This is why it is so important we elected in 2016 Non-Politicians and drop the political party dog collars. They have done absolutely nothing for the American Conservatives that worked to give congress a Republican control and they vote like Communist Democrats.

Also doing your research which is what I do and am doing on all the candidates. I chose Carly first in depth because so many women are talking about her and I see a format of "she is a woman, I am a woman, so I am going to put a woman un the White House i.e., Hillary Clinton's support.8142490895?profile=original

1. It seems Carly Fiorina is not who she portrays herself to be. Inquiring minds should be asking Carly to describe her long-term relationship with Dr. Khalid al-Mansour—aka Don Warden, Black Panther puppet master, Saudi Royal front-man and Obama education financier. Fiorina sits on the Board of the African Leadership Academy with al-Mansour (JB Williams, NALC, June 1, 2010)

2. Carly Fiorina (Cara Carleton Sneed)  is sitting on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, which has observer status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. (2004 World Economic Forum, January 2004, Davos, Switzerland) . Congressional support for global governance will not wane on Carly’s watch. Agenda 21 and “sustainable development” are the new buzz words for “global socialism” through global governance and Carly sits on the Foundation Board of the mother ship. (JB Williams, NALC June 1, 2010) 

(Fiorina believes Global warming is a problem, and it will be private industry, innovation, and invention that solves the problem.)

3. This is part of a speech Carly gave in 2001 at the PROGRESSIVE & Freedom Foundation Summit in Aspen, CO stating she uses the Hegelian Dialect every day. At this Summit she “hailed” the philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s dialectic process, elaborating re: her devotion to the idea of the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool for decision making.She suggested the synthesis of the status of schools to be “charter schools.”

"If we want to educate our children let us make sure that every parent has a choice and a chance to educate their children ".

"Let me tackle just one dimension of the debate: The private versus public school debate — free access for all versus a free-market voucher-driven system. The thesis on the table is: Keep the system the way it is — a vast system of public schools, some with strong performance, but many that are able to achieve only the lowest common denominator. The antithesis: Let competition reign, give all students vouchers, and let the strongest schools prosper — and the weakest ones perish.

If we could invoke (19th century German philosopher) Hegel, he’d help us find a synthesis: Perhaps a view that decisively bolsters the public schools system we have, but at the same time fosters more innovation and leadership through charter public schools. And to further fuel innovation, he might suggest a voucher program for the areas, or neighborhoods, or student populations most in need. In this case, the synthesis we hope, would be far more than just a compromise — it allows us to build on the best of what we have, but instills new responsibility and accountability to the system as well".

"It is in that same way that we might find synthesis of the debate between the thesis that says the primary purpose of education is to teach the fundamentals: reading, writing, job skills, technological literacy. And the antithesis: Schools are about providing food for the soul — the literature, arts, music, language education that emphasizes seeing connections and gaining perspective. The fact is: We must have leaders who are both technically skilled and holistic in their approach, fiercely analytical and humanistic, smart business people and passionate advocates of corporate citizenship. Our challenge as policymakers is to dispel the myth of “either/or” — and find an elegant way to get to “and.” READ MORE  (Mary Thompson, October 10, 2013 News With

4. Fiorina obviously supports Charter schools and Vouchers by the words from her very own mouth - another trainwreck to our children's futures.

5. Her biggest achievement was becoming the first woman to run Hewlett-Packard, and is widely regarded as a disaster being referred to as 'Fiorina's Folly' by many. Fiorina was fired three years after the merger with Compaq because she was better at selling an idea than running a really big company.

Fiorina was HP's CEO from 1999 to 2005, following Lewis Platt. Prior to that, she was a rising star at telecom equipment maker Lucent, where she led corporate operations when Lucent spun off from AT&T and then rose to become a top president there.

Buying Compaq over the strong objections of some board members has been called a move that was not in her best interest. Fiorina is probably best known for leading HP into a very bitter and public board-level fight over the acquisition of Compaq. She wanted to buy the big PC rival and turn HP into the biggest PC maker. A faction of the board, led by Walter Hewlett (son of internally revered company co-founder William Hewlett), opposed the buy and launched a proxy fight.

