I keep hearing Hussein obama froze or was a coward! WRONG! The muslim in chief purposely allowed this! He wanted it! He got it!



Gateway Pundit


FOX News reported earlier today that security officers on the ground in Benghazi had a laser planted on a target that was firing on the annex.

The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights.

So there were two drones in the air recording the attack on the ground. And now we know the CIA team at the annex was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. The White House was able to watch the attack live back in Washington DC. Yet, yesterday Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said this,

“The U.S. military did not get involved during the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, last month because officials did not have enough information about what was going on before the attack was over.”

How much more information did they need?

* * * * *

Then there’s this bombshell at BlackFive from a former Delta operator:

Having spent a good bit of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots around the world, something from the report jumped out at me.

One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U. A ground laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not “paint” a target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that the AC130 was on station.

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commanderbased on information directly from the target area.

If the AC130 never left Sigonella (as Penetta says) that means that the Predator that was filming the whole thing was armed.

If that SEAL was actively “painting” a target; something was on station to engage! And the decision to stand down goes directly to POTUS!

This is HUGE.
It should be obvious by now that someone is not telling the truth.
As Blackfive says,

“This is bigger than Watergate!… The worst has to be the team on the ground knowing that the President just left you to die.

A caller today discussed this with Rush Limbaugh.
Via the Right Scoop:


Here is part of that conversation.

CALLER: Well, there’s three networks, Rush. The e-mails that have been released are unclassified e-mails. On the top secret side, a flash traffic message from the embassy Tripoli to the White House Situation Room, it’s like an IM. I mean, it’s immediately responded to. You have to acknowledge receipt of it. Okay? So it’s immediate. It gets to the person, the watch officer sitting there, boom, flashes on his screen, he has to acknowledge receipt. And then there’s a protocol for who he then sends it to. He physically turns to someone, the senior guy on watch, “This is a critical element of information. POTUS needs to hear this,” and that’s what would have happened.

So no one in the White House can deny that — well, they can deny it, but the fact is the protocol says someone marched their happy little ass up to the senior guy standing next to POTUS and said, “Sir, ambassador in Libya is in peril.” And if he was missing, that is even a higher precedence. And then the chain would have also gone out automatically to the geographic combatant commander, AFRICOM, and he would have then turned to his special operations commander and said, “I want the In-Extremis Force, you know, strip ready in five minutes.” And evidently they were strip ready in Sigonella and they would have the assets to penetrate the airspace, you know, an MC-130 papa, which is a C-130 specially equipped with electronic countermeasures. They didn’t need permission to enter Libyan airspace, okay?

I’m giving you a lot of Inside Baseball stuff, and maybe putting myself in a little peril by doing it, but the In-Extremis Force, they would have been chomping at the bit to do this. It was turned down, POTUS, at his five p.m. Eastern time meeting with the principals, that’s when he put the kibosh on everything. It was a conscious act. It has to be because, you know, the In-Extremis Force is required to be prepared to do In-Extremis non-combatant evacuation operations for its geographic responsibility, the entire continent of Africa. So there’s always somebody ready to go, and the aircraft are always prepared to go.

Read the rest here.

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  • According to an article on the Blaze it's rumored Stevens was trafficking guns and had just met with the head of Turkey just before the attack, was it the WH intent to have him die?

    • Dead men can tell no tales.

  • Let's make sure rotten Obama is not re-elected. How dare he not protect our men and women.

  • I guess the only way this is going to come out is by what we see and hear that is credible evidence and convey it to contacts and friends. The media has taken Obama's side on this issue as they have since he winning in 2008.

  • I just dont understand why more ppl in the gov arent calling for impeachment over this! Granted, its only a few days till the election but that could keep him from getting elected again by BLIND, DEAF IDIOTS
  • It is time to empty the Trash Can that we call the Administration, to include the Departments and the the Cabinets.

    Since the idiot in charge is the CinC, doesn't he fall under the Manual of Court Marshalls/Military Justice along with the group that had Command and Control????   Doesn't anyone in this present government have a pair?  If you or I pulled a stunt like this the last sound you would have heard, would be  the discharge of a weapon from a firing squad.

  • Just shows that the white house is supporting the terrorist and American life means nothing to them...

  • I have shared this in about 4 places today...(arguing with liberals about Benghazi...) This shuts them down...The reason no one is drawing up documents is due to the election...and due to the fact not enough Americans are screaming about it!...

    Scream this to everyone!...These investigations are yeilding alot of info and there is more to come...We should be ready to impeach if he 'wins' again with his imported Somali voters in Ohio...

  • If you get a chance tomorrow night, watch Catherine Herridge on Huckabee. I just did and her info was astounding. She talked about the email addresses being decoded and they go straight to Hillary's assistant and then to the White House. This was an atrocity that had better be brought to justice.

  • Half dozen articles on Canada Free Press as well.  Good job hunting down info, Twana....

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