Can anybody confirm this?

All I can say is that this story is very shocking....and disturbing.  If anybody can confirm/shed more light on the situation...please do not hesitate to speak up.

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  • Anne, I posted a discussion on this on Feb. 26 with a link to a WND article.  This appears to back up WND's reporting.

  • Afraid so....PATRIOTS...WE HAVE A PROBLEM.  Jean that round table meeting of yours needs to produce several major miracles...and sure hope to God it can.  if it can't, better start digging a foxhole because it will be time to send the Marines and SEALs on a mission that has never before had to be done....infiltrate the WH to arrest odimwit.

    Oh, better clarify something.  If this has to happen and is successful, it would be in this nation's best interest to pull 1 trusted person to sit in the Oval Office...and this person cannot and must not have ties to the military (military training might be a plus.  Why bypass Biden....he's an idiot that cannot function enough to run a 7-11 store much less a nation and sad to say, but most of those who would readily be concidered have sit through knowing the whole time what odimwit was doing....toss them in the brig for being accomplises.  We will see who will rat out who in very short order.  I do think that whoever is pulled in needs to also have a good business head on them.  This person would also know that the office is his to responsibly occupy until we can get our heads enough together for voting (ideally...2 months but that may be exceedingly shortsided on my part.).

  • From that answer I would say that our politicians are watching out for them and their wallets, which means little to no participation.  I did send some info on this to Special Operations Speak....maybe they can have some pull.

  • I still believe it is going to take uniting the people to do a Flag March on Washington with large numbers and bring documents to back up our demands  We have been working on uniting and building numbers.  Please visit  We have limited time with all that is going on and we should not stay silent.  We must be heard sooner than later.  Thanks

    Blog to come together and rise for Justice. Hold the administration accountable.
  • Anne, If FOX reported it (and you will notice nobody else in the media did) you can pretty much be assured that the incident is true and being hidden from the public.

    I do not trust ANY of the mainstream media:  ABC; NBC; CBS; CNBC



    • John, IMO, you also need to be VERY discerning when it comes to Fox as well.  They are deep on-board with so-called "moderate" Republicans, who are, in reality, RINOs.  Just look at their continued reliance on Karl Rove!

      • Judith, I agree with you that many so called Republicans are really RINOs.........that had nothing to do with my comment.

        My observation is that FOX reports what the mainstream media will not touch with a flame proof glove.

        Hmmmmmmmmmm ?

  • Thank you all for your responses....all of them have been very informative.  Keep eyes peeled for stuff like this going down in your area and post it.  If they're gonna do it.....lets shed some light on it.

This reply was deleted.


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