Hi All

Yeah it is me again still swinging at the Wind Mills in Don Quixote style but this is REAL! 
Sometimes I wonder what else we are missing.  I have been pounding this information for 2 weeks now and I am seeing very little response anywhere.  I have been sending this information to politicians (I have received ONE response back from ONE Politician running on November 2 ballot, THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE, Your the only one that I now trust and YOU know who you are again thank you!), Patriot Groups, Conservative news media (also that I have yet to see anything back from...at all including a response yep we got that post) and I am totally surprised that none of this has gained legs and gone national.  Who knows, maybe to much money involved scares people ... yes scares me but guess what YOUR SILENCE WILL NOT PROTECT YOU.   Now for the big question, Are we asleep at the time of the most important Election in our Countries and State for that matters history or What?

As stated above this is not all my work, I just have combined my work and that of a few other PATRIOTS gathering information on how big this PIG is and it is far larger than just here in the Northeast it is going across the North American Continent from the Mexican Border across Canada but does anyone care?  If so read on as it is getting far far larger than I ever imagined it could be!  This is not just limited to the Northeast as I said I now find that it spreads into Florida, the Northern Mid West and now the Western States crossing the Northern border and taking in almost all of CANADA.  So this post is going out to a ton of people, groups and organizations that need to know what is going on behind their backs and as I said these are posts that several individuals have been working on over those past 2 weeks and my HATS OFF to Americans For Prosperity for opening my eyes up to this.  Feel free to pass this information along!

My September 30, 2010 post:

Thanks this entire thing is a pig and there is so much information out there on this I can not imagine I had my head buried in the sand! Here is the information for the original post on this subject back on September 30, 2010

* News Flash on RGGI Cap & Trade already here in 10 states right here in the North East!

OK People let me see the hands for those that knew that NY is already dealing in Carbon Credits here in a 10 state region on the Eastern Seaboard including right here in the Empire State? I HAD NO CLUE WE HAD ALREADY STARTED CAP & TAX (I mean Trade) RIGHT HERE!

This Nieve little guys lack of knowledge of the Current NY Cap & Tax Scheme all changed on Friday evening September 3, 2010 when I was invited to a Americans For Prosperity phone call Town Hall Meeting hosted by AFP-NJ State Director Steve Lonegan. From all of the information that he provided and that I have found since (and there is quite a bit see links below), this is nothing more than the first steps to a upcoming HUGE tax increase (I am sure it is already marked up on our energy bill here in NY since we are already have fees higher than most other areas and the power companies are looking for approval to fee changes from the state) Yon't see listed as such as I am sure it is hidden in the billing structure. Who controls energy clearly controls the world and we need to stop this Government from controlling any more of our lives! Unfortunately I have to apologize to all of you as I have been so busy with all that I am involved in already that I have not had the time to do the additional research necessary to look up the information to address this issue ... well until now!

Not to change subjects (but believe me it is all related) but why did the Left come out so loudly in the past few weeks against Americans for Prosperity, especially the President? Hmmmm let me see it's is all about the money and their hold on those dollars without any sense and being part of this big money power grab using our out of control old favorites Fanny MAE and Freddie MAC! Months ago, Glen Beck started the connecting the Cap & Tax dots directly to Fanny MAE and Freddie MAC! I have followed the black board but did not see that it has already been put in motion here in the Northeast! I have contacted The Blaze with the information here but so far I have seen nothing so now everyone will have it!

Fanny Mae = Holding the patent on Cap & Trade


Now back to the Protest:


On September 8, 2010 there was a protest in NYC hosted by Americans For Prosperity at the home for this green pyramid scheme at:

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Inc (RGGI)

90 Church Street 4th Floor

New York, NY



Did Anyone see Anything on this on the evening news ... I didn't! Here are link to information, a few articles on the protest and information on RGGI:










OK this is a challenge to each and every candidate here in NY Just Where Do You Stand on this subject and here is a big hint, If YOU stand for it YOU DON"T STAND WITH US!

Here is the list of 10 Mid Atlantic to Northeast States where Cap & Trade "is" being traded by RGGI as a cooperative effort among those states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont! So with that said yes greenies big agenda is already on our door steps right here in NY and most of the North East but how many knew that and what is being done about it!


