The Patriots News

Source: Paul E. Vallely - (2/18/11)


We have now raised the threat level of Mexico and the Southern Border. The threat from our Southern Border is greater now than the Afghanistan/Pakistan conflict. The inactions by our government are treasonous. Our leadership in Washington, DC continues on a rudderless course when it comes to National Security. We need leaders that understand current threats and vulnerabilities and place them in charge immediately.


It is now time to enforce the rule-of-law and the protection of Americans and our country. No more excuses…no more delays…no more politics., no more kowtowing to special interest groups, or claims by open-border believers and. The fact is, the Citizens of the USA are in daily danger and are being killed because the border and interior states of Mexico are controlled by thugs savvy drug cartel leaders and terrorists. Once again, the entire area is festooned with upheaval, violence, and lawlessness as it was in 1846. The states in Mexico; Baja California Norte,  Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey and Tamaulipas are under rogue control, and the Mexican Police and Army cannot control them. Therefore, it is in the national interest of the United States to restore order because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.


If our Federal Government will not execute an operational plan to secure our southern borders then the States and all Americans must demand it. However, let me provide an executable plan of operations for the Federal Government to undertake with resolve and commitment to protect and secure the American people.


The problems on and across our southern borders of California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas are in the news every day. You would have to live in a perpetual cave not to know the situation. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs (is there not a war on drugs???), smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders. Now if I were the Commander-in-Chief, I would be on a war-footing and I would have my military commanders planning and executing a strategy that will defeat swiftly and decisively these cancerous enemies and bring the border under control.


The plan is basic and advanced unconventional/conventional war planning. This combines the best use of our Forces that will encompass intelligence, targeting, structural organization of our forces to accomplish the mission, base operations, offensive and defensive operations. First, organize three (3) Border Task Force Groups (BTFGs) and position them in three operational bases, one in Texas, one to be in Arizona and one in Southern California. We have existing bases in those states that can be utilized. There is no requirement to create any new bases. I will not name these existing bases because of operational security but Department of Defense can easily figure this out! The BTFGs will be organized based on joint task forces of Special Ops, Army, Air Force and Navy. Selected units and personal will be relocated and moved to these designated bases. I would also declare with Mexico, a 20 mile “No Go” zone on the Mexican side of the border. Any group or persons occupying this zone engaging in criminal or illegal activities against Mexico or the United States will be engaged and shot on site.


There will be approximately 5,000 warriors assigned to each BTFG. The organization will be commanded by a Two Star “Warrior” and each of the three BTFGs will be commanded by a Brigadier General. The mission for the Command will be to target and conduct offensive and defensive operations on the Mexican side of the border.  National Guard, Border Patrol, DEA, and local sheriffs units will conduct border security operations on the United States side of the border. This initiative does not violate any existing Posse Comitatus laws and is supported by many active and retires border Sheriffs and Border Patrol Agents.


The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (today the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement,/a>, police, or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States. The statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the National Guard under federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Coast Guard is exempt from the Act.

The National Guard is and will be the asset of the State Governors to be used as required to augment the Active Force BTFGs operations on the US side of the border. Remove Homeland Security Department from this action completely.  Maximum use must be made of our Special Operators, Delta Force, Special Forces, Seals, AF Special Ops, Rangers, Marine Recon and Special Ops Air Assets and augmented by Active Force regular Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.


The concerns and anxiety of Americans, particularly in the Border States have grown significantly in the past year. Governor Jan Brewer has had to take extraordinary legislative action to help rectify the situation and we applaud her and others in Arizona for their initiative and courage. Changes in law enforcement operations have forced smugglers of drugs and illegal aliens into ever more isolated areas, increasing the number of deaths and the level of violence to a point where even the most hardened enforcement officials are alarmed.


The political ferment over illegals has never been greater. 78 percent of Americans think and know that the government is not doing enough to control our borders; talk shows bristle with demands for action. Additionally, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Global jihad are major threast as they eye the southern border as a path of least resistance to strike inside the United States. Do not overlook the union of Chavez of Venezuela and Ahmadinejad of Iran and their intentions.


