Carl Swensson - Success - Presentments filed in D.C.!!!What we're doing is entirely in accordance with citizens' rights enshrined in the Constitution and it is intended to clarify to all that the Constitution is the inviolable, sacrosanct and supreme law of the land -- from which each and every federal office-holder including the president, without exception, derives authority and legitimacy. If ANY federal office-holder denies the supremacy of the Constitution -- he destroys the legitimacy of his own authority !7/2/09 - Gerry in The Regulators will not take no for an answer...Called the SS and the Pentagon on Friday and both said there was POSITIVELY NO WAY they would accept our Presentment. I went to the White House and called those same people, telling them I was there, and they said NO WAY we're going to accept our Presentment. Found some SS police outside the White House lawn and told them who we were and they said No Way will we accept those documents. Kept calling and talking to more SS agents and after about 2.5 hrs I started drawing a crowd of SS agents. First two, then four, then seven and some actually took (to read) the documents. At that point two suits showed up from the main SS office in Washington and began to grill us with questions saying they get a lot of crazies and want to make sure we are not a threat to the Pres.Both Mack and I answered all their questions and began asking some of our own. All the while they stated they could not take the documents but during the talk with these agents one of them DID take our Presentments and when all was said and done they agreed to get them to their superiors. Persistence pays off! Got the same story from the FBI but they accepted them, the Clerk of the D.C. District Court, he accepted them and the Pentagon where Mack and I had 8 Pentagon Police surrounding us and THEY accepted the Docs.Don't tell me it can't be done, we did it and now it's up to you to finish the job by calling, faxing and sending letters to all of the people we filed our Presentment to. You will find the complete list(well, there may be a few more) on my site.Three of us and one Media person showed up for this..,Mack EllisDr. Penny KelsoChalice Jackson ( SwenssonNow what are you willing to do to help the cause?more.....They now move up the chain and this is why we need everyone to follow up and force them to respond.Representatives and Senators and even the Chief Magistrate are easier to track but the SS and the Pentagon will be a little more difficult. That is why I'm asking that people file a Freedom Of Information request to the Pentagon and the Secret Service. This will force them to disclose receipt. Once they've responded to that we hammer them with requests to take action. Folks, I can do a lot but I can't do everything so I ask for your assistance as it will ultimately be a numbers game. The more people that respond, the better our chances.Carl Swenssonhttp://www.riseupforamerica.comWe’re taking the battle to THEM!!!13 Total Grand Jurieshave returned Presentments

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