What a phony pyramid scheme! A green scheme, built around a credit based Chicago Climate Exchange "Green" Market! Bottom line is Carbon Credits are being auctioned off money is being collected and here in NY it is be dumped into the General budget! The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) founded by Richard Sandor (now Intercontinental exchange ... ICE) will broker this unofficail non real, non product driven, non Market. Governor Patterson is currently bringing in dollars to the state coffers but as I said before where is it going?

Do some research! Ask the hard questions! One has to wonder if this has not already had an effect on the requests for rate increases by the energy companies here here in NY arevc already paying for it and I am sure we are!

Lets put an end to this shell game NOW!

Stand up, Make calls to your State and Federal Representatives, Pass the information on to your friends and family members and Conservative Organizations ESPECIALLY IN RGGI COVERED STATES AND ALL STATES TO SEE WHAT IS COMING! You don't have to do allot Just Do SOMETHING and we can take the Empire State and Our Country Back!

What politician will stand up on this issue? I stand with that politician, will you?

Don Holton
Member Americans For Prosperity
Western NY State Director Patriotic Resistance

October 12, 2010 post by Melle on Patriotic Resistance:


Cap and Trade - RGGI - Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - Already Implemented in 10 States

    * Posted by Asst Natl Dir Mellie on October 12, 2010 at 9:02am in Faith in the Public Square
    * Send Message   View Discussions

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is the first mandatory, market-based effort in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ten Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states have capped and will reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector 10% by 2018.

States sell nearly all emission allowances through auctions and invest proceeds in consumer benefits: energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other clean energy technologies. RGGI is spurring innovation in the clean energy economy and creating green jobs in each state.

This website provides a portal for official user platforms, state applications, and materials for participants in RGGI, as well as current information about the status of RGGI auctions and state rules.



In April 2010 - The Washington Examiner Posted this piece

Barbara Hollingsworth: Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange


APRIL 20, 2010


"green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential
carbon credits.

Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress. Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time,pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable."

It wasn't about mortgages. It was about greenbacks. The patent, which Fannie Mae confirmed it still owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary CO2e.com, gives the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation.

Besides Raines, the other "inventors" are:

* Former Fannie Vice President and Deputy General Counsel G. Scott Lesmes, who provided legal advice on Fannie Mae's debt and equity offerings;

* Former Fannie Vice President Robert Sahadi, who now runs GreenSpace Investment Financial Services out of his 5,002-square-foot Clarksburg home;

* 2008 Barack Obama fundraiser Kenneth Berlin, an environmental law partner at Skadden Arps;

* Michelle Desiderio, director of the National Green Building Certification program, which trains "green" monitors;

* Former Cantor Fitzgerald employee Elizabeth Arner Cavey, wife of Democratic donor Brian Cavey of the Stanton Park Group, which received $200,000 last year to lobby on climate change legislation; and

* Jane Bartels, widow of former CO2e.com CEO Carlton Bartels. Three weeks before Carlton Bartels was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, he filed for another patent on the software used in 2003 to set up the
Chicago Climate Exchange.

The patent, which covers both the "cap" and "trade" parts of Obama's top domestic energy initiation, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for hard-to-quantify residential carbon reduction efforts (such as solar panels and high-efficiency appliances) to companies and utilities that don't meet emission reduction targets. Depending on where the Environmental Protection Agency sets arbitrary CO2 standards, that could be every company in America.

The patent summary describes how carbon "and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded -- just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were.

"Fannie Mae earns no money on this patent," communications director Amy Bonitatibus told the Washington Examiner. "We can't conjecture as to the cap-and-trade legislation."

But passage of the legislation would create an artificial, government-mandated, trillion-dollar carbon trading market that would drive up the price of energy, indirectly making housing more expensive.

If the proprietary emissions trading system functions like other exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, which makes most of its revenue on listing and trading fees, its owners could see extremely generous profits, especially with a patent that keeps out competition for two decades.

So Fannie Mae, a quasi-governmental entity whose congressionally mandated mission is to make housing more affordable, has been a behind-the-scenes participant in a carbon trading scheme that would do just the opposite.

In January, Europol announced that up to 90 percent of the volume in the European Union's own carbon-trading market was fraudulent, costing EU members $5 billion during the previous 18 months. That would be just the tip of the iceberg if the Congress were to make a similar mistake.

But if it does, thanks to Raines and his fellow "inventors," Fannie Mae will be laughing all the way to the (bailed-out) bank.

Barbara F. Hollingsworth is the Examiner's local opinion editor.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Fannie-Mae-owns-p...


