Watch video here.


The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee has warned school officials across the state about holiday celebrations.


n a letter to the 137 public school superintendents, the group reminded them that holiday celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday amount to an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.


"We want our kids to be internationally minded. We want them to be able to relate to all people in this country and in this world," said Principal Gregory Hutchings of West End IB World School.


Hutchings said the ACLU's warning is more of a reminder than anything else.Mike Looney, superintendent of Williamson County Schools, said the district is also taking this warning as a gentle reminder, but has always focused on teaching many holiday traditions in the classroom.


"They just don't know what it's like in other places in the world, and they need to open their minds and learn more about culture," said sixth-grader Sai Clayton, who grew up with different holiday traditions and has a Japanese mother.


read the rest here.




Actions you can take:


Go to your local schools and take them a copy of the constitution. Encourage them by letting them know when they stand up to ACLU that you stand shoulder to shoulder with them.


Take additional information with you that shines the light on the ACLU's misinformation. Have facts in hand.


Let your local news station know the time you will be showing up at the schools to give them facts so the ACLU cannot intimidate the schools anymore.


Helpful Historical Documents


1. Avalon Project

2. Tennessee State Constitution


If you know of more sites with the historical documents please list it here. I'm looking for the actual documents not commentary on/about the documents. Also can someone post links on this post (in comment section) to the letters that the discussion of separation of church and state were in? That would be a great help.


Do not expect anyone at the schools to believe anything just because you share information with them. Proof/documentation is required. Facts seal the deal.



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     Lets all send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD. anyone have an address ?

  • Why waste money on the aclu?  they need to be defunded of all public money!  They are no longer a group of lawyers fighting  for the rights of the people as per the constitution.  They are now a left wing loon political activist group!  I don't want any money of mine funding them..  They already get enough money from george soros!  It's time for a protest march to Washington.  Also it's time to boycott Nevada and the casinos for electing Reid back to the senate!  What a f----ng disaster!!!!!  As far as I'm concerned, Nevada threw this entire country under the bus and are helpin in the destruction of this country and they should be the first to be destroyed!

    • GOOGLE the Uniform Declaration of Human Rights on Internet.  Read Article 18.  jThis is part of our Constitutional Law as of the time it was adopted since we were the first nation to sign the UN Treaty which we then ratified.  Tell the SCOTUS this.  Then tell ACLU to go to hell.


      They have no rights at all.  Problem is that our SCOTUS is also trying to get rid of Christianity in the United States.



    • reid should be taken and used for research on the brain I think that he must have had some sort of a breakdown to turn his back on the country the way he did. hope some day he gets what he deserves a knife in the back the way he did this country a knife in the back. He sold his own country out like the traitor he is and the way his father was and his entire family they are all traitors to the CONSTITUTION.

  • It's ironic that one of the "professional educators" quoted in the article is named Looney.  Or, maybe not...

    • Tom,


      I think all states should pass a state law adopting the Ten Commandments as the root law of the state's laws.  Of course the SCOTUS will overrule as unconstitutional.  But think of it this way, they will also have to rule that Sharia law (the Koran) cannot be used in the United States either as part of the laws of the land. 


      How would this impact ACLU.  The SCOTUS finally ruling that the Constitution is the Law of the Land.  Now let us default back to how it became the law of the land.  By being based on morals and not anti-christ devel worshiping liberals.

  • I would love to see an old fashioned "Gallows Tree" decorated with the dangling corpses of A.C.L.U. lawyers and other socialist scum.

  • Larry, it looks like you received the same e-mail.


    I received an email earlier that suggested we all send ACLU (several milliion of us) a  christmas card in a plain legal sized envelope so they could not tell if it was a Contribution or something else and would have to open each envelope and examine it; otherwise, they may throw out a sizable contribution.


    That now seems to be an extremely good idea.  Keep them busy and frustrated.


    ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004    (Thanks callie)


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