Conservative Daily News

By Rebecca Diserio

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, came forward to “take responsibility overall” for the attacks  at Benghazi, but per Ed Klein we now know behind the scenes Bill Clinton advised his wife  to resign over the possible criminal fallout of the Benghazi massacre.  Today we learn from sources  that not only did Hillary ask for added security, and was denied, but her closest advisers strongly suggested she seek legal counsel just days after the attack.  Why?  Why did “they” deny Hillary’s requests for added security to Benghazi, and  why is this a situation in which a Secretary of State would need personal legal counsel?  Could the Benghazi fallout, go beyond what a Public Relations firm can handle?  I’d say YES.  Could this be a criminal act, negligence,  dereliction of duty, which resulted in murder?  I’d  say YES.  And I’d say that Hillary is telling the truth as the “source” of these latest developments come straight from her “legal counsel”.   Hillary did prior to September 11th, 2012 order added security for Benghazi, and those requests were denied—but by who?

To fully understand what happened in Benghazi, we need to step back.  Ambassador Stevens was located in a CIA safehouse (otherwise known as the building burned down during attack)–that  location is where on the night of the attack he dined with the Turkish General Counsel.  Why?  Why was Stevens meeting with this Turkish official? Apparently, in reports the US was gun running weapons through Turkey to aid the Syrian Rebels, but the real kicker here is that we handed over 400 tons in one shipment, to Al Queda and the Muslim Brotherhood, who are the leaders of these so called “Syrian Rebels”.  We can speculate what the Turkish General Counsel talked with Ambassador Stevens about that  night—but what is clear is that the Al Queda backed forces were on scene whilst the two men dined.

The ‘Libyan forces’ called the Feb. 17th Brigade, were the extra security which manned that CIA safe house.  On the night of the attack, Sean Smith, sent this message via a gaming app

”Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”

What is interesting to note here, is the quotations around the word police.  Here, he is referring to the Feb. 17th Brigade, and what it tells me is he is questioning just who these ‘police’ are with, why  are they casing the safe house taking pictures?  We now know that this “Brigade” is an affiliate of Al Queda and they fought under the “Black Flag” of  Al Queda.  Diana West, an expert in Middle East affairs has this to offer:

The Obama administration, however, threw in Uncle Sam’s lot with bad guys – the “rebels,” the “martyrs,” the Muslim Brothers, the whole jihad-happy crew in Libya and the wider Middle East. Uncle Sam, more or less, crossed to the “other side.” It is this alliance or support for “martyrs” and their sympathizers in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria that is the betrayal from which Benghazi-gate rises, particularly as our veterans’ cemeteries and hospitals are filled with casualties caused by such “martyrs.”

Let’s cut to the chase.  Benghazi is shaping up to be the worst cover-up ever in the history of the US.  The 12 reports that were filed within the first 24 hours, outlining to the White House exactly what had transpired, never once mention a “protest” or any “video”.  They do mention Al Queda linked group called Ansar al-Sharia, claiming the attacks.  We know that the drone was feeding live video back to the White house “situation room” and that Obama was in a meeting with Panetta and Biden at the White House—we know they were informed via those emails of the attack in progress.  Is there any doubt they also were watching this live in real time?

And with that info, Obama strolled out to the Rose Garden, and alluded to this “video”.  In later appearances Obama does talk about the “vile” video, slamming Romney for calling it a “terrorist” attack.  The DOJ indicts and arrests a man, albeit with a shady past—but does his family deserve having a price on their head—do they deserve to never return to their home, due to danger?  Does he deserve to be in protective custody due to death threats from Muslim extremists?  Do the 4 dead Americans, and their families, deserve any of what has gone on?

America stands at the crossroads in history.  The Main Stream Media is protecting Obama, so many Americans do not know these details.  They are hoping to slide through the next 2 weeks and pull out a victory, putting back in power the President who watched our fellow Americans die….and then, went to bed.

Related posts:

  1. Benghazi Biggest Political Scandal in Modern History; Main Stream Media Continues to Set False Narratives
  2. UPDATE: Clinton assembles legal defense team
  3. Benghazi “Intell” Excuse Unravels; CIA Reported Immediately to White House “Militants Responsible for Attack”
  4. SHOCK REPORT: White House Knew 2 Hours After Attack
  5. The YouTube video & Susan Rice; UN Blasphemy Laws fit the “Narrative”

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  • I personally believe that it's time for American justice to prevail in this case.. We don't need this kind of leadership we have in  our precious country, if some one prevails in the next couple of weeks, we might be doomed. Please Lord have mercy..

  • "And with that info, Obama strolled out to the Rose Garden, and alluded to this “video”.  In later appearances Obama does talk about the “vile” video, slamming Romney for calling it a “terrorist” attack.  The DOJ indicts and arrests a man, albeit with a shady past—but does his family deserve having a price on their head—do they deserve to never return to their home, due to danger?  Does he deserve to be in protective custody due to death threats from Muslim extremists?  Do the 4 dead Americans, and their families, deserve any of what has gone on?"

    And as we can see Obummer will do what he can to cover up this yet he says they are filling in the American Public which is total BULL. Just like they call the Ft. Hood shooting "Work Place Violence" WTF is that? WHAT? Do I believe Obummer is a Muslim? No I just think he will work with whom ever to destroy America period. I have voted already (early voting in Georgia) and all we can do is hope that we get rid of Obummer November 6th. The only thing I hate is the free ride he will be getting for life at the expense of the tax payers, while Veterans have to fight tooth and nail to get anything after being hurt while serving the US, and that thing he calls wife will love that for sure (so she can be proud of America for the first time). Ok I will shut up now.

