I have been looking around at some of the articles that were written about this situation. There has also been some very interesting chatter and debate about this issue with people wondering what all is going on. Could this be a reaction by Canada to some information that they have been made aware of that we do not know? Could Canada be preparing for a possible conflict between Israel and Iran?

Below are several links to news articles that i have looked over and some have a comments section worthy of a look also.







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  • There is no question that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Iran is putting ICBMs in our Southern Hemisphere and Obama is doing nothing about it. Canada knows it. It is not only Canada that knows what Iran is up to. We would do well to let Israel know that if they do take out Iran's nuke capability, we are with them 110%.  That will not happen if Obama is re-elected. But will if Romney is elected.

  • I believe that there will be conflict between Israel and Iran. Obama will not help Israel because he is anti-sementic and anti-American.

  • It is comming, start getting prepared.

  • If and when it does, expect and be prepared for Jihadist incursions into average American neighborhoods and for the love of God, prepare yourselves to protect yourselves because this government is weak and ineffective and will not protect you and may in fact, aid the Muslim movement because the President, despite all protestations to the contrary, IS ONE OF THEM!

  • HELLO, conflict? between Israel and Iran? Who would have thunk it? I though they were wonderful buddies! DUH!!! What moron  - except maybe, oh let's see, uuhhmmmmm the Odumbo admin - couldn't see that!!

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