PatriotsI see that the General is going to pull the British troops off of the front lines. I think this is a good move. In fact, With the pusillanimity of the coward in chief. if I were him I would take them all home without any consideration of what that spinless pusi thinks. It is the generals job to protect the troops. If the coward in chief is to timid to do what needs to be done then mission would dictate that the general abort.
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The United States of America has no President,what we do have is a communist regime attempting to take over these United States, the WAR is now here at home,it truely is up to our Generals to bring our Troops home to DEFEND our Country against these invaders before they start with our genicide,they have already disregarded the United States Constitution,they have terrorist killing our people,the revolution has began ,we must have our Military at home ,we can not help another country ,if we can not defend our own Country.