  • Please keep in mind here that I am No fan of Ms Hillary Clinton, I don't like her at all. But on this issue it seems that Hillary
    may be telling the truth (even if it is only in small bits and pieces). She certainly knows more about what happened than she is willing to talk about.
    But it seems that she is trying to cover her ass on this Bengazi Libia emabssy attack situation.
    Hillary may be willing to take some heat as the Secretary of State, but no way is she going to take the full blame for allowing Embassidor Stevens being killed.
    And she is certainly NOT going to take the sole blame for setting up the murder of an American Embassidor and four Navy Seals.
    She is covering her own ass and keeping a close eye on the exit doors.
    According to latest reports Hillary DID send messages for an increase in support for Bengazi, but those requests were all denied, and on the night of the attack, she once again requested support, but once again that request was denied. WHO denied those requests for additional security in Bengazi ????
    Those requests had to go to the White House,,, So WHO inthe White House would have recieved that message? VALLARY JARETT.
    Hillary Clinton is not about to take a fatal fall for Vallary Jarrett.
  • IMPEACH FOR TREASON!!  MY Constitution says in Article 3, Sec.3:  "Treason against the United States, shall consist only of levying War against them, or in adhering (support) to their enemies, GIVING THEM AID AND COMFORT."  I know OWEbumbler doesn't believe in OUR Constitution, but he's bound to it by law whether he recognizes it or not.  TIME for Congress to investigate, impeach and IMPRISON this MUSLIM TRAITOR.

    • Who do you think is going to take that step. It's time for WE THE PEOPLE to take that step but all we can do is talk about what needs to be done and quote the Constitution. We now have all three branch of government failing the people of this country. Do you really think someone in this Congress has the balls to take the step to impeach. That would mean they would have to impeach each other. They are just as much a traitor as the Obama administration. I would say most of them have supported Obama in some way. The Congress and Senate is useless.

      • No it's not Malcom, in Republican party the guilty include certain RINO's like McCain, Lindsey "Goober" Graham of SC and others whose political ambitions are more important than representing the people. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely--and too many in Congress are corrupt from so many years DICTATING instead of representing, Tea Party and Conservatives have kicked out Bob Bennett of Utah and Dick Lugar of Indiana from Senate, many others in the House. This will not be a short battle-GOP establishment will do anything including acting like DemocRATS to stay in power, the RATS party is infected from top to bottom with so many radical leftwingers OWNED by George Soros and his and affiliates--it can't be saved--RATS are voting out their OWN conservative members while GOP establishment is battling Tea Party and Conservatives. WE THE PEOPLE have to stay engaged--it's taken nearly a hundred years to get this deep--though MUCH of the problems began in 60's after the structure for control over economy and financial sectors were installed under WWilson and FDR.  It REQUIRES more Americans to get involved--the battle won't be over even if Romney's elected--IT HAS JUST BEGUN!!

  • What is Hillary's chain of command? That is where the 'who' is that is responsible for blocked her requests for added security at Benghazi.

    • As head of State Department, her ONLY BOSS is BaROKE OWEbumbler--he who WENT TO BED AFTER WATCHING MUSLIMS MURDER 4 Americans.  The SAME OWEbumbler who said in his book "Audacity of Hope" page 261:  "I WILL STAND WITH THE MUSLIMS SHOULD THE POLITICAL WINDS SHIFT IN AN UGLY DIRECTION."   How much UGLIER can it get than 2700+ Americans MURDERED by muslims on 9/11?  How much UGLIER can it get with 13 MORE Americans MURDERED by a muslim at Fort Hood and 4 Americans MURDERED by muslims in Libya?  He tells us "God Bless America" TO OUR FACES and "Allahu Akbar" BEHIND OUR BACKS.   Experts say the GOLD RING on his left hand has an Arabic inscription that says "There is no God but Allah"--HE IS A MUSLIM AT HEART!!   He defends them, apologizes to them, bows to their leaders and HE IS ARMING THEM THROUGH THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD!!

      • I agree wholeheartedly with you Shavager. I have been disgusted with the slugs we have in the D.C. govt. I called them slugs because there doesn't seem to be one solid backbone among them all. I hope I'm wrong on that, but impeachment seems to be avoided at all costs from early on. Then a relative tossed this question out at me, "What if they are all quiet because the Obama Chicago-style bullying and thuggery has them all locked down by blackmail? They could have built up a lot of damning information that we as the common public would not be aware of."

        I find that thought highly possible, but then that puts their saving their own backsides over the importance of saving our Constitution and our country. We need a fresh start with some good old fashioned honesty and a new group of Senators and Representatives that DO put honor and support of our country and its foundation as the #1 priority.

  • although late in the game, file impeachment proceedings contingent with murder, accessory to and conspiracy to commit murder on every individual in America that was remotely involved in that night's horrifying events... then add dereliction of duty and the bundle of charges includes clerks, messengers, and monitor baby-sitters all the way up to and including the regime leader 0bamination...  it's time for America to clean up Cap Hill and toss the human garbage into jail where they belong...

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