Six months after been forced to rescind the Ban on Bibles at the WALTER REED Hospital, comes extremely disturbing news that the US Government's Department of Defense has banned the sales of Bibles at all U.S. Military bases worldwide at the base stores or exchanges!
The US Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty has asked Congress to intervene again, just as they did to restore pastors' rights to visit injured US soldiers at Walter Reed last December, to restore the sale of these special designated Holman Bibles to the store shelves. It is the first time that the DOD and the Pentagon has removed the Word of God from US bases!
The Christian Post has reported that due to just a few complaints from an atheist organization, the Pentagon policy makers have made this strange decision. This comes right on the heels of news from this same politicized Pentagon, that the rate of suicides among US Soldiers has now reached one suicide per day! There have been 154 US military personnel suicides from January 1 to June 3, 2012! Retired US Chaplain Peter Sousa told the Christian Post in part "..."I am speaking from experiences in my perspective, but I do believe that the young people coming into the military today do not have the firm foundation in religious belief that previous generations had. More and more soldiers are saying they have no religious preference".
This is absolutely unconscionable and unacceptable! The same men and women who are fighting to defend freedom and the Constitution of the United States are now denied their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Religion, by a government increasingly hostile to Christianity.
This is the latest outrage against soldiers who need the Cleansing Power of the Blood of Christ and the Word of God to give them a hope and a future. They face divorce, separation from their families and unconventional warfare only to find their spiritual knees have been cut out from under them by their own superiors who sit behind desks. Here is a list of attacks on Christians and the Bible in the past two years:
- Rev. Franklin Graham was kicked out and disinvited from a National Day of Prayer service inside the Pentagon in 2010 because of his solid stance for Christ!
- Rev. Franklin Graham runs the worldwide charitable SAMARITAN'S PURSE, which gave over 8 million shoeboxes full of gifts to poor children of all races and religion around the world. This past December 2011, the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs kicked Samaritan's Purse off the Campus because two atheists complained! Yet this same Air Force Academy has given witches some high ground to build and conduct their Pagan rituals!!!
- US Chaplains are forbidden from praying in the Name of Jesus.
- In the fall of 2011, the brass at Walter Reed Hospital, the largest military one where wounded military from Iraq and Afghanistan are treated, sent down a written memo banning ALL bibles from Reed! After it was discovered and some US congressman started condemning the ban from the floor of Capitol Hill, the US government took back their memo and allowed families to bring bibles for their wounded sons and daughters again.
- This past February 2012, all Army chaplains were banned by the government from reading a letter from the Catholic bishops, where the bishops spoke against the church being made to buy and give employees contraception and pregnancy prevention pills for free...against the tenets of church teaching.
The answer to all of this is - PRAY for the brave men and women of the US Military and the people who send them to war. Pray that the US Congress exposes this outrage and cause a reversal of this ban on the sale of these Bibles, which cost the US Military nothing.
This sickens me to my core...This is evil and it is pervasive...It will be stopped! Send to everyone you know in the military and in the Christian world...This must be stopped.
Do we know if the Koran is being sold in PX's?
Jo Dermody
Great question Jo...Lets see if we can find out!
OF COURSE.......
Well, this really doesn't surprise me since we kiss the muslims behinds. No one wants to upset the muslims or insult islam but who cares how much we christians are insulted or upset. All part of Bible prophecy. When are the Christians of this world going to stand up and say enough is enough???
We are, and Cheryl is right...Display a cross everytime you leave the house! Keep praying ladies!
Satan is here and we have only one option.
The more they take away the more we pray and go around them. I will not Comply. Put a cross in every yard, use the words God Bless you at every opportunity. Send Blessing and inspirational cards and books to our Soldiers. Keep praying for their souls daily, without stopping.
They are in danger and being betrayed by their own illegal Commander and Chief. He is their enemy.
Pray for me too, I'm signing off for a while, but I will be back. I have a battle with cancer to go and fight right now. If I lose well I'll see all you Patriot's at God's house. God Bless America.
God Bless you and keep you strong in your battle Cheryl. I will say many prayers for your speedy return to health.
Bless you my friend and all Patriots here; If we had a Leader to guide us against the enemy ; We are the majority in every field , Freedom , Christianity , Justice , Respect , Love of Country , and our enemies are a minority screaming and kicking against all of us . If We do just like they do to us they would retrieve to their satanic caves.
The problem is that we do not have a leadership to stand tall ; we are on our own depending and supporting each other and no leadership.
Jan.25,1941 President Roosevelt inscribed a moving prologueto a special edition New Testament published by the
Gideons. This New Testament(and Psalms ) printed by the National bible Press Philadelphia, was distributed to
soldiers as they left for service During WWII. ....America's God and Country Wm.J.Federer editor Amerisearch 2000
pp538-39 n.43--- As noted by Thomas More Law Center June15,2012 George Washington Turning Over in his Grave
as Pentagon Celebrates Sodomy. and lest we forget the Prophet Jeremiah :Cursed is the man who puts his trust in man,
who makes flesh his arm,and whose heart departs form the Lord.For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,and shall not see when good comes, but shall inherit the parched places of the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited.
(chapter 17 : verses5,6) As Mr.Lincoln said in 1863 Fast Day proclamation We have been blessed with the bounties of heaven . But we have forgotten God...