Yesterday I watched a great victory in Wisconsin. I also joyfully sat back and observed Most of the Tea Party Groups UNITE on this state issue and achieve victory! This is the very unity that United States Citizens have been asking for for over 4 years now.

If all Tea Party and Patriot groups will continue to unite and work on the most important state and national issues, we will restore our republic. ♥





noun \ˈyü-nə-tē\
plural uni·ties

Definition of UNITY

1 a : the quality or state of not being multiple : oneness b (1) : a definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation <in a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is regarded as unity> (2) : identity element
2 a : a condition of harmony : accord b : continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action)
3 a : the quality or state of being made one : unification b : a combination or ordering of parts in a literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an undivided total effect; also : the resulting singleness of effect or symmetry and consistency of style and character
4 : a totality of related parts : an entity that is a complex or systematic whole

Origin of UNITY

Middle English unite, from Anglo-French unité, from Latin unitat-, unitas, from unus one — more at one
First Known Use: 14th century

Related to UNITY

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  • Amen and Praise God


  • Correct...and never stop being "involved"...We the People make the Government of Our Choosing...

  • "{WE THE PEOPLE}" must come together in unity, to restore our Christian Constitutional Republic!

    The Churches, and Ministries of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, must Repent so Almighty God(The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost): can [SAVE AMERICA]!!!!!!!  II Chronicles 7 : 14

  • Yes we will, Twana, and what a God-given victory for Scott Walker! You're right, we need to unite and work on the most important issues, and that's why we've formed the Constitutional Oversight Posse (COP). We intend to hold to account those who continue to violate the Constitution: Obama, Holder, etc. If you haven't already, please read, and if you agree, join us! We're hoping to get one million names signed up so Congress will hear us loud and clear. Thank you, and have a great day! 

    Constitutional Oversight Posse proposal: 

  • N.G.O.---NON GOVERNMENTAL be formed at all levels everywhere to teach civics and keep an eye on official;s everywhere across our Land. Tea Parties sure need to be brought in; at least the members who are NOT deluding themselves into thinking that their once a month meetings are accomplishing something.  AS ARNIE so astutely pointed out  - - the other side has people working 24-7 to take our country away from us:  What a Great Use of Our Tax Dollars - -EHHHH???   Now with perhaps $5.00/ month dues we might get a Better Return on OUR MONEY. In the meantime, we should REJOICE at Governor Walker's Victory WHILE we Get After The Ballot Box Establishment. LOL - A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is NOT AVEHICHLE With An AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ! ! !    




  • THANKS PATTY, I'll give some time to this.  

  • MORE COFFEE - MORE COFFEE - " " " .................

  • I have been elated since last night. Nearly four years of hard patriot work has paid off big time. I think we've seen that Americans are no longer asleep. The people of our nation albeit in one small state, show that they will fight their hardest to save this nation. Good message to the Progressives who want mediocrity or worse for us. God has been listening. We are praying and fighting. WE WILL PREVAIL as long as we continue to do both.

  • Great Idea Twana!!!

  • God has been helping us, obama can't win! no matter how hard he tries to pass excecutive orders laws rules lies drones ect. his tyannical minions is over and he knows it!! try as he might, he has  wakin the free Justice of freedom in all of Gods laws! real Justice, I'm so proud of our God loveing group!!!!!God bless, Gene- lock  & load

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