Big Peace

by Adam Savit Oct 22nd 2010

By now most of the world knows about NPR’s shameful firingof Juan Williams for candidly stating his thoughts about Muslims.  But what about CAIR’s role in the matter?  As the most high-profile Muslim Brotherhood front organization in the United States, CAIR was quick to suggest “professional consequences” for Juan Williams’ exercise of free speech.  Late last night the Center for Security Policy distributed the following press release to place the Juan Williams episode in the context of CAIR’s greater goal: to enforce “deterrent punishments” against anyone who dares discuss Islam,
Jihad and Shariah Law publicly.

WASHINGTON, DC: On October 21, 2010, the Center for Security Policy sent urgent alert notices to Juan Williams, news analyst for Fox News and recently fired news analyst for National Public Radio (NPR); Vivian Schiller, President and CEO, NPR; Roger Ailes, President, Fox News Channel; Bill O’Reilly, Fox News Channel; and the Inspector General of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), regarding a possible violation of the Foreign Agents
Registration Act (FARA), warning that they may have been the target of an influence operation by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which resulted in the firing of Williams.

On October 18 on the Fox News program “The O’Reilly Factor,” Williams stated “I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.” Two days later on October 20, CAIR issued a press release calling on NPR to take action against Williams. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad called Williams’ comments “irresponsible and inflammatory” and complained that “media commentators who launch rhetorical attacks on Islam and Muslims normally do not suffer the professional consequences.”  CAIR’s Awad called on NPR to “address” Williams’ statements.  NPR publicly announced the termination of
Williams’ contract the following day, October 21.

Center for Security Policy President Frank J. Gaffney Jr. said, “CAIR’s position that journalists like Williams should normally ‘suffer the professional consequences’ apparently created a hostile climate which may have led to Williams’  firing.  Since CAIR’s beginnings in 1994, they have conducted targeted influence operations in the U.S. attempting to censor any criticism of
Islam, jihad, and Islamic Shariah law.  Their targets have included dozens of reporters, elected officials and ordinary citizens, but they have never registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.”

The Center’s CAIR Observatory project tracks CAIR’s apparent violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).  The FARA states that organizations paid by a foreign principal to engage in activities to “influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States” must register as a foreign agent and report such activity to the Department of Justice.  CAIR has never registered.

CAIR received $325,000 from the Saudi Arabia-based Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to demand opposition to speech that they consider “Islamophobic.”  The OIC’s “Ten
Year Plan” calls on the U.S. government and other nations to enact laws “including deterrent punishments” to counter this so-called “Islamophobic” speech.  The U.S. government funds NPR, which fired Williams, through Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants.

According to Gaffney, “The foreign payment of $325,000 to CAIR, and the OIC ‘Ten Year Plan’ guidance to CAIR to demand ‘deterrent punishments’ – or as CAIR’s Nihad Awad put it, ‘professional consequences’ -  appear to have directed CAIR’s influence operation targeting NPR, which may have led to NPR firing Williams.”

The CAIR Observatory project documents CAIR’s receipt of $6.6 million in contributions and
$54.5 million in pledges from foreign principals in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iran, over 40 cases of meetings and coordination with those principals, and nearly 100 influence operations against government agencies, military and law enforcement, elected
officials, candidates, media outlets and private corporations.

Alert notices were sent to Juan Williams, Vivian Schiller, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, and the CPB Inspector General on October 21st, and formal notifications will be sent on October 22nd.  Copies of this correspondence will be provided to the Department of Justice’s Counterespionage Section in the National Security Division, which is responsible for enforcing FARA and
prosecuting violations of that act.

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  • NPR needs to loose all tax payer funding. All CAIR agents need to be arrested for treason and hung.
    • Agreed buddy. NPR is just a taxpayer funded terror support agency. Down with these thieves!
  • CAIR is just another cover for Terrorists. Has anyone read Terrorist Hunter by Anonymous? It is a great book and a real EYE OPENER...This woman lived in IRAQ, came to NYC and got a job as a translater for a company that investigated all the Muslim charities.. They ALL ARE A COVER FOR TERROR!!! do not be fooled these people want us dead!
    • AND WHAT IS OUR GOVERNMENT GOING TO DO. no wonder obama say's NOTHING...on n.p.r., cair, this government has to GO...we as AMERICANS must DEMAND no tax funds to N P you all know everyone else DEMANDS, and AMERICAN's get WALK OVER?
  • NPR needs to loose all tax payer funding. All CAIR agents need to be arrested for treason and hung

    Thinking there might be a few others up there needing this also
  • Too bad this administration is cuddly close to this group. They won't be pursue any charges, just like the Black Panther issue.
  • Nice to know however no one is pushing the issue!
  • Remove all funding of NPR and PBS...IMMEDIATELY!!! Then make sure that whoever was involved in this is prosecuted,

    Oh wait, Big Eared Barry says we are not a CHRISTIAN Nation, but one of the largest MUSLIM/ISLAMIC Nations... so that will never happen,
  • For those who don't understand the role of CAIR in the US, read the Muslim Mafia. It's a REAL eye opener! And it's WELL documented; almost half the book is documentation of the authors' claims about CAIR and other Muslim agencies in America, in fact virtually all of them. As for NPR or any other taxpayer funded media sources; they need to compete on equal footing with private operations, and make it or not on their merits! The taxpayers should NOT be funding or supporting any businesses, media, manufacturing, banking or other! That's unConstitutional! And NPR doesn't represent MY views as an American Citizen; in fact they represent things I'm strongly opposed to, as such!
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