Ulsterman Report

Less than a month ago a United States ambassador and three other Americans were killed during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  For days the Obama administration denied the attacks were terrorist related.  Now intelligence figures from within the American government are letting it be known how the Obama White House has repeatedly ignored and then covered up information and events that put the safety and security of the United States in danger.



Revolt of the Spooks

Intelligence officials angered by Obama administration cover up of intelligence on Iranian, al Qaeda surge in Egypt and Libya



Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what careerofficers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa.


Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support for jihadists throughout the tumultuous North Africa and Middle East region, as well as notably widespread al Qaeda penetration into Egypt and Libya in the months before the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.


…Intelligence officials pointed to the statement issued Sept. 28 by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) that raised additional concern about the administration’s apparent mishandling of intelligence. The ODNI statement said that “in the immediate aftermath, there was information that led us to assess that the attack began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy in Cairo.”

Officials say the ODNI’s false information was either knowingly disseminated or was directed to be put out by senior policy officials for political reasons, since the statement was contradicted by numerous intelligence reports at the time of the attack indicating it was al Qaeda-related terrorism.

Officials with access to intelligence reports, based on both technical spying and human agents, said specific reporting revealed an alarming surge in clandestine al Qaeda activity months before the attack in Benghazi.

Yet the Obama administration sought to keep the information from becoming public to avoid exposing what the officials say is a Middle East policy failure by Obama.

The first part of the apparent campaign, officials said, was the false information provided to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who appeared on Sunday television shows after the attack to say the event was a “spontaneous” response to an anti-Muslim video trailer posted online.

Officials said Rice was given the false information to use in media appearances in order to promote the excuse that the obscure video was the cause of the attack, and not the Islamic concept of jihad.

“The Obama Administration is afraid to admit al Qaeda is running rampant throughout the region because it would expose the truth instead of what President Obama so pompously spouted during the Democratic Convention” said the official.



Revolt of the Spooks


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  • Obama is inexperienced to handle and/or deal with foreign policy. He is lazy and I believe he uses too much drugs and is probably passed out much of the time. Valarie Jarrett is not capable of running the US government.

    • I wish all the agencies would come clean and let America know what this piece of crap has done to America.

      We are on a down hill slide and someone had better come forward soon or look out, get your guns ready.

  • I would like to see the US MILITARY turn on that idiot and all off his regime.

    • Steve,    I've  been  ready  to  turn  almost   4  yrs.  ago.  When  Leon  Pencil-neck   come  to  the  reins,  troops  are  leaving  service  No  respect  for  leadership..!!  My  neighbors  son  lasted  3  yrs.  1  tour  and  Said  to  his  dad `` Home  is  safer..!!

  • When the President of the United States, the most powerful Nation in the World, is elected, without adherence to the Constitution, as a Natural Born Citizen, THIS, is what you get!!!   Not once, but twice, he is vetted as "qualified" to run this Nation into the ground, by the Democratic Party.

     It is a sad day when the Democratic Party’s Platform and vetting is so treasonous to the entire Country, and all systems of checks and balances are corrupted to fail to function, including my opposing Republican Party.  Congress, Supreme Court, Republican Party…all have failed miserablely.

    The last line of Defense ……is….”WE THE PEOPLE”.  Not just the TEA Party, but every red blooded, American citizen, whether Democrat or Republican….(political parties do not matter at this point or more exactly after Nov. 6th), must unite, and especially including all Christians, as their way of life will be the first to go.


  • HEY!!!!! HEY!!!!!!! ALL YOU PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO CARRY LOADED WEAPONS AND TOOK AN OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION............YEAH!!! YOU!!!! COPS OF EVERY ILK, FLAVOR, COLOR, AND DEPARTMENT, FBI, CIA, FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL...................just one little question to see if you can wrap your little pea sized brains around it..............WHY???? WHEN???? are all of you gutless wonders going to do the ONE THING YOU WERE HIRED TO DO???? What's that, you say........let's look again kiddies............YOUR OATH to UPHOLD and DEFEND the Constitution from ALL ENEMIES both FOREIGN and DOOOOMMMMEEEESSSTTTIIIIICCCC!!!!!

    All you need do is focus on defending the FIRST TWO amendments to the Constitution and the rest will fall into place!

    OH!!.....you didn't know there is a real Constitution??? OH!!......you don't know what an amendment is, let alone what the First and Second Amendments say!!!............that's really NO SURPRISE considering your collective ineptness at maintaining the RIGHT of WE THE PEOPLE, to FREE SPEECH, and FREE PRESS, and FREEDOM OF RELIGION and THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. All you concentrate on upholding is the phony 16th amendment which says we pay a VOLUNTARY TAX to pay the ANTI-AMERICAN politicians and their HIRED GUNS (all you cops) to OVERTHROW the RIGHTS of the people guaranteed them under our U.S. Constitiution.

