THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES, less than 60 days till the 2018 mid term elections! Please join me in sharing valuable political information with prospective voters, and encourage them to elect Constitutional Conservatives to fill challenged and vacant congressional seats and state governorships.
At stake is the Trump agenda…THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S agenda!
Democrats have made it well known that their ONLY platform is the impeachment of President Trump based on visceral hatred! They care nothing for our revitalized economy; tax cuts for citizens and businesses; reduction of oppressive government regulations; the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded; foreign policy based on peace through strength; adherence to the rule of law domestically and regarding illegal immigration; the potential end of hostilities on the Korean peninsula; expunging corrupt officials in government agencies; energy independence, and much more!
A Democrat majority in congress would reverse tax cuts; stifle efforts to control illegal immigration; and exacerbate corruption and lawlessness in Washington, D.C. The proof is readily available and accessible!
Our country CANNOT survive another slide backwards to the liberal, socialist policies of B. Hussein Obama!
Become INFORMED VOTERS! Help America regain its greatness by supporting President Trump with the elections of CONSERVATIVES to positions of political authority!
Learn more at