This updated info was sent to me to re-share here, build on it, anyway you would like. On Tuesday, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton issued a set of proposals to reform our nation’s campaign finance system which included a call for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizen United ruling and related rulings and to allow for overall spending limits in our elections.  This marks a significant shift from Clinton’s prior statement on April 14, 2015, in which she qualified this call by saying: “We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all – even if it takes a constitutional amendment.”  In subsequent statements, she has reiterated this call for an amendment, if necessary.  This shift in Clinton’s campaign platform demonstrates the growing power of the movement for a 28th Amendment to reclaim our democracy.

By John Bonifaz September 17, 2015, 09:30 am

8142504075?profile=original  The Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC more than five years ago swept away longstanding precedent barring corporate money in our elections and led to today’s explosion of outside spending in our political process.  The ruling also sparked a new movement for a constitutional amendment to end the big money dominance of our elections and to restore democracy to ‘we the people.’  Since the ruling, sixteen states and more than 650 cities and towns across the country have issued the call for this amendment with broad support from Americans across the political spectrum.  This support includes 75 percent of the voters in Montana and Colorado, the two states thus far to have passed ballot initiatives calling for an amendment, and it includes more than 130 Republican officials throughout the nation.  Clinton now joins presidential candidates Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) who have each called for an amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision.

The American People, Democrats as we'll as Republican do not trust Hillary Clinton, and this time there will  not be another hidden Convention to alter the Constitution in this 28th Amendment, by them ?  Hillary Clinton's Proposed 28th Amendment To Restore the Democracy ?

Secret GAO Reports Exposed: The Government Accountability Office this week quietly published a list of titles of its restricted reports that have not been publicly released because they contain classified information or controlled unclassified information.  A new link to “Restricted Products” appears at the bottom of the GAO homepage (under Reports & Testimonies).

The 28th Amendment- Article V Project To Restore Liberty (Advisory) Secret GAO Reports

Boycotting Hillary Clinton's 28th Amendment

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