    NONE OF YOU, who carry guns, have to OBEY an UNLAWFUL ORDER. Your OATH is to the NATION, NOT that IDIOT senior officer who is giving you an UN-LAWFUL ORDER to disarm the American Public (2nd Amendment). The LOWEST RANKING officer on the PUBLIC PAYROLL has the duty to ARREST and charge with TREASON any senior officer who gives them an UN-LAWFUL order. The whole lot of you have created a NATION within our NATION which holds all the RIGHTS of the Constitution to yourselves and FORCIBLY denys those RIGHTS to the rest of the people. That, in an of itself, is an act of TREASON.

    FREEDOM OF SPEECH.............we watch and listen to THOUSANDS of video taped conversations between POLICE and private citizens, and the FOUL MOUTHED COPS verbally abuse those who pay their salaries, and if a PRIVATE CITIZEN dares look at them the wrong way, let alone use a curse word, then the DEFENDERS of FREE SPEECH (for themselves) go into action, many times KILLING perfectly INNOCENT private citizens..............AND ALL OF YOU pukes defend each other and say there was NO EXCESSIVE FORCE used.

    The REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS are getting real sick of it all. YOU cops run around in your ARMOR looking like a bunch of INSECTS whose armor is on the outside protecting the meat inside, and you come out in huge numbers against UNARMED citizens. The MAJORITY of all unrest in America is due to the CONDUCT of POLICE AND POLITICIANS AND PUBLIC PAID EMPLOYEES IN GENERAL, striking and demanding OBSCENE pay and benefits all the while EXCORIATING those in the private sector, who own and run businesses, as NOT paying their fare share........when, in fact, you only want THEIR FARE SHARE to line your own pockets with and further the demise of the country by NOT doing the jobs WE THE PEOPLE hired you to do.

    As a nation, as well armed as we still are, we are PARALYZED because NO ONE (including me) want to be the first ones to have to DIE to regain our beloved way of life guaranteed by the Constitution. I think most of us have come to the conclusion that the younger generation, made up mostly of the children of PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, DO NOT DESERVE a FREE country and fully DESERVE the PUTRED HELL that their own parents are binging on them.

    The ONLY ANSWER is all out WAR and armed conflict within our own borders again. As Thomas Jefferson stated, "The TREE OF LIBERTY is watered with the BLOOD OF TYRANTS and PATRIOTS."

    I'm OLD. I don't have much longer to live anyway, but I'm a genuine AMERICAN PATRIOT!!! So, in closing, let me just say it in good old fashioned FREE SPEECH, and all you mamby - pamby LIBERALS, PROGRESSIVES, DEMOCRATS, SOCIALIST, STALINIST, MARXIST, MAOIST, CASTROITES, OLINSKYITES, NAZI, ISLAMIST, BABY KILLING PARENTS AND DOCTORS, SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, POLITICIANS, MILITARY AND POLICE............and any other SCUMBALL anti-American out there.................YOU DON'T DESERVE AMERICA......or any of the FREEDOMS guaranteed it's CITIZENS in the Declaration of Independance and the U.S. Constitution. If ANY of the LIST above applies to YOU, YOU ARE A TRAITOR, you are NOT AMERICANS, you are FRAUDS and LIARS, who will NEVER know the TRUTH because you have WILLFULLY turned your backs of TRUTH and the FOUNDATION and PRINCIPLES upon which this nation was built. YOU'RE NOT WORTH DYING FOR.