The Case (Court Case) Against RGGI - http://www.endangeredlaws.org/case_RGGI.htm

The 10 States are listed as: CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT


Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is the first mandatory U.S. cap-and-trade program for carbon dioxide. It was established in December 2005 by the governors of seven Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and
Vermont. RGGI sets a cap on emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants, and allows sources to trade emissions allowances. The program will begin by capping emissions at current levels in 2009, and then reducing emissions 10% by 2018. Massachusetts and Rhode Island both joined RGGI in early 2007, and Maryland joined in April 2007.


March 18, 2009: RGGI member states conduct third allowance auction.

December 31, 2008: RGGI member states and RGGI observer Pennsylvania sign a Letter of Intent to develop a Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

December 17, 2008: RGGI member states conduct second allowance auction.

September 25, 2008: RGGI member states conduct initial allowance auction.

July 24, 2008: RGGI releases materials for initial allowance auction.

April 20, 2007: Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland commits his state to join RGGI, bringing the total number of participating states to ten.

January 30, 2007: Governor Donald Carcieri announces that Rhode Island will join RGGI.

January 18, 2007: Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts commits his state to join RGGI, making Massachusetts the eighth member state.

August 15, 2006: The seven Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) release the final model rule for the program. The model rule provides a set of regulations for the structure and function of RGGI. Each state that intends to participate
in RGGI must adopt this rule through legislation or regulation.

March 23, 2006: The seven RGGI states release the draft model rule, which, once finalized, will form the basis of state regulations to implement RGGI. The public is invited to comment on the draft model rule
for 60 days, until May 22, 2006.

December 20, 2005: The governors of seven Northeastern states announce the creation of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The governors of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont sign a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to implement the first mandatory U.S. cap-and-trade program for carbon dioxide. RGGI sets a cap on
emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants, and allows sources to trade emissions allowances. The program will begin by capping emissions at current levels in 2009, and then reducing emissions 10% by 2019.

Related Materials

Allowance distribution summary chart
Latest RGGI auction information

Governors' Statements

    * Governor M. Jodi Rell (R), Connecticut
    * Governor Ruth Ann Minner (D), Delaware
    * Governor John Elias Baldacci (D), Maine
    * Governor Martin O'Malley (D), Maryland
    * Governor Deval Patrick (D), Massachusetts
    * Governor John Lynch (D), New Hampshire
    * Acting Governor Richard J. Codey (D), New Jersey
    * Governor George E. Pataki (R), New York
    * Governor Donald Carcieri (R), Rhode Island
    * Governor James H. Douglas (R), Vermont

State Statutes and Rules for Implementation

    * Connecticut: Public Act No. 07-242, "An Act Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency"; 22a-174-31, "Control of Carbon Dioxde Emissions/Carbon Dioxide Budget Trading Program"

    * Delaware: SB 263, "An Act to Amend Title 7 of the Delaware Code Relating to a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and CO2 Emission Trading Program." Proposed Regulation No. 1147, "CO2 Budget Trading Program"

    * Maine: LD 1851, "An Act to Establish the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act of 2007"; Chapter 156, "CO2 Budget Trading Program"

    * Maryland: Subtitle 26.09, Maryland CO2 Budget Trading Program (draft as of October 2007)

    * Massachusetts:  SB 2768, "The Green Communities Act of 2008"; 310 CMR 7.70, "Massachusetts CO2 Budget Trading Program"; 225 CMR 13.00, "DOER CO2 Budget Trading Program Auction Regulation"

    * New Hampshire: HB 1434, "An Act Relative to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and Authorizing Cap-and-Trade Programs for Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions"

    * New Jersey: A4559, "The New Jersey Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act"; Proposed Regulation, "CO2 Budget Trading Program"

    * New York: Draft Part 242, "CO2 Budget Trading Program"

    * Rhode Island: H5577, "An Act Relating to Health and Safety - Implementation of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act"

    * Vermont: Title 30, Chapter 5, §255, "Regional Coordination to Reduce Greenhouse Gases"; Chapter 22, "Vermont CO2 Budget Trading Program"

Supporting Statements

On the September 2008 RGGI Auction
Statement from Eileen Claussen on September 2008 RGGI Auction

Judi Greenwald discusses the significance of the RGGI's first auction of emissions allowances on NPR's The Kojo Nnamdi Show. (September 24, 2008)

Additional statements:

    * Pew Center on Global Climate Change Eileen Claussen (pdf)
      Theodore Roosevelt, IV (pdf)
    * Entergy (pdf)
    * BP (pdf)

Find out what's being done in other states to combat climate change.

