Bradley Manning is taking the first few steps toward a lengthy stay ay Club Leavenworth this week. The Army is conducting an Article 32 hearing (think Grand Jury) to determine if there is cause for a court martial. The good news is that there sure seems to be plenty.
What a bunch of hypocrites , do you want the truth or only the truth you choose to accept ? The kid should be given a medal and Obama should be making the trip to the big " L " .
Are you a Ron Paul supporter? Ron Paul also came out in favor of Manning. I see no good in anyone that put the honorable men and women serving lives in danger. Do you?
obuma, the clintons and all of their czars and staff are far more guilty than this guy.
THEN why aren't we trying Obama ?
I want to know why the Death Penalty was removed from his trial?
In some of the reporting of the case, it was stated that the Death Penalty had been removed as an option for the trial.
Fort Meade, Maryland - US army soldier Bradley Manning's lawyer asked Thursday that the main high treason charges against him be dropped so that, if the case goes to trial, he faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in jail.
The prosecution declined to request the death penalty but demands life in prison for Manning, 24, who is accused of releasing reams of classified US diplomatic data to whistleblower website WikiLeaks.