America…We must act NOW for the welfare and security of our precious nation.


Paul E. Vallely (MG, US Army Ret)  - Chairman Stand Up America

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  • 1. If you live in a "Border State, arm your self and be ready to shoot and shoot to kill.

    2. Stock up on ammunition, freeze dried foods, and batteries for radios and other devices you will need.

    3. Be ready to move to safer areas if the need comes up.

    4 The government is not your friend, it is now the ENEMY. Treat all federal personnel as if they are Quislings, be polite to them, but give them absolutely no information.

    We are at WAR with MEXICO, their government is just as corrupt as this one, remember that any one illegally crossing is an enemy, so act accordingly.

  • Article IV Section 4 of the US Constitution states:


    The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;





    • This is not a duty of Congress; but of the Executive Branch, meaning THIS is Obama's DIRECT dereliction of his assigned duty!  He alone gets the responsibility for this failure.  Congress has already long since placed the laws in position, and it's not their job to enforce {execute} them, but that of the President; that is one of his FEW enumerated DUTIES to the nation!  It's the FAILURE to execute the laws in existence, some going back to 1952 which would have prevented, and still could solve, our problems insofar as the invaders is concerned.  But NOT while Obama, DOJ and DHS continue to keep ICE from doing most of their job, and fail to do the ones assigned them.  DHS isn't even a Constitutional agency, and should be abolished as a total waste of taxpayer monies anyway, but DOJ and POTUS are entirely failing in their duties to the citizens of this nation.
  • When Maj.Gen. Vallely speaks, I listen!  Residing in a border state, I know we are facing a fast growing threat of terrible danger.  Our Governor, Jan Brewer, has courageously done what she can, but with a Marxist as Commander-in-Chief, the battle is uphill all of the way.  

    For one thing, for a number of years the concept of the North American Union, which would erase our borders with both Mexico and Canada, has been thrust upon us as part of the globalist agenda to unite the three countries into some sort of  collective government.  Of course, this suits Obama perfectly;  so as long as he reigns, we can expect only opposition to any efforts to effectively secure the borders.  That is why Homeland Security has been a joke when it comes to real, meaningful action.   

     By the grace and help of Almighty God, if we can rid ourselves of this scourge,  Gen. Vallely would make a great Secretary of Defense!   As it stands now, any effort by the feds to secure our borders will be only tepid and half-hearted, at best.

    • Amen Caroline, I have thought that for a long time.


    • I live in a sanctuary city which is maybe 2 to 3 days hard driving from the Mexican border. We have had Hamas to be sniffed out here. We have the MS-13 gang here too. I do NOT like the NAU idea because I do NOT want to give up our nations soventry what so ever. To me that is what makes us uniquely us. Look at the EU that the NAU would be a copy of. There are countries now who are wanting OUT of it now. It didn't work there and it WONT work here.
      • Oh, I couldn't agree more, msamerican patriot!  This NAU concept needs to be repudiated and eradicated, imo.  If the NAU ever becomes a reality, we will have lost our sovereignty completely, and that fits right into the marxists' plans.

         Knowing how Obama thinks and how he wants the NAU (regardless of what his lying lips might say), helps explain why he is so resistant to protecting our borders.  In his mind, there won't be any protection needed if we have the NAU.  There will be just one "big, happy family." This needs to be resisted with all of our being!

      • That's because the Club of Rome refuses to learn history, and see it as it really is, not their utopian dreams of what it is.  They are behind the one world order drive and have been for decades; some of them even centuries, notably the banksters.  They've been signing treaties and pacts behind the backs of the American people and sometimes even the Congress, since the late '50's, and that's why no President since Ike has ejected the illegal invaders or secured our border against further incursion.  I live in AZ about 7 hours drive north of the border, and about 3 north of the "occupied zone" where the signs were posted last spring.
  • Is there any politician other than the new Congressman Col. Allan West of Florida who would recognize the soundness of Gen. Vallely's plan?  Unless and until we get someone in Washington to mobilize forces to implement his plan it will definitely be up to us.
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