I found this article this morning and thought I'd share it
with my friends here. I've added a link to the entire article
so you can read it at your convienience.
Good grief, do these people at the ATF have better things
to do? Now they are claiming Chore Boy scrubbers can be
used to make silencers for weapons! I suggest that everyone
go out and buy a case of these, that's right, overload the
system and make their day!
Also,did you know that Chore Boy used to be marketed
under the name Chore Girl? That is until the PC wackos
decided that it was degrading to women to use the girl part.
What's next? I happened to read the post yesterday about
the Black Panthers and in the article they mentioned they
were teaching the members to make bombs and one of the
materials used were tampons. So do we hear about the
ATF banning the sales of tampons? Nope, but I degress,
just making a point. Might as well ban every little thing that
just might harm somebody.
No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles
Feds warns kitchen staple considered part of 'silencer'
"Put down the Chore Boy and back away from the weaponry!"
It's an order that actually could be heard, given that a letter has surfaced
from the federal government warning against consumers stockpiling
Chore Boy household scrubbers because they can be considered a
component of a gun silencer and, therefore, regulated by federal gun laws.
The letter is from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives, the ATF. It was obtained by David Codrea, who publishes
online as the Gun Rights Examiner.
And it comes from a federal agency that earlier determined a 14-inch-long
piece of shoestring must be regulated under federal gun laws and restrictions
because it is a "machinegun."
The latest unusual determination from the agency is found in a letter
submitted to the agency on behalf of a client. The letter is dated Nov. 26,
2010, and Codrea said it was obtained recently.
Read the whole article here: