Weasel Zippers


Andrew Breitbart drops a bomb, what are odds the MSM ignores it?




New photographs obtained exclusively by BigGovernment.com reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.

Keep reading…

Some of the NBPP’s greatest hits:

Black Panther leader wants to “kill white babies,” “kill some crackers.”




New Black Panther President Tells Harlem Audience: Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America


New Black Panthers Leader: Black Americans Alive Today Are the Real Holocaust Victims


New Black Panther Leader Reveals Collusion at NYC Meeting With Ahmadinejad to Build Alliance, Secure Raw Materials and Overthrow America



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  • I was just reading our Constitution, keep a copy on my desk, that no one who participates in kind is allowed to hold office.


    Get out the handcuffs...

  • This excellent commentary by JB Williams should be required reading, maybe even required to post in every thread.


    Let me repeat, get out the handcuffs.

  • 307150_2226827623922_1044727236_2167068_1663607340_n.jpg
  • Obama has always been a racist, but our media never had the guts to report it.

    The first big clue...

    Obama sat for almost 20 years in a Church pew every Sunday listening to his spiritual Father, Rev. Wright. Wright retired from preaching at Trinity after 20 years of service. When Wright took over at Trinity the very first act as the new preacher of that church was to throw out all the White members. It was shortly after that move that Obama became a member. Obama knew that the church he attended was racist and did not allow whites to attend, and he knew this for almost 20 DAM* YEARS! How come the media never asked him about attending a racist church????


  • I still say we need to do a DNA test on OB. and Malcom X. These two are a match, maybe that's what has been hidden. All my research leads to that conclusion. A lot of black's also swear by it . The pictures of them side by side at the same age, will take your breath away. Ob's mother was at the same location as Malcom, she adored him and within the year little OB was born and has no similar his own daddy?  OB, I daddy. Very enlightening research.
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