String-pulling cadre threatens America
Charlie Daniels explains significance of trumpet-sounding film project
By Charlie Daniels 

Order a copy of "Behold a Pale Horse" at WND's Superstore.
Note: Charlie Daniels hosts a powerful and vital DVD documentary that sounds the alarm over the current danger to American liberty: "Behold a Pale Horse." 

Have you ever wondered why, no matter which political party is in power nothing much meaningful ever seems to get done? 

Have you ever pondered the fact that in spite of the plentiful energy reserves in our nation, we continue to spend trillions of dollars buying oil from people who would like nothing better than to see America turned into a grease spot and blame our reticence to drill on a handful of environmental groups? 

Did you ever question why a gaggle of supposed public servants would vote for a multi-trillion-dollar piece of legislation they didn't even take the time to read? 

Why do some of the mineral-richest countries on Earth have the most destitute populations?

Why are there politicians who are teflon as far as the media are concerned and others who resemble velcro when it comes to their coverage? 

Why, after 200 years of being a free and fiercely independent nation, would the U.S. even consider giving over our precious sovereignty to a corrupt anti-American, double-dealing bunch of losers like the United Nations? 

Why is our Southern border as porous as a colander, and why does it make sense to be able to vote without proper identification when you can't even check into a hotel room without it?

Why would our money supply be determined by one man who can tighten up our currency or flood the world with cheap dollars that could trigger hyperinflation? 

"Behold a Pale Horse" explores these and other perplexing questions – and the answers may surprise you, tarnish some of your heroes, slaughter some of our sacred cows and pour some new wine into some very old wine skins. 

There are forces at work on planet Earth that are completely off the radar of mainstream America. They meet in secret, plan in secret and work both sides of the street politically, recruiting their disciples early on, from the best and the brightest, the mega wealthy and super powerful. A well-hidden organization which lurks in the shadows pulling the strings of those they can corrupt, with promises of wealth and high political office. A ruthless cadre of movers and shakers who will not settle for anything less than absolute global domination.

You who read the Holy Bible know what is happening here. It is foretold in the Scriptures, a plot that is instigated in the very halls of hell. 

Prepare to be shocked. 


Product Description

Looming world government, a world "elite," the United Nations, loss of American sovereignty ... The light of our "shining city on a hill" dims. Dissecting America under judgment, such patriots as Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, Elena Chitta, Dr. Katherine Allbrecht, Jim Marrs, Dr. Stan Montieth, Joel Skousen and Gerald Celente join Charlie Daniels in a primer for the uninitiated on the New World Order with biblical perspective. A global feudal police state unfolds.

We were born for such a time as this! Be a part of the solution. Freedom depends on it!

Editorial Reviews

“It’s a powerful film. … Get it. Show it to everyone you know.” – Alex Jones, Prison Planet

“I don’t think you can be the same … and walk away from this if you give it a fair viewing.” – Greg Evensen, radio host of “Voices From the Heartland” and former Kansas State Trooper

“Once you know, you can never not know.” – Michael Badnarik, computer programmer and former Libertarian candidate for president

Product Details

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