    So when the WAR breaks out in the next few months, and you SUCCESSFULLY OVERTHROW the U.S. Constitution and KILL all the CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN PATRIOTS, (and you will be sucessful), THEN in your COLLECTIVE STUPIDIITY, you'll all of a sudden realize, you just killed all the people who PAY TAXES and supported your sorry, worthless lives!!!! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET PAID NOW??? YOU KILLED ALL THE CREATIVE MINDS, WHICH ONE OF YOUR GLORIOUS LEADERS WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU NOW??? Georgie Soros??? Billy Gates???, Obama??? Bernake??? Chris Matthews??? Rachael Madow??? Warren Buffet???? Their collective salaries and the top 50,000 income earners in the WORLD will only pay YOUR BILLS (public debt, salaries, benefits) for less than 3 days, and then THE WORLD IS OUT OF MONEY!!! WHAT WILL YOU DO THEN, you GODLESS STUPID IDIOTS????? NO GAS, NO FOOD, NO PAY, NO MONEY, you haven't stored up for yourselves so you will go about stealing from others to try to sustain your families for another day and your NEIGHBOR on either side of you will become you ENEMIES in a world gone mad. YOU GOT THE WORLD YOU WANTED. A world without GOD, JUSTICE, MERCY, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, LOVE, TOLERANCE, and all those with WORK ETHIC are dead and gone. All REAL AMERICANS are dead and GONE. What will you do now WORLD???? Who will bail you out NOW??? Obama??? Hillary??? The U.N.??? Where do you think they got all their money from???? They got it from the WORKING PRIVATE SECTOR that you just killed off, and now there is just YOU left to blindly rage on and all you have left is each other to KILL. It will then be ISLAM agaist the LIST of LIBERALS. EACH SIDE lead by the SMARTEST PEOPLE left in the WORLD. ALL OF THEM blood - sucking , LAZY, LIVE OFF THE GOVERNMENT BENEFITS PROGRAM, type of folks. THE STUPID LEADING THE STUPID............I thank God I'm OLD now, and I won't have to be here to endure it. One thing for certain though. The GOD you think does not exist, and his ONLY begotten Son, whose NAME you have used as a CURSE and MOCKED all that he did for you, upon whom this nation was FOUNDATIONED will be coming along shortly, and you'll get to "take him on" personally at the great battle that's coming in the valley of Meggido just north of Israel...........OOOHHHHH!!!!!.......it's gonna be a BAD HAIR DAY for all of you Godless wonders!!!!

    THE GOOD NEWS IS, you can be FOR HIM instead of AGAINST HIM.........it's your CHOICE. All you have to do is sincerely admit you are NOT PERFECT, and that you acknowledge that you've done at least ONE thing in life you should not have done, and that you're sorry for that ONE little itty-bitty deed you did, that you KNOW was wrong, and acknowledge, because of that one itty-bitty act, you are NOT perfect, you therefore cannot, ON YOUR OWN MERIT, ever be able, or eligible, to be RE-UNITED to a PERFECT GOD, because connecting something imperfect to that which is perfect would make that which is perfect, imperfect, and that will NEVER be allowed, so you see we all dwell in an eternal SEPARATION from a perfect God (which is true death) and stumble around in our own feeble wisdom trying to solve the worlds problems, because we are not connected to the SOURCE of true WISDOM and LOVE. The MOST FOOLISH thought of God is WISER than the most WISE thought of man. But you REJECT him, therefore you will NEVER KNOW the foolish things of God which are WISER than the wisdom of man. But if you will HUMBLE yourself, and BELIEVE what he says in his word when he says, HE THAT HAS THE SON, HAS LIFE and HE THAT HAS NOT THE SON, shall NOT see life, but the wrathe of God abides on him. His only begotten SON stands at the door of your heart and says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if ANY hear my voice, and OPEN THE DOOR, I will COME INTO THEM, and will sup with them and they with me." He says, "I am NOT sent into the world to CONDEMN the world, (the world is already condemned) but to SAVE THE WORLD." "He that lives and believes in me, shall NEVER die." "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" "For ALL have missed the mark (the mark is PERFECTion) and come short of the perfection of God" "What we earn for our willfully comitting an IMPERFECT ACT, is eternal separation (death) from God, (the source of all WISDOM, and LIGHT)....BUT, the GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE through JESUS CHRIST our Lord." "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you WILL BE SAVED (and your house)" "WHOSOEVER (that includes YOU), shall call upon the NAME of the Lord, SHALL BE SAVED". " If you will say out loud, with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God has raised him from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED. For with the heart, man believes unto righteousness, and with the MOUTH, testimony is given that you have been saved. THAT'S IT FOLKS!! That, and that alone, is what makes REAL AMERICANS, REAL AMERICANS. Anyone else just lives in America, but they have no idea what the heart and soul of America is.

    • AMEN, BROTHER !!!!!


    • Carry On, my brother. You can back my ass up all day long because I will be leading the way. I am TIRED, TIRED, AND MORE TIRED of this current government, that has had 4 years to fix the problem and they Congress, the Judicial hasn't done anything to abide by their OATHS for that, the American People will fix this issue when we find out that Spain has rigged the election vote and Obama wins.....then the real battle begins.  May God forgive those of us who will have to do the right thing, by exercising our 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution. Make your piece, if you are the problem we will deal with you....

      • that is "Make your peace". Didn't check my spelling.

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