Can a free people Govern themselves?

Can a free people Govern themselves?


America was founded by men and women who simply wanted their freedom and liberty from the tyranny and oppression of the ruthless dictators and their over lords of England and Europe.
The Founding fathers set out to create a new style of governance based on absolute freedom and liberty for all its people.
They designed and created a system whereby the people would be in total control over any governing bodies whether they be local, city, State, or federal governments.
This new system was designed very specifically to prevent any type of government or groups of officials from ever gaining or seizing power and authority over the people and enforcing their wishes, commands, and dictates over all others.
Our system of government is designed to block and prevent anyone from becoming too powerful and too overbearing, it was designed to prevent any types of rulers or over-lords from ever becoming dictators.

The first of its kind in human history the Founders of America designed and created a system of government. a system of limited government, where government is restricted and prohibited from becoming too powerful. Our form of government is design to be a system of government For the people, OF the people, and BY the people. The system is designed to allow very limited power and authority to the government while maintaining and guaranteeing as much freedom and liberty to the people as possible.

This then raises the question of; Can the people ever govern themselves without some type of government control to maintain peace and order? Can the people themselves be trusted to maintain that freedom and liberty provided to us by our Founding Fathers? While still maintaining some form of government to provide safety and security from other nations around the world?


Some people say NO, there can never be any type of system run by and controlled by the people themselves. The people are simply too lazy, too stupid, and too complacent to ever govern themselves. These people believe the people are simply too stupid or uneducated to ever maintain and govern themselves. They think there must be a higher power, a system of greater power and authority. And of course as usual they somehow believe that THEY are to ones who must be granted that authority, after all – THEY are somehow smarter and better suited, and better educated then any of the rest of us.


These would-be dictators somehow see themselves as being above the rest of the population. They perceive themselves as being more intelligent than any of the “Normal” run-of-the-mill working class people.
This attitude of conceit was on full display for the whole world to see in the 2016 elections when Hillary Clinton referred to half of America as “a basket of deplorables”, and again by New York candidate Michael Bloomberg when he said in reference to a question “It takes a little more gray matter (brains) to create a financial empire like I have”. Obviously Mr. Bloomberg perceives himself as being Superior to any of the others around him.


With all of their “Superior” intellect, their egotistical conceit and their lust for more and more power and gold these people fail to understand one basic principal of humanity;

Where there is no freedom and liberty there can be NO peace, tranquility, and comfort.






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  • Licenses and registrations


    We have licenses and registrations on our vehicles, our cars, trucks, and trailers;
    These licenses and registrations are meant to collect revenues to support and pay for our roads, highways. So in those terms we accept these licenses and registrations.


    We have licenses and registrations on our boats;
    These licenses and registrations are meant to help support and maintain clean waterways, lakes and streams.
    So in those terms we accept these licenses and registrations.


    We have dog licenses and registrations;

    These are intended to provide our health authorities with information concerning domestic animals, to make sure these animals have received their rabies vaccinations and to guard against other types of diseases.
    Once again we accept these licenses and registrations as beneficial to our health and well being.

    But we also have gun licenses and registrations;
    What are these licenses and registrations intended for?
    Are these licenses and registrations intended to regulate guns? Or are they intended to control and regulate the people who may own guns?

    Are gun licenses and registrations intended to protect the people from anyone who owns a gun?
    We do NOT have any State or Federal gun registry, something our federal government has been trying to establish for many decades.

    So although we have Federal background checks for anyone attempting to legally purchase a gun, we still don’t have any idea of how many guns are actually in the possession of American citizens. We have no idea of what types or how many guns the people may have.
    Here in America we are fortunate enough to have our Second Amendment to the Constitution which is written and designed to protect the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.
    This is something the Federal Government and many State and local Governments oppose.
    They do not like the idea that the people are allowed to own and posses weapons.
    So our gun licenses and registrations are not meant to protect anyone; except those Government officials who are against the right of the people to keep and bear these arms.
    Gun licenses and registrations are not for the people, they are only for the officials in our Governments.

    And those people in our State, local, and Federal Governments are the reason the Second Amendment was written in the first place.

    So that the people would have a means to defend themselves against any type of rouge Government.
    It’s no wonder they want to abolish that Second Amendment. So that they can seize all those guns and weapons, and thus provide safety and security for themselves, and also to cover their tyranny.





  • Total Control is what the  Obama/Biden  Government wants

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