October 13, 2010 Post by Suzanne Indy Pak on Song of Truth.org




    * Posted by Lock Piatt on October 12, 2010 at 7:58am in Communication Strategy
    * Send Message   View Discussions



    * Auction 10      December 01, 2010
    * Auction 11      March 09, 2011
    * Auction 12      June 08, 2011
    * Auctions RSS Feed

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is the first mandatory, market-based effort in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ten Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states have capped and will reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector 10% by 2018.

States sell nearly all emission allowances through auctions and invest proceeds in consumer benefits: energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other clean energy technologies. RGGI is spurring innovation in the clean energy economy and creating green jobs in each state.

This website provides a portal for official user platforms, state applications, and materials for participants in RGGI, as well as current information about the status of RGGI auctions and state rules.


Media Room
Key Documents
Auction Materials

RGGI Inc. is a nonprofit corporation created to provide technical and administrative services to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative CO2 budget trading programs of Connecticut,
Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

My October 13, 2010 Post

Shell Game of Shell Games Cap & Trade is spreading across the country!

Glad to see that the Cap & Trade topic is getting some traction somewhere since my posts across resistnet and many of these conservative based boards began in late September:


Here is more information and it is getting bigger and bigger with each spoonful of Information that I uncover and some fine members here have passed along to me! So with great sadness I now add another state to this pig --- FLORIDA which is joining the operating list of Cap & Tax (I mean Trade) Shell Game States that are currently involved in some sort of a Climate Change Shell Game antics!





Here is the guy in Florida "Charlie Crist" that seems so proud that he has been instrumental in signing this pig into legislation:


2012 Cap & Trade comes on line for both of the following:

Western Climate Initiative:

California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Mountana, Washington, Nebraska now for the surprise - CANADA - British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec

Neveda, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Alaska plus Saskatchewan and Yukon watching to see if they want to be part of this PIG


Mid West Green House Gas Reduction Accord:

Partners: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Observers Indiana, Ohio, and South Dakota.



OK people as I said in my first post WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS? This shell game has been being pushed in an end sweep to avoid all of the front page headlines on Capitol Hill pushing the initiatives into the corners a smaller piece at a time as the Public SLEEPS!

Stand Up, Unite and stop this CRAP NOW so pass this information on to everyone you know as soon as you can!

Since learning of this shell game, I am now of the opinion that this is the key element to the One World Order that the progressives and the United Nations are now on the cusp of accomplishing.  The everyday citizen has NO CLUE that any of this has already been implemented and I take my hat off to Americans For Prosperity for somehow picking the phone up and cold calling me on September 3, 2010 for their phone town hall meeting which started to open my eyes, which again caught me asleep at the switch.  I take personal responsibility for ignoring everything that has been going on from the street sweeper to the School Board to the County Legislatures to the State Governments that these elitists have slipped well behind the neighborhood lines right through our back doors!  This Global Octopus has so many tentacles into everything now and there are so many politicians involved from the local to national level I am now worried on just what we can do to accomplish this goal of stopping this UN initiative.  Couple that with Ms Clinton's UN Gun Ban and well we are in deep do do!

Feel free to pass this information along to those that need to know about it ... We All Need To Know!

I have to admit this is probably very dangerous territory to be talking about with the amount of money at stake, the principles currently being in play and the Greed and power issues that drive this, so should I vanish somebody turn out the light!

Don Holton

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


  • This Must be Stopped!
  • I think you're right here, Shamrock; the rest of the bills/ laws/ executive orders, and appointments ALL go away automatically when we prove Obama has NO RIGHT to be making them! That is the crux to this whole mess; get HIM out of the way, and then we can clean up the rest of the mess, including the Bilderberger criminals in our midst! There has to be SOME way of forcing this issue out into the open, and making ALL the people SEE the truth, and put a stop to that illegal invader who's usurped our White House! And I suspect all those "lapdogs"in Congress would run back off to their dark, safe corners without that to protect them as well, where we could deal with them according to the laws established for doing that.
  • Twana,

    Once we take back the House on Election Day, we can work on this issue knowing we have the full backing of our Majority Congress. Keep the faith. We are 9 days to victory!
This reply was deleted.


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