Joe Biden has dropped out of the race for President in 2024.
My answer --- SO WHAT || --- Who cares. What difference does it make ?
Joe Biden hasn't been running anything up there in Washington anyway.
The Democrats don't really care who is occupying the seat at the White House, As long as that person is willing to cooperate and follow orders.
So who is actually running things up there??
Barack Hussein (he-stinks) Obama , Valerie Jarret, and Hillary Clinton.
And the "Deep-State" communists party.
These people will do ANYTHING to hold onto the reigns of power.
The failed attempt to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13th was only the beginning.
They will try again, if they think it's necessary.
President Trump says - We have to make the Republican voter turn out in November "To Big to Rig".
But the Democrats don't care about that either.
They don't care about who the people want to be President, They've got this election rigged just like they did in 2020 election.
They will unleash their attack dogs in the main-streem-media to attack Trump and the Republicans at ever step of the way for the next 4 months.
That has already started.
Be prepared for a chaotic and violent summer and fall. Don't forget, they still want a civil war.
From the Canadian Free Press;
Fascist Democrats never give up until they imprison, ruin or murder their political opponents