Big Government


Back in June, we reported that California Congressman Brad Sherman (D) was circulating a letter to his fellow Democrats to introduce legislation to repeal “Right-to-Work” laws in 22 states.  Now, with less than a month before the mid-term elections and five weeks before a lame-duck session in Congress, Sherman has introduced legislation to eliminate state Right to Work laws all across America.

Currently, there are 22 states in the U.S. that have laws where workers who are employed at companies that are unionized have a choice whether or not to join or pay the union.  These states are known as Right-to-Work states.

On the other hand, in the 28 Non-Right-to-Work states (also called forced-dues states), it is legal for a union to negotiate a “union (income) security clause” that requires all workers covered by the union to pay the union does or ‘agency fees’ as a condition of employment.  If the workers refuse to pay the union, under a “union (income) security clause,” the union can have them fired from their jobs.

As background, in 1947, Congress amended the National Labor Relations Act with the Taft-Hartley Amendments which, among other things, gave states the right to establish “Right-to-Work” laws. Until the Taft-Hartley Amendments, from 1935 to 1947, private-sector workers in all 50 could be required to pay dues to a union or, if not, be fired from their jobs. The ability of states to have Right-to-Work laws is contained in a single paragraph within the National Labor Relations Act
(Section 14 [b]), which states:

(b) [Agreements requiring union membership in violation of State law] Nothing in this Act [subchapter] shall be construed as authorizing the execution or application of agreements requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment in any State or Territory in which such execution or application is prohibited by State or Territorial law.

As a result of this one section being inserted into the 1947 amendments, states (through their legislatures) could determine whether or not to be a Right-to-Work state, or a forced-dues state.

Therefore, the removal of this one section would make all 50 states forced-dues states, giving unions the ability to have workers fired for not paying union dues or fees.

From Congressman Sherman’s website [emphasis added]:

Today, Congressman Brad Sherman announced the introduction of dramatic legislation that would eliminate so-called “right-to-work” laws, which was applauded by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Sherman has a strong record of supporting working men and women and earned a 100% rating from the AFL-CIO.

Right-to-work laws require unions to represent non dues-paying employees, thereby undermining the basic premise and promise of union membership and creating free riders – people who are exempt from paying their fair share. Right-to-work laws create different standards for union membership in different states. This results not only in confusion over the regulation of union membership, but also places a higher cost on worker representation in labor rights states.

“I do not believe that there should be a right to be treated unfairly or to endure unnecessary restrictions. Right-to-work laws strip unions of their legitimate ability to collect dues, even when the worker is covered by a union-negotiated collective bargaining agreement. This forces unions to use their time and members’ dues to provide benefits to free riders who are exempt from paying their fair share,” said Congressman Brad Sherman. “These laws are harmful to states like California, which allows labor unions to organize, because now we have to compete with the race to the bottom as our companies have to compete with those where the workers would like better wages, working conditions and benefits but are unable to organize to get them.”

“With the introduction of legislation banning so-called right-to-work, Congressman Sherman has once again demonstrated his strong commitment to working families,” said Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO. “Right-to-work laws undermine the economy and weaken workers’ ability to bargain for better working conditions, which translates into lower pay and fewer benefits for everyone.”

While Brad Sherman’s statement about workers in Right-to-Work states not having the right to organize is patently false (the National Labor Relations Act does not discriminate on workers’ rights to organize in a Right to Work state), he is accurate that his state of California has been losing jobs. However, there are a multitude of factors that have contributed to California’s demise—many of which were, ironically, caused by the unions that Sherman has so endeared himself.

Although Congressman Sherman introduced this legislation back in 2008, it had little chance of succeeding.  However, with the mid-term elections and a lame-duck Congress following, the chances that Democrats (who are taking hundreds of millions from unions), it is possible the chances that Democrats could vote to end Right-to-Work states.

As a result, now is as good a time as any to get Democrats (in both Right-to-Work states and forced-union states) to state their positions on whether they support an end to workers’ right to work.

[hat-tip: Projections, Inc.]

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  • Even California should rebel at Sherman.........these progressives are totally deaf and blind...........America can only get their attention via the ballot box.........LET'S DO IT and do away with Sherman and all the rest of the progressives to include the RINOS............
    • Maybe Sherman should first look at the Federal Government's policy and law on "Right to Work Laws," Federal employees unions, including postal unions, cannot force any employee to join the union. However, those federal unions, inaccordance with federal law, must be given the same representation to those who do not belong to the union, as to those who belong to the union. As a former VP of a Federal Branch of a Federal Union, the right to work laws are great, and is good for this country. Sherman's bill should be defeated.
  • When the lame duck session starts after the election, the losers are going to punish the American people! They are going to punish us because they are angry that we have taken their power away from them. There are some angry people out here who, unfortunately, will not tamp down their anger and will demonstrate it. In my opinion, these people should never have been elected in the first place as they are now demonstrating their hatred for America and it's people! Alot of citizens have awakened but not enough. Look at Arizona, they re-elected John McAmnesty, the author of the largest amnesty bill that we had to fight not once, but 2 times. He hasn't changed, he just changes right before election time as he did in the presidential election. "the American people have spoken, build the fence". Did we build the fence, hell no, and they won't build it now! Instead amnesty is coming one way or another! After November, McAmnesty will be on the amnesty trail again, of couse he won't call it amnesty, it will be "a pathway to citizenship". Nobama will do it in an executive order if the congress won't pass amnesty! Nobam thinks he is a king and will go against the will of the people at every turn! IMPEACH NOBAMA NOW!
  • What is really needed is a bill making every state in the union a right to work state.
  • This is attacking some very basic protections, and our right to CHOOSE whether we wish to join a union or spend our money, which WE earn to enable the union leaders to live in luxury while our lives are constrained by the monies spent on them instead of our own families' needs. There's just no way that's a morally correct choice for government to make. But even worse, by passing that, they also deny our LEOs and fire fighters the right to work NOT in unions, and that means all the volunteers would be charged union dues or NOT allowed to serve the communities; and THAT is going to hurt the majority of America's non-urban areas badly because along with fire fighters and many volunteer police officers also go the first responders to medical emergencies, leaving people to fend for themselves in all manner of crises. THAT's how your government is taking care of your needs, while making their rich union boss buddies even richer at your expense!
  • One word: COMMUNISM.
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