by Soros. Time to prepare! Please prepare for you and your family instead of being a drain upon others that will be prepared for them and their family.


Ladies remember, get trained, you will need to know may at some point have to defend yourself and children left in your care.



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  • Let's apply pressure on these people.

  • Let's not forget that people who know stuff and publicize it about the king are frequently victims of bizarre deaths and mysterious disappearences.  I do not doubt for one second that he and his minions do not hesitate to threaten families and loved ones....that is, of course a common muslim tactic that is used to take normal people and turn them into fanatics.  They use the love of family to coerce compliance with their agendas. 

    Of course, my statement above is not based in factual evidence....just a very VERY strong intuition based on years of observation of this culture and their tactics.  I can no longer brush it off and ignore it. 

    We must all face the reality of what is about to come down and unite with likeminded souls and make the preparations that will help us to weather what is coming.

    • Eagle,  Obama, just like the Clintons, have enemies that disappear of die under peculiar circumstances with no real investigations following.  I agree with all you wrote except the last sentence about "weather what is coming".  If obama and his cabal of criminals pulls it off; the country is done for.  Four more years of Executive Orders and a growing army of government agencies and it is all over.  He will become President for life among other things and this country will become nothing more then a slave state in the UN (one world order).  If he does not lose the election only the military supported by all of us armed citizens can save this country and restore freedom.  Will the military leaders act?  I fear not as the top dogs have it too good and will not want to risk losing.


  • What is so challenging to do the right thing?  The greatest threat to the United States is the epidemic disease that is sweeping the nation......from top to bottom in political circles.  If you have any relatives, friends, that are politicians, or you have any contact with politicians, use caution.  There appears to be no cure for the dreaded impact of "back-bone jelly".




    Damn....Caves and apologizes?....


  • I too, am frightened as I have never been before and trying to prepare.

    My wife is ANGRY at me for "mis-managing my money" buying extra food & fuel.

    There are SOME preps I'm making I will NOT tell her about because she is a federal employee.

    I'm reminded of the Russian parents during Stalin's time who dared not speak openly in the presence of their own children. WE are now going down the same road at full throttle!

    I have not yet recieved the post about the NBPP "The ballot or the Bullet" piece, but I have heard about it. To the person who suggested the Tea Party do it for real- YOU IDIOT! Comments like that are JUST what the lefties want to hear from conservatives!

    • Don't be scared, be strong, Bruce.  Rest assured in the fact that you are doing what you need to do to protect your family from what is to come.  Your strength in the coming times will be your preparations that you made.  Good for you!


  • He was most likly told that he would end up like the Fed Judge when the Congress woman got shot and the Judge was shot and killed. Since it looks like the #1 target then was the judge and all others were just for the fun of it. Thats our Washington today, if you dont agree then you are taken out, for the Fed Judge was not working for bho and had to be taken out...


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