Before you become angry at the Chief Justice, please visit this site to read what he actually said. This is a link to ~ You will be amazed.

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  • Joyce, I do believe you are VERY RIGHT about Justice Roberts. I do believe that once the reality of the written word on Robert's decision finally imprints on the Progressive's mind, I think they will be "Pissed Off".   At least lets hope so....PAY BACK TO THE DEMORATS.

  • Joyce, THANK you for being on TOP of this. It is Critical.

    Here's a copy of an email I sent out at about 2:00 pm thursday, today.

    Chief Justice Roberts did us a favor:

    Some of you out here are going to say this view is kooky and stupid;\
    BUT, It MAY just be possible that in voting to allow Obamacare to stand as "constitutional" but only as a "TAX" rather than a penalty, (the mandate to buy insurance). Chief Justice Roberts MAY have just handed the Republicans a laser beam with which to aim and fire on this november elections.
    Accouding to the Supreme Court the mandate penalty is a "TAX".
    Focus on that phrase and that word. It's a "TAX".
    Obama said he would not raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000 per year, but under this direction of the mandate being a TAX he just raised everyone's taxes by at least $2,450 per year, and there are no deductions or exemptions allowed.
    You either buy insurance or you pay the "TAX" penalty. And if you don't pay that "TAX" then the IRS has the power and mandate to take it any way they can get it.
    I wonder how that big fat black woman that said "Obama is going to pay my mortgage", Obama gona buy me new kichun", Boma gonna pay my gas"
    I wonder how she (they) are going to feel about Obama just raised my TAXES by $2,450, especially when she (they) don't pay ANY taxes at all right now.
    Wait until she (they) figure out their "aint no way outa this one". She's gonna pay that "TAX" one way or another.
    IF Justice Roberts had voted to declare the penalty unconstitutional, (as a mandate), that would have only started another round of court and media battles.
    But by holding this Obamacare mess as a "TAX" he just handed Repbulicans (and Conservatives) a standing target and a laser beam to aim at it.
    The Republicans and Conservatives just need to take advantage of the ruling. DRIVE that "TAX" definition home for all it's worth.


  • Thank you Joyce, and Thank you Judge Roberts.

    To Obama; - Pay back really is going to be a bitch. hope you enjoy it now you MF.


    • I call this "poetic justice defined." And, the other funny part of this is that I don't think the other Justices realize yet how they've been "played."

      Can't wait to see how Congress is going to be able to raise taxes enough to fund nobamacare...
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