Christopher Cotes Testimony
US Commission on Civil Rights

Sept. 24, 2010

Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice

Letters to Rep. Ander Crenshaw (R- Florida); Julie Fernandez, of the Dept. of Justice

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez: ‘Never Bring Lawsuits Against Blacks

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  • I agree that this administration is a "Racist" to the max group. We need impeach Scumbama and his racist butt buddy Eric Holder, along with his Czars and Islamic turds in the government.
    • I'm with you, Wiccanwolf... we have a thugocracy in DC with the scruples of a jack rabbit! Well..... a jack rabbit may be a little higher on the eco-chain!
  • When will this group of thugs be physically arrested for treason????
    • Arrested and hung for treason.
  • not soon enough!
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