Hewlett's point was simple: Just maybe it's a really bad idea to double down on a low-margin business like PCs. Fiorina won the proxy fight, and HP bought Compaq for about $19 billion in 2002. 

But the integration of Compaq into HP was never smooth. Key Compaq executives reporting to Fiorina left or were ousted. And Fiorina angered many employees with a massive layoffs right after the acquisition, cutting 15,000 HP jobs, making the workers who lost their jobs train their overseas replacements. (Sounds like Disney - I guess that is the corporate way these days) During her tenure, HP's stock lost more than half its value. 

6. Depending on where you find a statement regarding educaton one time Fiorina was totally in favor of NCLB and in another article states she never approved of it. As some of the other candidates running for president have done, she is trying to distance herself from anything she has ever said about NCLB, Race To The Top or Common Core. Not that easy Ms. Fiorina - During Obama's Race To The Top financial state's trap her campaign noted the administration was "
putting into place some critically important accountability measures” and “helping improve our education system”.  Under this heading, she also praised the affiliated “internationally benchmarked standards and assessments” as well as “robust data systems” which have now come under heavy criticism for infringement on student privacy.

Alyson Klein of EducationWeek from an interview noted that Fiorina had thought “No Child Left Behind helped us set a high bar for our students…”  

Jan, 2015  “I don't think Common Core is a good idea. I don't support it.” January, 2015   And more.  Now she states she is against the federal intrusion in education (which has been in place for years). Listening to her explanations, it looks like she is either not very well informed on education given Californai is now in full educational crisis setting the trned for America or she is just another politician who goes with the tides of change when convenient.

7. May, 2015 , Fiorina and five other Republican presidential candidates—Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee,  Bobby Jindal, and Rick Perry—had a private audition in front of the country's most influential conservatives at the Council for National Policy event — a secretive nonprofit group populated by hundreds of right-wing activists and donors. Must be the CNP thinks these candidates will "play" the game.

8. Fiorina was an economic adviser to Republican John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. McCain also asked her to help with Palin - they ended up never meeting. Fiorina found out what can happen if you might make a "Washingotn gaffe". On a St. Louis radio show she stated Sara Palin was not qualified to even run HP let alone be VP, but then neither were Obama or McCain. She was removed as the campaign surrogate.

9. Staunchly anti-abortion

10. She was named vice chairwoman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2011

11. Until January 2015 Fiorina had not repaid the roughly $500,000 in remaining debt from her previous Senate run. Before then, she had repaid less than $50,000 total since the campaign ended, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Party insiders have criticized her for taking more than four years to repay the funds, and some pointed out that she did so only after increasing her media exposure in advance of a potential presidential run.

12. Fiorina and her husband, Frank, bought a $6.1 million house in northern Virginia before paying off her debt. An un-named fellow politician stated, “For someone who is as wealthy as she is to still have debt, it’s outrageous.”  Carly backed up her reasons for not having made the payments sooner to Hillary Clinton having taken 4 years to pay back 6 Million.

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  • Dianna.... Thank you for this information on Fiorina.... Much of this information I'm hearing for the first time. It's an eye opener!
  • We are quickly running out of choices..That is what they want folks..They want to confuse and dismay the electorate to the point of throwing our hands up in the air in disgust...But one thing is for sure JEB BUSH is a NWO TRAITOR to America..

  • I am doing ALL the candidates and am currently bringing my Jeb Bush info up to date. One thing I know for sure - the Bush Dynasty are corrupt, Communist's and we certainly do not need a third in D.C. to further their movement. Jeb Bush is such a crook that I cannot even stand to look at him. For me - he is no better than Obama.

    • Diane. I want to thank you for all your hard work and time in researching these candidates. Since your post on Fiorina I find myself eagerly awaiting your posts!! Thanks again...
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