Patriots For America;
Operation: Preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America,
Everyone knows by now that the Biden/Harris/Obama administration in Washington, coupled with the so-called- “Deep-State” corrupt government officials, is really just the intention to finish the Fundamental Transformation of America into a one-world-governance, some type of new-world-order. This movement started many years ago and so far has gone unchallenged with the exception of President Donald J. Trump.
We The People of America elected Donald Trump to go to Washington to try to fight this movement. The problem is that once we elected him and sent him there, the rest of us just simply went back to sleep. We effectively abandoned him and left him alone to fight that deep-state swamp on his own, by himself. We all know the results of that now.
Not only was the November 2020 election stolen but now the Marxist/Communists that fully intend to destroy America have taken over nearly every aspect and agency of our Federal Government.
Their Bolshevik style revolution against America is now in full swing and pushing forward.
If anyone is ever going to save America they better do it soon. We are running out of time. According to resources we now have less than six months before things are put in place that would make it impossible to stop the destruction and the elimination of our sovereignty and our Constitutional Republic.
With that in mind the Patriots For America are introducing what we will refer to as; Operation Preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
The first mission; DRAIN-O.
In order to accomplish this mission and achieve our goals we will need to build an Army.
Barack Hussein Obama said at one time that “America needs a private Army, just as powerful, just as well funded as our Military”. Obama has been busy since that time building his Army. We have seen that Army in action over the past 12 months. He gave them the name of OFA, Organizing For Action. They are spread out all around the country. They call themselves by different names, ANTIFA, Black-Lives-Matter, and a host of other names.
These Marxist anarchist groups operate with full impunity. Our Department of Justice has now been so fully integrated and corrupted that they refuse to even acknowledge that these groups exist, much less stop them or prosecute any of them.
Instead the DOJ and DHS are busy trying to round up and arrest anyone that was in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021 when a crowd stormed the Capital building. There are at last count over 400 people in solitary confinement in Washington with another 435 being sought. These people are facing up to 25 years in prison, - - for trespassing on Federal property.
Members of this Biden/Harris/Obama administration have called and declared the American people the biggest threat to America since the civil war. Anyone who opposes them is considered a potential domestic terrorist.
As I said earlier We are running out of time. If anyone is ever going to save America it needs to be done soon, very soon.
Yes, America needs an Army, an Army of Patriots who will stand up to defend our Constitution and our sovereignty as a Free Constitutional Republic.
There may be some Moderm Militia Movement folks that might be interested in this, I'm sure you thought of that but I had to say it out loud.
Yes, Lee. One of them is already here.
i fully understand the urgency we are facing, the problem i see, is every militia site ive looked is reactive, not proactive. they will take up arms to defend themselves, family, friends, and their communities but thats not where the fight is. it would be virtually impossible to launch an assault on DC that would amount to anything. granted, there are 70 million plus voters that know, without question, that the election was stolen. no way in hell anyone will even convince me that PedophileJoe, that couldnt fill a 7-11 during his campaign, took more votes that any other president in history. It became perfectly clear that the reason he did not campaign, was the democrats already knew he would win, no point in allowing him to campaign and make a complete fool of himself.
what he are dealing with is 100% pure evil and the ONLY way to eliminate this evil is to cut off the head of the snake, and this snake has many heads!!!!!
GS, NP, CS. KH, HC, AS, are without question the first that need to be eliminated, you know who they are. the next question, is how??? Highly trained specialists would be my best answer to solve this problem, once and for all. But where does one go to find these specialists, i dont know, i wish i did . Will these specialists be expensive? my guess is yes.
A lot of people will say we need a retired military officer to spearhead such an undertaking, others might say, get a sergent , they're the ones that get the job done anyway.
of course, in the world we live if, the biggest question becomes, who can you really trust???
Here is my pledge, MY oath of service. It does NOT expire.
The oath is for an indeterminate period; no duration is specifically defined.